VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1743: : Colorful Kylin

After Ye Luo and others entered the Fallen Demon Territory, people from other countries knew that China’s revenge action was about to start. I thought that Japan, a big game country, could hold Ye Luo and the others’ footwork, but they didn’t want Ye Luo and the others to do it in less than an hour. All the fortresses occupied by Japan were captured, making them feel desperate, and even some people moved the idea of ​​abandoning the fortresses directly, after all, this can reduce losses as much as possible.

If it weren't for the Fallen Demon Territory, it's not a place to enter and leave at will, I am afraid that many people have already left.

That's right, the Fallen Demon Territory is quite peculiar. You can only enter once a day, not to mention. After entering it, as long as the time limit is not up or you are killed, you can't leave. There are many reasons why players from these countries did not leave.

Yeluo and the others were very efficient at attacking the city. Less than 40 minutes after they captured the fortresses occupied by Japan, they captured all the fortresses occupied by South Korea. After solving the two countries, Yeluo breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Dark Night The two men still threatened them.

Next, Yeluo’s goal is to have another space player in the United States, and the number of fortresses occupied by this country is quite large, even more than the first two countries. There are even three medium-sized fortresses, and this country After the possession of the fortress is also seized, the overall strength of the coalition forces is weakened by nearly half, and Ye Luo's pressure will be much easier.

"Uncle Ye Luo, your national war points should have been enough for 300,000 points, have you exchanged for flying mounts?!" On the way to the next target fortress, June Feixue asked quite expectantly. She said to herself: "It would be great if you could bring the mount to level 200 now. The speed of riding the Primordial God-level mount is much faster than it is now, and the efficiency will increase a lot."

Although Yeluo and others have teleportation skills, this skill has a CD time of 1 hour. Yeluo and their actions are quite fast. Often the teleportation skills are in the CD, so they can only pass through the fortress to the nearest place to the target. Then he rode a flying mount on the road, and if Ye Luo could ride a Primordial God-level mount, the flying speed would naturally be much faster than now.

Although the number of players that the mount can ride together is extremely limited, Ye Luo possesses the skill [Space Portal]. As long as he can reach the destination, he can teleport everyone to the city and start the siege. As a result, the efficiency of their actions is natural. Will greatly improve.

Of course, June Feixue also knows that this is impossible. After all, the high-level mounts just redeemed must be upgraded to level 200 before they can be ridden. Ye Luo does not have time to upgrade with flying mounts, but knows that Ye Luo has redeemed them. What kind of mount is also something she and the others are curious about, so she asked.

"It hasn't been exchanged yet. After all, even if you exchange it, you can't bring it to upgrade. I still wait until..." Ye Luo said, but he was interrupted by Breaking Waves and Riding Wind before he finished speaking.

"Although the mount needs to be upgraded to level 200 to be able to ride it, it is still okay to know in advance what the flying mount you have obtained. Anyway, you are on the way, you can exchange it." Po Lang Chengfeng urged, fearing that she wouldn't Knowing that when she said these, there was a faint taste of coquetry in her tone.

As soon as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind had finished talking, Othello, Zhiyue and other women also urged, and they were also curious about what flying mount Ye Luo would get.

Ye Luo did not disappoint the girls either. He spent 300,000 points in exchange for a flying mount, and then he had a colorful pet egg in his hand. The dazzling light attracted the attention of everyone around, and they all showed surprise. Curious look.

"Hey, colorful pet egg?!" Seeing the pet egg in Ye Luo's hand, June Feixue's voice increased a little, she was very excited: "I know this is a very unusual mount, hehe, maybe this In the Primordial God Level, they are all high-grade existences."

"Ye Luo, hurry up and show us what kind of mount this is." Othello urged, and when she said this, everyone had received an illustrated book:

[Colorful Kirin Pet Egg] (Prime God-level mount)

Item introduction: A pet egg condensed from the essence of the ancient animal colorful unicorn. After hatching, you can get a colorful unicorn, which can be used as a mount. This item has been bound to the player, Ye Luo Zhiqiu, and cannot be traded, cannot be destroyed, or lost. .

How to use: Drop blood to recognize the master.

"It turns out to be a colorful unicorn, and it's an ancient beast. This should be one level higher than the western dragon." Black and white chess said, and she urged again: "Ye Luo, hurry up and recognize the lord with a drop of blood, although the hatched colorful unicorn Can’t ride, but it’s comfortable to look at."

Not much to say, Ye Luo directly shed blood on the pet egg to recognize the owner, and at this time he heard a voice that surprised him:


System reminder (Ye Luo Zhiqiu): Congratulations Ye Luo Zhiqiu, your 【Colorful Kylin Pet Egg】has been advanced due to absorbing the power of reincarnation, becoming a holy mount.

