VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1740: : Launch a counterattack

Breaking the waves and riding the wind wanted to launch a counterattack earlier and then kill them, but Samadhi persuaded her to add up the attack power first, and during this period they would have to deploy troops. This would undoubtedly take some time, and Ye Luo and the others Adding up the attack power in advance and then launching a sneak attack will undoubtedly be more efficient.

She curled her lips, but Po Lang Chengfeng also knew that the samādhi poem was true, so she didn't say much, preparing to transmit to YD's active area through the [Transport Pearl] as soon as possible after entering the Fallen Demon Realm, and then attack in the shortest time. The forces add up.

"Then we will act according to the plan." Dongfang Star said, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Handsome Ye Luo, please send your eldest brother to the YD activity area. This will save some time."

Eastern Killing Sky can also kill people to increase attack power, but he does not have the [Transport Pearl] such equipment and props that can be used for teleportation, so it will waste a lot of time to reach the YD activity area, after all, just rushing will also cost a lot Time, let alone murder.

However, Ye Luo has a [Space Portal]. The CD time of this skill is only 3 minutes, so it doesn't need to be used. You can directly teleport the East to Kill Heaven.

Ye Luo is not a stingy, caressing person in front of major events, he nodded, expressing his understanding.

In the dark night they will leave the Fallen Demon Realm in a few minutes, Ye Luo and the others entered the Fallen Demon Realm, and then they did not say much, they acted separately, and Ye Luo and the others also moved the East after they were teleported to YD’s activity area to confirm safety. Killing the sky teleported over, and then they hunted down YD players as quickly as possible to increase their attack power.

As for the Samadhi, Firework Yi Leng, etc., they began to dispatch troops to the direction of the fortress owned by RB. As planned, they started with them first, but it took some time to reach the destination. After all, Tokyo Shinhwa and others have captured all the Z fortresses in their respective areas of activity, just to delay time.

"We lost 3 or 40 small fortresses and 5 or 6 medium fortresses in one night, accounting for 40% of our own fortresses. It can be described as a heavy loss." After counting the losses, we sat on the piano and said in a deep voice. A fortress also means that many players from Country Z will be beheaded.

"Don't worry, we will double this hatred for them to return. Not surprisingly, they will no longer have a foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm in the future." Po Lang Chengfeng said while hunting the target, his voice cold, killing intent.

According to preliminary statistics, players in Country Z have lost 40% of their fortresses, and players have also lost millions. Among them, there are many elite players from the Ace Legion. This is also a big loss for Country Z. It is no wonder that after hearing this statistical result, the waves broke. Chengfeng would be so angry.

Of course, everyone was a little relieved that Dark Night did not take action on the large fortress, perhaps because they also knew that capturing the large fortress would waste a lot of time and would cause them to have greater casualties.

If the dark night and they really captured the large fortress, Yeluo and the others would take more time to **** it back, and there will be some casualties, so they were slightly relieved when they learned that the 6 large fortresses were intact and commanded Yeluo. In a tone, they are more confident in their actions this time.

"There are casualties in the game, and even victory or defeat is commonplace." Samadhi comforted, and then she laughed: "But from the other side, it can be seen that the strength of their coalition force is no more than that. Let them do it. Because we can only occupy these fortresses, and after we seize all the fortresses they occupy, it will be difficult for them to gather their forces. Even if they gather their forces, it is not easy to occupy our fortresses. It takes 10 hours. Occupy One did a good job, and this poses little threat to us."

That's right, Samadhi poetry also analyzed other things from casualties and losses, and these things can also verify their previous analysis.

"Yes, after today we will have a lot of fortresses, and they will lose all the fortresses, and then there will be no threat to us." Othello took the stubbornly: "And this can be regarded as revenge for our people. Of course, we can kill more people in the future, which will be more enjoyable."

I have to say that Othello is very familiar with breaking waves and riding the wind, and these remarks also make the waves riding the wind more energetic, and as time goes by, her attack power is getting higher and higher, and then hunting the target will be easier.

"Ye Luo, Feng Sister, Eastern Killing Sky, your task is to break into the fortress in the shortest time possible and destroy the heart of the city, and then assist the large forces to capture the fortress. After seeing the situation stabilized, you must sneak attack on the next target. Procrastination." Fireworks Yi Leng said in the team channel: "The coalition forces have occupied a lot of fortresses, and it is difficult for us elite players to capture all of them, so we must try our best to let the large forces play a role."

