VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1722: : Can learn

Everyone has seen the role of [Space Portal], so after seeing that this skill book was published on August, the talents such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind will be so excited. In their hearts, if the Misty Pavilion has such a skill in the future, whether it is a country They will have great advantages in battle or in gang battle, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are even more powerful.

However, the prerequisite for a powerful skill is that someone can learn to play its role, and after trying, the people like Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind found that they could not learn. They can only put their hope on Ye Luo-the Samsara Venerable is a game of heaven. The first peculiar profession, if Ye Luo can't learn, I'm afraid that other people can't learn it.

Ye Luo didn't let everyone down before, and this time it was the same. After trying to learn, he found that he could learn, and then he looked at Po Lang Chengfeng and others: "Well, the system prompts you to learn, then I learned this skill."

Hearing that, there was a thick smile on Po Lang Cheng Feng’s pretty face, she said: "Great, as long as we have someone who can learn from the Misty Pavilion, so we can use this skill to mobilize the elite in the future without Hua Nong Yue. It's a master, whether it's in a gang war or a national war."

I have analyzed the role of [Space Portal] before, and now I am sure that Ye Luo can learn. Thinking of the many things I will do with this skill in future national wars and gang wars, it is no wonder that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind will be so excited.

"Hey, Ye Luo was originally the first killer of our Misty Pavilion. He is good at acting alone, and has so many life-saving skills and stealth skills. He can learn this skill to play its role perfectly, not to mention the entire Misty Pavilion only he can learn. , So naturally there is no suspense for him to learn." Black and white chess, she was faintly excited: "Ye Luo doesn't need to spend the moon after learning this skill, and see that they will still be arrogant in the future."

The Heavenly Kill Organization is just a new gang organization, which is incomparable with the top ten gangs, but because Hua Nongyue has the [Space Portal] skill, every time the Heavenly Kill organization captures large fortresses and fights people from other countries It is the second contribution. This makes the Dongfang Family and other gangs feel so embarrassed, and it also makes the people of the Heavenly Slaughter organization a little arrogant, and this arouses many people's anger, but they are helpless because of the need to play the moon, including the Misty Pavilion Everyone has no good feelings about it.

But now it's different. Ye Luo also has a [Space Portal]. Many actions don't need to be spent on the moon, so you don't need to look at their faces anymore. This makes the Othello and others feel a sense of excitement.

"There is no need to use Huanongyue for some small operations, but he is still needed for big operations like fighting the coalition forces of various countries." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice: "It's not just because Huanongyue and Yeluo simultaneously performed [Space Teleport] Door] Can mobilize a large number of masters in a very short time, and there are 2 such skills that can also make other deployments, such as slamming the east, such as adjusting the tiger from the mountain, etc., which will make the battle easier."

Hearing the words, everyone nodded, and they also knew that the samādhi poem was true.

Think about it, before, it was only spent on the moon himself, he could only mobilize 100 people after the [Space Portal] was used. This was a little stretched for the larger targets of sneak attacks, but now it’s different with Ye Luo. These 100 people can greatly change the situation. After all, 200 people can play more roles than 100 people.

"That's true, it's a lot more convenient for Huanongyue Wanyue to act." Othello nodded and said.

"In addition, the Heavenly Kill Organization also has many elite masters, aerial powers, and even some dual-professional masters. Their role is not small." Samadhi continued, and then changed his tone: "In addition, Hua Nong Hua, Hua Nong Ying The professions of these two players can also play a very good role in national warfare. The enemies we face will be stronger in the future, so it is necessary to have them."

Knowing the role of Huanongying, Huanonghua and others, as well as the strength of the other members of the Heavenly Kill Organization, everyone nodded their heads without questioning this.

"Although Hua Nongyue will still need to make a move in the future, but they know that we also have the [Space Portal] skill, it should not be so arrogant." Black and white, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Other small goals and small actions There is no need for them to do it anymore, and this will make our Misty Pavilion more responsible."

"No matter how great the credit is, it's not about splitting the spoils equally." June Feixue muttered, although she was inquiring about the Eastern family through Bacchus Dukang, Feng Xing and others, what good things she had produced, but what happened here Also pay attention.

"Yes, it's too unfair to us, because the damage output of only one gang of our Misty Pavilion can match two or three gangs. It is too unfair for us to distribute the spoils equally with them." Yue muttered.

"Although it is not fair, it is worth sacrificing for our country to dominate the Fallen Demon Realm." Samadhi said, and then changed his tone: "Of course, now we have the [Space Portal] skill, and many actions rely on us alone. The gang will do. The spoils obtained in this way are naturally exclusive to one of our gangs."

