VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1737: : Awareness

As long as it doesn’t take away too many large fortresses by the alliance of countries such as M, then country Z will have the power to take back all the fortresses it has lost, and it will also include all the 4 large fortresses occupied by monsters. Ye Luo and the others focused on snatching the fortresses owned by the coalition forces of countries such as M, so it would be difficult for them to gain a foothold in the fallen demon realm, and it would be difficult for them to gather strength against country Z. There is no threat.

In a word, as time goes by, Country Z will definitely be able to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm.

"Of course, the premise of all this is that those people in Dark Night do not **** too many forts, especially large forts." Samadhi added.

"How is the situation in the Fallen Demon Realm now?" June Feixue asked on the team channel: "Have we lost the fortress?"

"Well, a small and medium fortress that we owned 3 minutes ago was preempted, but it will take some time for them to completely occupy this fortress." Bacchus Dukang said in a deep voice. He sighed with relief when he thought of something. After seeing the situation is not good, more than 70% of the players got away, and the casualties were not large."

"It took nearly 40 minutes to capture a medium-sized fortress. It seems that their efficiency is not very good." Othello said indifferently.

"Yes, it takes so long to capture a medium-sized fortress, let alone capture a large fortress." Long Teng sneered all over the world: "They can't take away many fortresses, especially large fortresses in 10 hours. It is their limit to take away one or two seats."

"Don't be too optimistic. The reason why they are less efficient is because they are worried that we people will suddenly enter the Fallen Demon Realm to carry out a sneak attack, so we can't do it with all our strength." Samadhi Shi said solemnly, her expression slightly solemn: "If we are sure we will not enter Fallen Demon, then their efficiency will increase a lot."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, the capture of our fortress will also cause them some casualties, and there will be some dual-professional players who will perform big moves. As a result, their overall strength will slowly decline. The efficiency will be lower."

Hearing this, June Feixue asked again: "Uncle Bacchus, what about the loss of the coalition forces? Are there any dual-pro players killed in battle or performing big moves?"

The overall strength of dual-pro players has dropped a lot after performing their big moves, although the threat to Country Z will be much greater if not abolished, so June Feixue asked.

"Well, although we have a large number of casualties, the coalition forces also have some losses. Their dual-professional masters probably have been killed by 7 or 8 people, and 2 or 30 dual-professionals have performed big moves." Bacchus Du Kang said in a deep voice. Said: "In addition, their Ace Legion has some losses, but less than 10%."

"Ah, the loss is so small, they have thousands of pairs of professional masters, even if the loss of the big move is not 10%." Hearing the words of the Bacchus Du Kang, Long Jieyu was quite dissatisfied.

"Although the coalition has thousands of professional masters, only half of them have big moves. Having so many double professions killed and performing big moves are already a very good record." Samadhi Shi explained.

"Yes, just capturing an ordinary medium-sized fortress will have such a loss. If they capture the No. 1 fortress, the casualties will be even greater, let alone the large fortress." Long Teng Tianxia took over: "According to my estimation, they There should be no strength to **** a large fortress from our hands. Even a forced attack can only seize one, and this will cause them more casualties."

The defense of a large fortress is several times that of a medium fortress. In Dark Yee, they will lose as much if they capture a medium fortress. If they capture a large fortress, the loss will be even greater. There may even be more than ten times the casualties. After all, the siege will be delayed. The longer it takes, the greater the casualties, because the priest has no time to resurrect the slain.

The judgment of Longteng Tianxia was quite recognized, and this judgment also gave everyone a sigh of relief.

Think about it, too, everyone’s biggest worry is that the coalition forces have captured too many fortresses, especially large fortresses. At present, those people in the dark night do not have that strength at all, and they can use them as long as they don’t get too many fortresses taken away. The remaining fortresses gathered their forces and then launched a counterattack, and it would not take too much time to collect all the large fortresses. They still had time to grab the fortresses occupied by countries such as M.

"It seems that there is no big problem in the Fallen Demon Realm, and we don't need to worry too much." Feng Xing said: "Now we can calmly kill monsters and brush equipment. After daybreak, we will let the players of Country M and other players see our power. eye for eye!"

Although the **** of Bacchus Du Kang said that the loss of the players in Country Z was not great, it was obvious that there was an element of comforting everyone, and this also made Fengxing and others sighed, wishing to enter the fallen demon realm immediately to kill and revenge.

