VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1736: : Stay up late to brush equipment

You are all dual-professional masters at Polangchengfeng and Ye Luo. Among them, there are many super masters. Their killing efficiency is very high. In the ancient battlefield, fighting monsters for 10 hours can not only burst a lot of demons. The spar fragments can also burst a lot of ancient battle suits, and these things can increase the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion.

Not only that, Ye Luo can continue to use the [Space Portal] to send a group of elite players over, and these players can also get a batch of ancient battle suits.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is deliberately heard by everyone, so the major gangs will naturally not be reconciled, they will send a large number of elite masters over to get thousands or more sets of ancient battle suits with their killing efficiency. Not to mention, but so many sets can greatly enhance everyone's overall strength.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, the leaders of other gangs were naturally not willing to be content, and began to arrange elite masters to go to the ancient battlefields. Although they and kerosene have many teleportation skills, but these are not a problem. Because they had already thought of a countermeasure—Hua Nongyue had already reached the ancient battlefield, everyone could ask him to help transport them over, as long as he paid him some rewards.

In addition, Ye Luo will soon be able to rush to the ancient battlefield. The gangs that have made friends with the Misty Pavilion such as the Long Family and the Wine Family can also ask him for help. Anyway, each gang can only send a group of elite masters.

Ye Luo and Hua Nongyue didn't refuse either. After all, they could get some rewards just by expending some magic, which was natural for them.

In this way, more and more elite masters have been transported to the ancient battlefield, and they are not on the edge. After all, their strength can deal with higher-level monsters, and the explosion rate of these monsters is higher than that of the outer ones.

I have to say that these elite masters are very powerful, especially in the Fallen Demon Realm, they have killed many players from other countries and captured fortresses to obtain a lot of high-grade equipment, so they have a high efficiency in killing monsters. They obtained ancient battle suits and magic spars. The efficiency of the fragments is also very good, and these have also allowed the overall strength of the Z players to slowly improve.

Perhaps it is known that Ye Luo and other senior officials of the Misty Pavilion are preparing to use the ancient war suits overnight and then prepare to carry out with other countries. Those elite masters of the Misty Pavilion who were already sleeping wake up and log in to the game, and then are transmitted by Ye Luo, so Misty Pavilion The killing efficiency is also quite good.

As for the problem of staying up late, it is not a problem. After all, it is very common for professional players to stay up late, not to mention that they only stay up late occasionally. In order to make their actions easier during the day, they are happy to stay up late.

This is true for the players of the Misty Pavilion, as are the other big gangs, they have also sent elite masters, so that the speed of obtaining the ancient battle suit is faster, and at present, it is not a problem to wait until dawn to reach thousands of ancient battle suits before entering the Fallen Demon.

Thousands of ancient battle suits equip players who have equipped the Demon Domain suit, which is equivalent to 7 or 8 pieces of Primordial God-level equipment. The strength of this player is not much worse than that of dual professional players. Thousands of people are a very powerful force, and it is not a problem to sweep the fallen demon.

Combat players stayed up late to work overtime, life players also started to work overtime after learning of this situation, they began to collect various materials to make various equipment props, and even after collecting enough materials, the living players of the ethereal pavilion began to make mobile magic crystal cannons. , It is not a problem to make 2, 30 mobile magic crystal cannons before entering the Fallen Demon Realm according to the speed, and this is only a conservative estimate.

2. The 30 mobile magic crystal cannons are a powerful force. At least they can be gathered together to greatly suppress the target. At the least, they can destroy some defense equipment, which will also make Ye Luo and the others easier to attack.

"Hey, in just 30 minutes, we have reached more than 2 or 30 sets of ancient warfare suits, and our people are still being sent over. The efficiency of obtaining suits is still increasing. We will get hundreds of thousands of sets before dawn. It's not a problem." Black and white chess road, she was a little excited: "With so many ancient battle suits, if the magician is equipped, tsk tsk, it is a destructive force, I am afraid that not many players can resist it, even just this force. There is the ability to capture a medium fortress alone."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "This is just our elusive pavilion. It shouldn't be a big problem for so many people to get thousands of suits. These people form an army. I don't believe other countries can resist it. , Especially in the dark night when they are not in the Fallen Demon Realm."

"Yes, tomorrow we will seize all the fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm in one fell swoop, so that people from other countries have no place to stand." Po Lang Chengfeng said with confidence.

