VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1721: : Space Portal

She was lucky to sit on Qin Xin. It was not difficult for her to'accept' the fortress token that flew towards her, and she did not hesitate to hand the token directly to Ye Luo, and the latter directly gave the fortress. The token merged with the heart of the city and then controlled all the defensive equipment in the fortress, so the pressure on everyone became a lot lighter, and there was no suspense in capturing this fortress.

The system announced that Country Z had once again captured a large fortress, which once again caused an uproar in the Fallen Demon Realm. Players from other countries became worried because they knew that after obtaining so many fortresses, Country Z’s advantage in the Fallen Demon Realm was already great. However, it has become a lot more difficult for these countries to gain a foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm.

Even so, they can’t send troops to harass and stop them, because in the previous battles, players from various countries suffered heavy losses, especially the elite players who were almost killed and injured, so they couldn’t organize much force to stop Ye Luo and others and act rashly. It will only increase casualties.

They also knew what it would mean after being driven out of the Fallen Demon. The leaders of the countries did not wait to die. They realized that only by uniting more countries and resisting together can they have a chance to continue to gain a foothold in the Fallen Demon, so people in some countries acted. , I want to invite countries M, H and other countries to join the alliance.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others don’t know this. At this time, they are more interested in the explosion of BOSS, because from the light emitted by the explosion, there should be 4 pieces of holy equipment. This is also a big explosion, not to mention. Occupying this fortress system also rewarded 3 saint-level treasure chests. After the Ouyang Family and the Ye Yu family opened the combo skill scroll and the group combo skill scroll, people in the major gangs are looking forward to it.

I glanced at the explosion of BOSS and found that there was no rare equipment and props similar to [Wind-Fire Holy Ring]. Breaking the waves and riding the wind made the decision immediately, and it was made before the fireworks were easy to get cold and the samādhi poems spoke. Choose a god-level treasure chest.

The matter has been settled. Seeing the helpless look of Samadhi and others, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind sneered and said: "I have also read those 4 Saint-level equipment. They are just ordinary equipment and props, even if they don’t even have attack type equipment. It’s just to increase our defense and vitality, and it doesn’t help our damage output much. It’s better to fight for luck and choose a holy treasure chest. Even if you can’t get combo skills, the group combo skill scroll is just an ordinary one. Equipment items are also fine."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "But I am extremely confident in Xiao Ba's luck. She has never let us down."

Hearing that, on August, she nodded hurriedly. She was so excited that she had a sense of meeting a confidant.

This is the end of the matter, and there is some truth in what Polangchengfeng said, and everyone did not worry about it anymore, and then they were somewhat looking forward to something that could be opened on August. After all, as Polangchengfeng said, she has never let everyone down. .

I took the treasure chest excitedly, and then prepared to open the treasure chest on August. However, before opening the treasure chest, I heard a burst of sighs and laughter from the camp of the Eastern Family. Even Eastern Killing Tian laughed hard, and this also It has attracted many players to watch over there. After all, the things in their hearts that can make Dongfang Tiantian such a "ghost" must be extraordinary. Even if it is not a group combination skill scroll, it is probably not worse than the combination skill scroll obtained by Ouyang Feitian, but guess After this, they also began to wonder what good things the Eastern family had drawn from the treasure chest.

"Look, the Eastern family has also drew good things from the Saint-level treasure chest, which shows that it is more reliable to choose the treasure chest." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, he took a triumphant look at everyone, there is a big choice of mine. Natural taste can't be wrong.

Samadhi gave June Feixue a look, but the latter didn’t say much, and immediately went to find out what the Eastern Family had opened. At this time, the treasure chest was opened on August, but her expression was not as excited as before. Now, even faintly a little guilty and disappointed.

"Why, I didn't deliver a good thing?" Seeing the look on August, the brows frowned, but he didn't blame anything. Instead, he said and comforted: "People have missed their hands and horses, and everyone has luck. When you are good, Xiao Ba, you don't have to blame yourself too much."

After breaking the waves and riding the wind, Samadhi and others also comforted one after another. After all, for them, August had already made an outstanding contribution to the Misty Pavilion, and it was nothing to miss once occasionally.

Think about it, too, the treasure chest opened on eighth, but a lot of good things were opened, not to mention other things, a single group combination skill scroll is all the gangs dream of.

"Sister on Saturday, what did you offer?" Zhiyue said curiously: "Couldn't it be only Primordial God-level equipment."

Hearing this, everyone became curious, and the things that were opened in the Saint-level treasure chests in their hearts were at least Primordial God-level.

