Although the overall strength of the alliance of countries such as M is very strong, because they belong to different countries, they are scrupulous when using group skills, and even players with splash characteristics are also restrained when attacking, so they can't With perfect combat power, it is extremely difficult to recapture all the fortresses, especially the large fortresses, from the players of Country Z, whether they are concentrated in one place or divided into three groups.

Not to mention taking back all the fortresses, even if you can only grab half of the small and medium fortresses, it is very good, and this does not change the fact that the players of country Z use these fortresses to quickly gather forces and then recapture the fortresses.

In fact, even if they **** all the small and medium-sized fortresses by the dark night, it’s okay. As long as the 6 large fortresses are kept, there is no big problem, because these fortresses are in various places in the Fallen Demon Realm due to the deliberate operation of the fireworks. These fortresses can be used as a base point to quickly move around and then seize the surrounding fortresses. With the strength of country Z, it is not a problem to grab most of the small and medium-sized forts in 10 hours. As a result, players such as country M are still unable to gather. The military strength then threatened the country Z, and this way, it is just around the corner before the country Z dominates the fallen demon realm.

After learning of this situation, Bacchus Dukang and the others were very excited. They had even foreseen the situation that the Fallen Demon Realm would collect small and medium-sized fortresses in their bags during the day, and this also made them extremely look forward to.

At this time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind thought of a tactic: After they enter the Fallen Demon Realm, they will give priority to attacking small and medium-sized fortresses occupied by the M country and other alliance countries.

In fact, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind only wanted to enter the Fallen Demon Territory and then kill them with other countries, and she said that those were just casually mentioned, but it inspired Ye Luo and the others-they thought this method was simpler and more direct, and More effective.

Think about it, too. Players from country Z are looting fortresses in order to prevent M country and other coalition forces from gathering forces. If you want to achieve this goal, you only need to capture the fortresses occupied by these countries, and this is undoubtedly the most likely to be The fortresses occupied by these countries are in the bag.

It takes a long time to capture a large fortress occupied by monsters, especially there are 4 large fortresses in the Fallen Demon. It will take a lot of time to capture all of them, and the remaining time may not be enough to bring the coalition forces such as M country. All the fortresses owned by the country are seized back, so they will have the ability to gather forces and then counterattack.

It is precisely because of this that it is safer and more effective to give priority to the fortresses occupied by the M country and other coalition countries, and after seizing the fortresses owned by these countries, they can slowly take down those fortresses occupied by monsters.

"Well, it's better to get rid of the coalition countries first from the fallen demon realm." Samadhi poetry said, she said that when she looked at the fireworks and became cold, it was self-evident.

Nodded faintly, the firework is easy to be cold and did not say anything, but everyone who knows her knows that she has approved this tactic, and this also makes the bellicose and crazy wave riding wind, Othello and other people excited, they even more Looking forward to entering the Fallen Demon Realm.

Of course, before that, they have to work hard to spawn the ancient battle suits. After all, the more such suits, the stronger their strength, and the higher the efficiency of counterattack and fortress.

Fireworks Yi Leng and others did not forget to formulate specific counter-offensive tactics while spawning monsters, and this time Ye Luo also participated in it. After all, his intelligence and command ability are obvious to all, and he also made some comparisons for everyone. Practical suggestions, for example, when the time comes, the soldiers will be divided into three ways to counterattack, such as giving priority to attacking small fortresses owned by coalition countries.

The reason why Ye Luo proposed a three-way sneak attack is because it is the most efficient way to regain the fortress. With almost no elite masters blocking them, each army has the ability to seize the small fortress alone, and this is also Ye Luo. One of the reasons for proposing limited sneak attacks on small forts owned by coalition forces.

There are now more than 100 dual-professional masters in China, and many of them are super masters like Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian. Especially after Ye Luo and the three have full attack power, they can successfully capture the small fortress even if they are divided into three groups. And with almost no casualties, after all, there are no dual professional masters in the coalition.

Think about it, too, the coalition formed by countries such as M is dedicated to defeating the country Z in a single battle, and all the elite dual-professional masters are dispatched. After these people leave, the players who guard the fortress are just ordinary elite players, and almost no one can. Stop Yeluo's attack, especially the players guarding small fortresses.

Small fortresses can hold a relatively limited number of people, and they are not as valued as medium fortresses. In this case, it is not difficult for Yeluo and the others to seize it.

The so-called three-way personnel configuration is also very simple. Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and Dongfang Killing the sky each lead a large army. The three of them are the pioneers. With the effect of spell immunity, they can easily enter the small fort and then teleport. The formation is destroyed, and the next step is to cooperate with the army to take it down. Without the defensive equipment and support, the large forces of country Z want to take it down very easily.

