VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1735: : Do not enter the demon

They don’t plan to send troops into the Fallen Demon’s Realm to block the alliances of Country M, because they do not have any advantage in attacking the fortresses of these countries or fighting them head-on. Entering it will not only prevent them from taking the fortress, but also They may be killed. After all, RB and Country M also have space players. They still have a chance to do this by using the [Space Portal] skill.

And if Ye Luo and the others waited for the dark night and other elite masters to leave the Fallen Demon Territory before entering it, it would be different, because at that time there were few elite masters to stop them, and they could do a lot of things.

Think about it, this time, in order to deal with almost all the game powers in country Z, they have joined the alliance headed by country M, and most of the elite masters of these countries have also entered the fallen demon realm, and they will not count the elite masters of country Z such as Ye Luo. The appearance of beheading the oath to never give up, and this means that after 10 hours they will come because of the time limit in the fallen demon.

If these people leave, then there is no power in the Fallen Demon Region that can prevent the players of Country Z from capturing the fortress, whether it is a fortress occupied by monsters or a fortress occupied by other countries, and even Yeluo can earn all the large fortresses in the Fallen Demon Region. In the bag.

With all the large fortresses in the bag, it will be easier to take down the small and medium-sized fortifications in the Fallen Demon Realm. In this way, other countries will have no fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm. It is undoubtedly difficult for them to concentrate their forces. At that time, even if they were in an alliance, it was difficult to gather masters, and it was undoubtedly difficult to gain a foothold in the fallen demon.

Think about it, too, the reason why dark night and their elite masters and so many ace legions can gather together is naturally because they gather from the fortress they occupy and then rush to the agreed gathering place within the agreed time, and if there is no fortress, they It will take a long time just to gather together, and during their gathering period, they will be blocked and assassinated by the players of Country Z.

In a word, if other countries don't have a fort in the Fallen Demon Realm, then they have almost no place in the Fallen Demon Realm.

Players from other countries do not have a foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm, so the threat to Country Z is naturally much smaller, or even no threat. At that time, country Z will be able to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm, and they can take the opportunity to monopolize the Demon Realm suit. The advantage of coming down will be bigger and bigger, after all, at present, only this kind of suit is produced in the Fallen Demon Realm.

"Well, yes, yesterday we captured three large fortresses occupied by monsters and a large fortress occupied by country M under the harassment of JND and other countries, and the masters of these countries are not in the fallen demon realm, so there are no people. If we can stop us, it's easy to grab all the large fortresses." Longteng Tianxia said with confidence.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Even if we have the strength to **** all the medium-sized fortresses, we will try our best to **** some small fortresses, so that the mobility of other countries in the Fallen Demon Realm will be greatly reduced, even if the nations form alliances and want to assemble. Military strength is not so easy, we can also dominate the Fallen Demon Realm."

Everyone understands the role of the fortress in the Fallen Demon Realm, and also knows how other countries do not occupy a fortress. They are excited when they think of this.

Of course, what they know best is that they have the strength to capture all the large fortresses, especially when the elite masters of other countries such as Dark Night are not in the fallen demon.

After pondering for a moment, Bacchus Dukang said: "Well, yes, this way, the alliances of other countries really give us the opportunity to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm, so just follow the tactical actions made by the fireworks and they can wait for them to leave the Fallen Night. After entering the Demon Realm, we will be ashamed again."

The words of the **** of Bacchus Dukang immediately received the support of everyone, and this matter must naturally come down.

"The fireworks girl, said that they are not a big threat to our large fortress, but they have to guard against it. If a few are robbed, it won't be good." Fengxing said in a deep voice, not waiting for the fireworks to get cold. "Also, if our small and medium-sized fortresses are taken too much, it is not good. After all, we want to take these fortresses back tomorrow, but it will take a long time. Can you reduce the loss as much as possible?"

"The major gangs send out some elite cavalry and long-range occupations with control capabilities, preferably flying summoner corps." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "Use control skills as much as possible to force them to use invincible means and concentrate firepower on dual occupations. Players and priests, kill their people as much as possible, and then try to delay the time. The longer the delay, the fewer fortresses they can capture."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Dark night, they worry that we will suddenly enter the Fallen Demon Realm, so the elite masters will not be separated, and they will concentrate their firepower on a kind of fortress, and then let our people teleport to this fortress to defend and pick up. The next step is to delay as much as possible as I said before."