Ye Luo informed Po Lang Chengfeng and others about the news, and this also surprised them. After all, it is only a Primordial God-level mount that is already very powerful, let alone a holy-level mount, and such a mount can be called China Even the number one in the world is not exaggerated, and will occupy the throne of the number one mount in the world for a long time.

"I didn't expect the power of reincarnation to have such an effect. This is really a surprise." Othello said in amazement: "Venerable Reincarnation is indeed very unusual. Even the blood is so powerful. It's a pity that you can't collect Ye Luo's blood. Refining the pill, otherwise it might be able to upgrade our mounts and pets, that's fine."

The words of Othello made Ye Luo dumbfounded, while Polang Chengfeng and others couldn’t help but laugh, and then the samādhi poem said: "Although there is no [Big Huan Dan] that makes this colorful unicorn directly rise to level 200 and increase its growth by 20%. Qualifications, but it’s already good to be able to directly raise the mount to a level. This effect should be much better than using [Big Huan Dan]."

Or at these times, everyone was attracted by the small colorful unicorn floating around Ye Luo. This is a collection of lions, giant dragons and other divine beasts and one divine beast. The most bizarre thing is that colorful clouds float under its feet wherever it goes. A faint sound like a dragon's roar and a lion's song made the surrounding dragons and phoenix tremble, and there was a posture of worshipping, and from this point, it could be seen that it was unusual.

The small colorful unicorn is only the size of a fist, with clouds under its feet, and colorful rays of light glowing all over its body. At this time, it does not have much majesty of ancient beasts. It is more cute. It is like a colorful jade lion like a pink jade, quite cute. It's no wonder that after seeing it, June Feixue and other women's clubs kept their eyes on it.

"Woo, it's so cute, I want a mount like this too." June Feixue muttered, and she looked at everyone: "You said now that I start to accumulate points, can I have a chance to exchange for a colorful unicorn, I am now There are already 30,000 points for national warfare."

Not only did June Feixue fall in love with the colorful unicorns, but so did other people such as June Feixue and Long Jieyu, but they also knew that it was almost impossible for them to collect 300,000 points for the national war. Things.

"I'm afraid it's impossible." Samadhi shook her head. At this time, she was one of the few women who could still remain calm in front of the Qicai Qilin.

"Why not?" said June Feixue, but she faintly knew why when she said this.

"Unsurprisingly, we will soon be able to drive other countries out of the Fallen Demon Territory and then dominate the Fallen Demon Territory, which means that there will be few players from other countries entering the Fallen Demon Territory in the future, so you want to earn 300,000 points is undoubtedly a foolish dream." The poem explained.

June Feixue has no doubt about this, because the pattern of the Fallen Demon Realm will be determined after today. If no player from other countries enters the Fallen Demon Realm, they will naturally not be able to kill and then gain capture points, and want to collect 300,000 points for the national war. The points are just like the samādhi poem said, some people talk about dreams.

"Although few other countries will enter the Fallen Demon Realm in the future, don’t forget that soon we will be able to break the border barriers, and then we can sneak into other countries to carry out sneak attacks. Killing those players can also earn national war points. It is not impossible to get 300,000 points for the national war." Po Lang Chengfeng retorted, obviously after seeing the colorful unicorn, she also liked it.

"At present, it seems that only in the Fallen Demon Realm can you use the country war points to exchange equipment and props. There is no outside. Without the exchange system, you can't exchange for Primordial God-level mounts." Samadhi said, her tone changed: " Of course, this does not rule out the fact that the national war has not started, and there may be an exchange system after the national war officially starts."

"So we still have a chance." Hearing that there is still a chance, June Feixue got excited, she chuckled, "Hehe, it's not impossible to kill hundreds of thousands of players in a national war with my strength. , I will be able to redeem the colorful unicorn at that time."

"Even if you make up 300,000 points for national warfare, you may not be able to redeem a colorful unicorn, because the mounts of the Primordial God level are random. Maybe you redeem other mounts. In short, the chance of a colorful unicorn is very small. ." Samadhi poem said, and then the tone changed: "And I don't want you to exchange for a colorful unicorn."

"Why, isn't the colorful unicorn powerful?" June Feixue asked again in doubt.

"The energy surrounding the colorful unicorn is the energy of the five elements and the energy of the dark and light elements. Not surprisingly, it is a mount containing seven attribute energy." Samadhi poem said, seeing June Feixue showing a look of shock but disappointment. , She continued: "That's right, in the entire Celestial Tribulation game, I am afraid that only Ye Luo alone can perfectly display the strength of the colorful unicorn, because only he can display all the attribute damage."

That's right, June Feixue is a lava mage, and can only play fire damage. The other six types of damage can't be used. Naturally it is too wasteful. Moreover, the damage of a certain type of attribute attached to such a multi-attribute mount is better than that. On a single attribute mount.

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