"It is a bit difficult to seize all the fortresses. After all, most of the small and medium-sized fortresses are in the hands of other countries. It takes a long time to seize one by one. Ten hours is not enough." Samadhi shook his head: "More Besides, they are still moving in the dark night. Not surprisingly, they snatched a lot of the small and medium fortresses we had occupied before."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "After entering the Fallen Demon Territory tomorrow, we will focus on capturing large fortresses occupied by monsters, because large fortresses play a decisive role in the Fallen Demon Territory, especially when other countries join forces."

Think about it, other countries have joined forces. They are strong enough to seize small and medium fortresses, and only large fortresses are safer. Therefore, the Z side will definitely put all the large fortresses in the bag, and it is a waste of time to capture large fortresses. What's more, there are 4 large fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm that are not controlled by Country Z at this time, and it will take longer to capture all of them.

"That's true. It is more important to attack the large fortress first." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, her tone was faintly worried: "Although we analyze the dark night they will not do anything to our large fortress, but that is just a guess, if they There is still a chance to take it away, so we need to spend more time to take back all the large fortresses. I don't know if we will have time to capture other small and medium fortresses."

"Don't worry, we will seize the small and medium fortresses after we have all the large fortresses in our hands. It will be much easier to seize the small and medium fortresses with our strength." Ye Luo solemnly said: "No surprise, we will still control the rest tomorrow. There will not be many small and medium-sized fortresses in the hands of the country, at least under half."

The people did not doubt what Ye Luo said, because they were very confident in their own strength.

"What if they do take away our large fortress in the dark night?" Zhiyue said suddenly, her voice full of worry: "If the number of large fortresses they have taken away is a lot, then we want to **** them all back. Spend more time, maybe we won't have much time to regain small and medium fortresses by then, and if that happens, they can still gather strength in the Fallen Demon Realm and start operations again, just like now."

"Don't worry, we have analyzed before that it is not so easy for them to capture our large fortress. Even if they can capture it, they will suffer a lot of casualties. They are so powerless to capture other large fortresses." Samadhi said, she Chuckled lightly: "That is to say, the dark night they can only capture one of our large fortresses, so we will have 5 left, which is not enough to cause us much trouble."

Yesterday, country Z was able to capture 4 large fortresses under the harassment of other countries. It is easy to capture 5 large fortresses under the harassment of five people, not to mention that the equipment level of players in country Z has improved a bit, and There is also the existence of Eastern Killing Heaven, which can increase attack power.

In other words, it is not surprising that during the day, the country Z can collect all the large fortresses, and there will be some time left, and during these times they can **** back many small and medium-sized fortresses, and even fall into the devil's domain as Ye Luo said. Most of the small and medium fortresses in China are owned by them.

"Oh, that's true, you said before that Brother Ye said that the capture of our large fortress will force them to perform big moves in the dark night, and there will be a lot of deaths and injuries because of this. After all, they belong to different countries and cannot perform perfectly. Combat power." Zhiyuezhen lightly, she no longer worried about this.

"Actually, there are so many players from other countries in the Fallen Demon. After we captured several fortresses occupied by other countries, their elite players will be very few. It will be much easier for us to seize the fortresses." Ye Luo said, These he looked to Zhiyue: "And we don't have to **** all the small and medium fortresses, just **** back the small and medium fortresses owned by country M and other countries."

The reason why Yeluo and the others seized the fortress was to prevent players from countries such as M from gathering. As long as the small and medium fortresses occupied by these alliance countries were robbed back, the goal would be achieved. Therefore, it is necessary for the rice to take all the small and medium fortresses. .

"Well, that's right, when the time comes, we will pick country M and other countries that have joined the alliance to do it, and see how they can gather forces without a fort." Zhiyue nodded again, and when she said this, she was degenerating. The action in the Demon Domain is also more anticipated.

On the side, listening to Ye Luo's method, everyone's eyes lit up, which made them see the path to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm with relative ease.

"The Fallen Demon Territory is very large, and these coalition forces will randomly land in the Fallen Demon Territory after they do not burst. It will take a long time or even longer to gather from various places, and even be intercepted by us in the middle. They have almost no threat to us." Samadhi took the stubborn words: "Even if they gather forces to attack us again, we can still **** it back. As time goes by, all the fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm will be In our hands, we can do many things with these forts."

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