Hearing that, everyone couldn't help but laugh. They also knew that as the samādhi poem said, thinking that a gang alone could enjoy the spoils, they began to look forward to it.

Think about it too, the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion is very strong, and many tasks can be completed alone, especially after Ye Luo has the [Space Portal], and even with the current strength of the Misty Pavilion, it can attack a small fortress in a country alone, and that way. The spoils are much richer.

"The most important thing is that after knowing that we have this skill, other gangs will know that we have a stronger sneak attack ability than before. In this case, other gangs will not come to provoke us again. This will save us a lot of trouble and avoid civil war. The weakening of national strength caused." Ye Luo said solemnly.

Yes, before Ye Luo and the others formed an elite team of more than 10 people, they could beat the Ouyang family and the Yinian family had to compromise. Now Ye Luo has mastered [Space Portal] and can mobilize more elite masters for sneak attacks. The sneak attack ability is undoubtedly greatly strengthened. In this case, other gangs want to provoke the misty pavilion and need to weigh it up, and they may dispel the idea of ​​shooting.

Avoiding civil war can greatly increase the game power of country Z, which is very good for the country.

Hearing that, everyone nodded and said: "It is true. This skill can deter other gangs from harassing us, so that all of us can develop with peace of mind. This is very good for the country to enhance its strength."

"Fireworks, when do we act alone?" Po Lang Chengfeng suddenly expected to say: "Ye Luo and I can kill people and increase our attack power. Now Ye Luo has learned the space skill of [Space Portal]. Have the strength to act alone."

"I'll talk about it later if I have a chance." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Hearing this, Polang Ride the wind curled her lips, but she also knew that the fireworks were easy to cold, so she did not object, and did not even struggle with this issue.

The information about the skill book [Space Portal] that was opened by the Misty Pavilion and Ye Luo learned was soon discovered by other gangs. The Misty Pavilion's allies, such as the Brewing House and the Long Family, were nothing, but like the Eastern Family. Gangs like Ouyang Family's expressions became dignified. They naturally know how much this skill can improve the sneak attack ability of the Misty Pavilion. Many people have made up their minds not to provoke Misty Pavilion. This is exactly what Ye Luo expected. of.

"Feixue, how are you inquiring, what good things did the Eastern Family offer?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked curiously: "Could it be an equipment item that is more powerful than Saint-level equipment, but it should not be. , After all, Saint-level treasure chests cannot be equipped with more powerful equipment than Saint-level equipment, and Saint-level spirit weapons are stronger than ordinary Saint-level equipment."

Without waiting for June Feixue to speak, she continued to speculate: "Could the Eastern Family have also launched a group combination skill scroll. If this is the case, it would be worthwhile to be happy, but this is not too threatening to us."

"It's not clear, because Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing are still inquiring..." June Feixue said, but after speaking to the side, she paused, and she didn't know what news she had received, her expression became serious, even Faintly worried.

"Feixue, what's the matter, what exactly did the Eastern Aristocratic Family offer?" Seeing the look of June Feixue, Palang Rongfeng became a little worried.

"They developed a spirit weapon. Although it is only at the Primordial God level, it can kill people and increase attack power just like Sister Feng's [Pearl of Murderous Intent]." June Feixue said, sending an equipment illustration as he spoke. Everyone.

After seeing the equipment manual, everyone’s expressions also became dignified, because the basic attributes of the equipment are very powerful, and the most important thing is that there is also an additional skill similar to the [Murder Orb]. Killing increases attack power and increases attribute damage. The effect is similar to [ Murderous Pearl] is almost similar, which means that after equipped with this equipment, Dongfang Killing the Sky can be the same as Ye Luo and Breaking Waves.

The damage output of Yeluo and Polangchengfeng after the killer is full of attack power has been seen by the public, and the Eastern Killing Sky also has such a method, and the Eastern family is hostile to the Misty Pavilion, so after learning this Everyone was naturally a little worried.

"The luck of the Eastern aristocratic family is too bad, and they actually obtained such equipment." Samadhi murmured: "And this equipment is different from the [Holy Beast Orb], which means that Eastern Killing Sky can equip this at the same time. Two pieces of equipment, so his basic attributes have improved a lot, not to mention, and killing people can also increase attack power. If we meet in the future, it will cause us a lot of trouble."

"What are you afraid of? Even if he gets such equipment, he dare not do anything to us." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "The Eastern family can only kill people and increase the attack power, but my ethereal pavilion has me and Ye Luo. We still have an advantage at this point."

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