"But this will lose a lot of players..." The general frowned, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"If you don't want to lose players, they will capture a lot of fortresses, or even large fortresses. You should know which one is the lighter and the most important one." Bacchus Dukang said solemnly: "And if we lose too many forts , Then our mobility in the Fallen Demon Realm will be greatly reduced, let alone dominate the Fallen Demon Realm, facing the coalition forces of all countries, we have almost no foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm."

I also know that as the **** of Bacchus Du Kang said, the general was silent, but he still hesitated when he thought that this would lose a large number of elite players, and there were many people who hesitated like him.

"We have so many gangs evenly sharing the loss, so that the loss will not be too great. Our Misty Pavilion is willing to contribute 50,000 Nightmare to command the cavalry and 20,000 Green Jiao Summoner Corps." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and watched. At a glance at the crowd, the meaning is self-evident.

Fireworks are easy to be cold and take the lead in expressing their views. After the popular and Bacchus God Du Kang, they naturally expressed their willingness to send elite cavalry and flying summoners into the Fallen Demon Realm, and after they became role models, other major gangs also expressed their views. At a time, more than a dozen gangs decided to send millions of elite players into the Fallen Demon Realm.

After arranging these things, everyone did not disperse. A smile appeared at the corner of Samadhi's lips. She said: "We people do not enter the Fallen Demon Realm. I am afraid that those in the dark night will be disappointed or regret it. Regret that almost all the elites are dispatched. Because their actions this time will make them lose their chance to gain a foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm."

"Dark Night, their aggressive attack is to force us into the Fallen Demon Territory to confront them head-on, so that they can **** some of the fortresses we occupy and kill us, and they don’t have to worry about us doing things when they are away. There is no doubt that if we are dragged by them, then our advantage in the Fallen Demon Realm will become smaller and smaller, until we no longer have a foothold." Ye Yufei said lightly, and then she looked at the samādhi poems and the fireworks easily cold: "But Sister Fireworks saw through their conspiracy, and it was not as good as they wanted, and they would lose every game if they missed it."

"That's right, fortunately we awakened the firework girl, otherwise we people would really rush into the Fallen Demon Territory and fight them head-on." Bacchus Dukang said, she was thankful when she said this.

"No, this is not our credit. Ye Luo told you not to enter the Fallen Demon Realm." Fireworks Yi said coldly. She glanced at Ye Luo: "Although Ye Luo hasn't been in the game for a long time, he is The judgment on the situation is in place, and the tactics are not worse than ours on the one hand, so if you have anything in the future, just listen to his opinion."

At this time, everyone remembered that Ye Luo tried his best to prevent everyone from entering the Fallen Demon Realm, and even analyzed a lot of things mentioned about the fireworks Yi Leng, so they also admired the level of intelligence, some people who knew his identity were even more so. No longer doubt his commanding ability.

Think about it, Ye Luo is a high-level commander of special forces. He is powerful and has excellent commanding ability. The general situation in the game is simpler than in reality. He can accurately judge some things and then formulate corresponding strategies. Not difficult.

At this time, everyone realized that Ye Luo was a talent, both civil and military. For a time, everyone was moved. Some people admired his strength, some were jealous, and some people regretted it.

"Yeah, Ye Luo, this kid is a talent." Bacchus Dukang praised, but there was a faint regret in the words, regret for not being able to draw him into the wine family.

Ye Luo didn't struggle with this issue. He looked at Huihui Yi Leng and other women: "Since you have worked out a countermeasure, then go back and rest."

"I've been woken up, it's not easy to fall asleep. What's more, the situation in the Fallen Demon Realm is unknown. We must know the situation inside at any time, so that we can't sleep." Po Lang Yang Feng shook her head, and then she beautiful eyes It lights up: "Why don't we stay up all night, go to the ancient battlefield to kill monsters and explode the ancient battle suits. If we fight with our strength overnight, we should be able to obtain a lot of suits. As a result, our overall strength will increase a lot, and we will capture tomorrow. The fortress is simpler."

The ancient battle suit is an attack type suit. The damage output of the player after equipping one set will be greatly increased. If a batch of such suits can be assembled, the overall strength of the misty pavilion will be greatly improved, and the battle tomorrow will naturally be easy. a lot of.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind didn’t tell Ye Luo and the others in private. Everyone at the scene heard this, which also made their eyes light up, because they also knew what it meant to put together a batch of ancient battle suits, and if they organized their own elite front Going to the ancient battlefield, you can get a lot of ancient battle suits in 10 hours.

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