Of course, at this time, Fengxing and them are still rational enough, and they also know that now they can not get revenge in the Fallen Demon Realm, but they may be killed.

Hearing that, everyone is excited, gearing up one by one, preparing to enter the Fallen Demon Territory after dawn to carry out revenge operations, and they are currently working hard to kill monsters and explosive equipment as the wind said. More and more.

For the time being, players in Country Z stayed up all night to brush their equipment to continue their power, let alone the situation of the devil.

For example, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, said that the dark night and other coalition forces jointly captured a medium-sized fortress, but the capture of the fortress did not show them joy, and even they were a little worried because they also realized the intentions of the Z players. Thinking that if that was the result, their expressions became difficult to look.

Like Samadhi and their analysis, the night and other people’s congresses acted to lure the elite masters of Country Z into the Fallen Demon Realm, and then they launched a siege on it with their powerful strength, and two of them were space players and wanted It is not too difficult to chase and intercept the elite masters of Country Z.

At the worst, they can drag the elite players of Country Z and grab some of the fortresses of Country Z while dragging, so that their advantage in the Fallen Demon Realm will become bigger and bigger, on the contrary, the advantages accumulated by Country Z will be slower. Slowly shrink, it will disappear as time passes, until there is no place in the fallen demon realm.

This idea is very good, and if Ye Luo and other elites from Country Z enter the Fallen Demon Realm, things will develop according to their plan. Even if only half of the elite masters enter the Fallen Demon Realm, their plan will have hope of realization, but at present The situation is fundamentally different from their plan.

Ye Luo and others who can increase their attack power by killing people did not enter the Fallen Demon Realm. In the hearts of the dark night and others, as long as the three of them enter the Fallen Demon Realm, it is considered a successful plan for them, because without these three people, the country Z wants to capture the large The fortress will be much more difficult, and there will be no chance at all.

But Ye Luo and the three did not enter the Fallen Demon Realm. Even the other dual professional elites did not mean to enter the Fallen Demon Realm. This made them faintly worried, because they knew that if Ye Luo and others waited after they left. What are the consequences of entering the Fallen Demon Realm.

That’s right, Dark Night and others also knew what would happen if Ye Luo and others entered the Fallen Demon Realm after their coalition elites left—all the large fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm would be occupied by Country Z, even their countries. The fortress will also be snatched away, so it will be difficult for them to gather forces in the Fallen Demon in the future, and even then they will have no place at all.

In the dark night, they also know what happened during the day yesterday. Under the harassment of so many countries, country Z can still capture 4 large fortresses and 1, 20 small and medium fortresses. If no one is harassed or blocked, then all the remaining large fortresses will be paid for. It is not surprising that there is even time to capture small and medium fortresses.

Precisely because they knew this, they didn't doubt whether Country Z had such strength.

"The current situation is a little different from what we imagined. The players in Country Z don't seem to be fooled. They didn't enter the Fallen Demon Realm to stop us, and even let us **** their fortress away." Dark Ye said in a deep voice, He looked at the people around him with a solemn expression: "I suspect they have seen through our tricks. They are going to enter the Fallen Demon Realm for us. If that is the case, then we will be in trouble."

"Hey, what's the trouble, they know that our strength is far stronger than them, so they dare not enter the Fallen Demon Realm." Tokyo is not too hot and disapproving.

Obviously, Tokyo was not too hot and didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. In his mind, their countries could join forces to sweep the entire Fallen Demon Realm, and it was a simple matter to expel Country Z and all countries that did not join the Alliance from the Fallen Demon Realm.

Hearing that the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, the crescent frowned slightly, and she glanced at Tokyo with a bit of disgust, not too hot, especially when she saw his fanatical and greedy desire, she tightened her mage robes tightly. She said: "What if the players in Country Z would take away all the large fortresses and the small and medium fortresses occupied by our countries? So it would not be so easy for us in the Fallen Demon to want to gather together today, and it would even cost a lot. Half a day, and our time in the Fallen Demon Realm is limited."

He glanced greedily at the cherry blossom chest, as if he wanted to see the scenery inside through the mage’s robe. After feeling the fierce gaze of Tokyo Mythology, he only narrowed slightly, disregarding it, saying: "The premise is that country Z must have it. The strength can do that, can they do it, I don't believe they have such strength."

"Yesterday they could seize 4 large fortresses, and they did it under the harassment of many gaming powers." The Emperor Kuangge said lightly, and glanced at Tokyo, which is not too hot, it goes without saying.

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