"It's not an equipment, but a skill book." On eight days of the week, she curled her lips when she saw the surprise of everyone. "But this is only a rare skill book, not even a **** level. Obviously it is not a good skill book. ."

Skill books are divided into ordinary, rare, god-level and unique skills. Now that the game has progressed, god-level skills are not too rare, and rare ones are also common. Only one rare type skill book is opened in a holy-level treasure chest. It is indeed a bit bad luck.

Sure enough, hearing that it was only a rare skill book, everyone also showed a little bit of loss, and this also made August even more self-blaming.

"Whether the skills are strong or not depends not only on these, but also on who learned them." Samadhi comforted, she looked towards August: "Equipment and props will be updated, but skills will not. In a way, skills The book is much better than the equipment and props, so it is also very good to be a rare skill book."

The words of the samādhi made her look much better on Saturday, and when Polangchengfeng asked about the skill book, she didn't say much, and directly sent a skill book to everyone:

[Space Portal] (Rare skill book * Active non-upgradeable skills)

Skill introduction: Use the power of space to open a portal, you can teleport the target in the same space. The upper limit of teleportation is 100 people, but the teleporter needs the consent of the teleported person to teleport. The skill consumes 5000 magic points. Skill The display interval is 3 minutes.

Learning restrictions: Only space professions and special professions can learn this skill.

Casting requirements: It needs to be charged for 1 second. It cannot be interrupted when it is cast. If it is interrupted, the skill will end.

After seeing this skill introduction, everyone stayed for a few seconds, yes, after a few seconds, Othello was the first person to react, and her voice suddenly improved a bit: "What, is [Space Portal]?! Space System Exclusive skill book! How can such a skill burst out?"

The sound of Othello was so loud that it attracted many people around to look at this side. They were also quite curious about what had been opened by the Miange. Some gangs began to send people to inquire about what the Miange people had obtained. '.

"This is a good skill. Although it is only a rare skill book, its effect is much more powerful than that of god-level skills and unique skills. It is used cleverly and even better than combination skills and group combination skills." Chengfeng was very excited and honest, she looked at everyone: "Before Hua Nongyue used [Space Portal] to attack other countries, everyone has seen it. If this skill did not exist, we would not be so smooth."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Hey, I was still envious of Hua Nongyue having such a space skill. I didn't expect that we actually published a book. With this skill, we will be convenient for gang wars and national wars in the future. A lot, tusk, go around behind the enemy to use this skill, hundreds of elite masters, this can also pose a great threat to the enemy. Xiao Ba, you can be considered a great achievement this time."

Hearing that, Othello and others were also cheered up, but Samadhi, Yanyu Xiaoxiao and others all showed wry smiles.

Sitting on Qin Xin prevented some excitement in breaking the waves and riding the wind. She said: "Sister Feng, skills are good skills, but we must have someone who can learn them. This is a skill book for the space department. We have no space department at all. Occupation, even the entire country Z has only one space occupation of Huanongyue."

"Yeah, no matter how strong the skills are, it's not a **** if our people can't learn." Midnight Shu couldn't help muttering, and then his tone changed: "Even if we have a space profession in the Misty Pavilion in the future, what will happen, [ Space Portal] But it is an exclusive skill of the Space Department, which means that all Space Department occupations can automatically understand this skill or learn this skill from the instructor. So what use is this skill book?"

After hearing this, she was stunned by breaking the waves and riding the wind, and she finally realized this, but she still did not let go of hope, and looked towards Monday: "It's not about the skill book. The space department and some special occupations can learn this skill. We are ethereal. There are so many different professions in Ge, you may be able to learn. Xiaoba, you try to see if you can learn."

I didn’t say much on Monday and started trying to learn, but soon she shook her head. It was obvious that she could not learn. And Wednesday, Changhe Sunset and others who received the skill book from her also shook their heads after trying. -They can't learn either.

"It's no surprise that this skill book usually hides occupations, even if you can't learn dual occupations." Fireworks Yi said coldly. She stopped everyone who tried to learn, and then looked at Ye Luo: "Let Ye Luo try, we are Only the profession is the most peculiar or special. If even he can't learn, then no one of us can learn it, and this skill book is useless."

Hearing that, everyone looked at Ye Luo together. They knew that as the firework Yi Leng said, Samsara Venerable is a rather peculiar profession, not only can exert various attribute damage, but also can use various skills. This is a whole The most peculiar profession in the robbery game, if he can't learn, then only the space department profession can learn.

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