After listening to Ye Luo's suggestion, Ye Yu Feifei pondered a little, she said: "Small fortresses have very limited guarding players, and they are not very controlled. It is much easier to capture them than to capture small and medium forts."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Seeing our sneak attack, players in that country will send troops to support, and the defense equipment of the small fortress is much weaker than the medium fortress. These people use the defense equipment of the medium fortress to cause resistance to us. It is much larger than using small fortresses, so it will be easier to lure them to small fortresses and kill them, and then it will be easier for us to attack their small fortresses."

A country has a limited number of fortresses in the Fallen Demon. After killing most of these people at small fortresses, the power to guard medium fortresses is naturally much weaker, and this will also make Yeluo safer and easier. .

"Yeah, that's right." Dongfang star Zhenshou lightly tapped, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "And handsome Ye Luo proposed to attack small fortresses in the same country at the same time. It is also a good choice. We are divided into three groups. The soldiers are divided into three groups, so that we can capture the most fortresses in the shortest time, and the pressure is relatively small, because the same country has very limited power to stay in the fallen demon."

Obviously, the Eastern star and Ye Yu Fei Fei have agreed to Ye Luo's proposal, but the samādhi and fireworks are naturally cold, and the tactics are thus determined.

"Which country should I do first?" Samadhi asked, but when she said this, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. It was obvious that she had a choice.

"Naturally it is RB or H country, because these two countries have the existence of dark night and Tokyo mythology to increase their offensive power, and give priority to expelling them, even if we can't seize all the fortresses occupied by the coalition forces, they will threaten us. Lower to the lowest level." Ye Luo said in a natural tone.

Obviously, what Ye Luo said is the wisest approach, and everyone has no objection to it. As for which country to attack first, there is no suspense. Everyone easily determined it-RB.

The reason for choosing this country is that this country not only has Tokyo Mythology, a super master who kills and increases attack power, but also has a space profession. After seeing the strength of this profession, everyone naturally does not want such a profession to cause too much trouble for players in Country Z. A big threat, and capturing all the fortresses this country has is undoubtedly the best way to reduce their threat.

Time passed by, 8 or 9 hours passed in a blink of an eye. It was already 9 o’clock at noon, but the dark night and others did not leave the Fallen Demon Realm, so Ye Luo and the others did not enter the Fallen Demon Realm either—they planned to wait for someone to leave in the dark night. Enter it after you fall into the Demon Realm to avoid conflict with it.

Think about it too. Although Dark Night spent nearly 10 hours capturing the fortress occupied by the Z side and suffered a lot of casualties, their overall strength is still very strong. Not to mention that they can defeat Ye Luo and others head-on, at least they can They caused relatively large casualties, and this would greatly affect the efficiency of country Z's counterattack and capture of the fort.

Now there is no need for country Z to entangle with Dark Ye and the others. Ye Luo and the others’ main task is to capture all the fortresses occupied by the coalition countries. It doesn’t make much sense to entangle with Dark Ye and them. Instead, it will give them a chance. Naturally, they will not be given such an opportunity.

After spending such a long time fighting monsters, Ye Luo and the others fought nearly a thousand sets of ancient warfare suits, which was far beyond expectation. And so many ancient warfare suits greatly improved the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion. They will be in the next action. It will be easier.

In addition to the ancient battle suits, the major gangs have also prepared a sufficient number of pills and siege equipment, and the Misty Pavilion has also produced nearly 50 mobile magic crystal cannons. This also exceeded everyone's expectations, and this also made everyone I saw how powerful the power of everyone joining together is.

50 mobile fortresses may not be many, or even less than the number of defensive equipment owned by large fortresses, but the defensive equipment on the fortresses are scattered, while the mobile fortresses can be gathered together to attack the target. The threat posed is great, in short, having these magic crystal cannons can make Ye Luo's actions easier.

"Fireworks, it seems that we don’t have to deliberately go to YD’s activity area to kill people to increase our attack power. We just launch a sneak attack on the target. We can easily fill up our attack power by displaying several powerful and large-scale skills. It's a big kill." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she was already a little bit down on the little fish and shrimps of YD at this time.

"It's better to go, because after entering the Fallen Demon Realm, we will have to dispatch troops. It is difficult for those of us to capture the fortress, and it will take some time to mobilize our troops." Samadhi said softly, She laughed: "And it is easy to fill up the attack power with your strength, and then the efficiency of capturing the RB fortress will be very high."

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