To capture a fortress occupied by players, you must clear all the players from other countries in it, and then wait another 10 minutes for the heart of the city to recover before it can be completely occupied. This will waste a lot of time for Ye Luo and the others, so the fireworks are easy to get cold. Generally ordered.

In fact, as long as Ye Luo and the others only need to destroy the heart of the city in the fort, then kill some players and then cooperate with the large forces to enter the fortress. The task of cleaning up the defeated soldiers can be given to the large forces, and this will save them. A lot of time.

"Yes, your mission is to destroy the heart of the city and cooperate with the large forces to enter the fortress. As long as the large forces enter the fortress and fight, there is almost no suspense." The voice of Bacchus Dukang sounded in the team channel, and he laughed strangely. A cry: "For this action, each of our gangs mobilized tens of millions of elite players into the Fallen Demon Realm. The soldiers were divided into three groups, each with millions of them. If it were not to minimize casualties, they could even Capture the small fortress alone."

As I said before, the number of players inside and outside the small fortress is limited, and the number of players in a country is also extremely limited. It is easy to capture the next small fortress with millions of troops.

"We built dozens of mobile magic crystal cannons and many siege equipment, focusing on one fortress to attack, coupled with our strong air power, it is possible to easily capture the fortress, not to mention you are destroying the heart of the city. At the same time, it can attract the attention of most enemies, and it can also kill a considerable part." Fengxing took the stubbornly.

They also know that this is the most efficient method, and they also know that this can capture as many as possible the fortresses occupied by the coalition countries, so they are very decisive and clear.

Ye Luo and the others launched an attack when the large group was still 3 or 4 minutes away from the target. Ye Luo locked onto the midnight book teleportation that had already reached the destination. After teleporting to the destination, he decisively used the [Space Portal 】, and then hundreds of people brazenly rushed to the fortress and carried out mass killings.

Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind took the lead. The two of them were immune to spells like two lions. They raised their swords and magic wands frequently. Pieces of high damage figures floated around them. They also killed them at a very fast speed. Into the city walls.

That’s right, although Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is also the commander of the army, but she doesn’t have the skills like [Space Portal]. The elite masters she leads are still on the way. In order not to waste time, she directly asks Ye Luo to send her. Come here, wait for the people she leads to arrive at the destination, and then directly transmit it, which is undoubtedly the most efficient.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others will be able to take the lead in attacking most of the RB's forces. Then the defensive power of the target they want to attack will be much weaker. Then they will easily take the fortress. A lot, and the more people she and Ye Luo kill here, the less pressure on the other two places.

Although the quality of RB players is also very high, how can they not be regarded as a rabble, but because the dark night and other dual professional masters and most of the ace army are absent, and they pay more attention to the defense of the medium fortress, the players who guard this small fortress are not Not many, they couldn't resist Ye Luo's attack at all, and they could easily enter the fortress and attack the heart of the city.

Fireworks is easy to be cold and smart. She divides the army of the country Z into four armies. One of the largest army is heading to a medium-sized fortress of RB. It is a posture to deal with it. This will undoubtedly attract many people. It's much easier to attack the city even if it's slamming.

Of course, after Yeluo and the others attacked, the players of the medium-sized fortress could also teleport, but it took time for them to teleport, and Yeluo and the others had already entered the fortress. At this time Yeluo and the others wished to teleport more people from other forts. Come here, so that the pressure to attack those fortresses will be much easier.

"Ye Luo, don't rush to destroy the heart of the city, let more people send over, because Sister Feng is here, you can deal with many people together." As the commander of Ye Luo's army, Samadhi Shi suggested, she Smiled: "The more people you kill here, the fewer players in other fortresses, and the less pressure on them."

If you think about it, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng joined forces, even if they hardened the defense equipment and the surrounding players’ attacks, there was no problem, because sitting on Qin Xin, Daughter Hong and other priests took turns to cast spell immunity on them. This allows them to attack unscrupulously.

Unscrupulously attacking the damage output of the two Ye Luo two can be perfected, not to mention the players who have just come out of the teleportation array will have a short pause, and using these time Ye Luo and their coverage attack can kill a large part of it in a second, even without giving The chance for them to attack.

Knowing this, Ye Luo and the others deliberately let City Heart retain some toughness, and then began to focus on attacking players from the teleportation array, covering group attack skills, plus June Feixue, Yanyu and other magicians to display group attack skills. , They killed most players in seconds, and this did not increase their pressure.

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