Everyone has seen how high the damage output of Yeluo and Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind with their full attack power is, and what kind of threats such an existence will cause to the target. Now Dongfang Tiantian has also acquired equipment that kills people and increases attack power. Everyone is naturally a little worried, after all, the Misty Pavilion and the Eastern Family are hostile.

At this time everyone finally understood why everyone from the Eastern family was so surprised, and it was worthy to be happy to take out such equipment from the treasure chest.

Seeing that everyone's expressions became dignified, Po Lang Chengfeng pretended to say those words indifferently, and this also made everyone's expressions relax.

Think about it, the Misty Pavilion has Ye Luo and Polang Chengfeng, two players who kill and increase their attack power, while the Eastern Family only has the Eastern Killing Sky. At this point, the Misty Pavilion still has an advantage. The joint action of the two is better than one person. It is much more efficient to act alone. After all, the two can take care of each other when they work together. This is why Ye Luo and Po Lang Ride the wind together when performing sneak attacks.

"Well, that's true." Othello nodded: "Ye Luo and Feng Sister joined forces. The efficiency of the sneak attack is much more efficient than that of Dongfang Jitian alone. Besides, if he dares to provoke us, it is not necessarily true. Before Ouyang Aristocratic family and Yinian family are the best lessons for us."

"Now Ye Luo has learned [Space Portal]. This will make the sneak attack more efficient and threaten the target. And the news has been spread, and the Eastern family dare not provoke us, just like the Yeyu family and Ouyang. The aristocratic family still dare not attack us even after acquiring powerful combination skills and group combination skills." Sanmai Shi said solemnly, she looked at everyone: "If this is the case, then there is nothing to worry about, and he has such equipment. Maybe it’s good news for us, because we will be much easier to deal with other countries, and it will be much more efficient to attack large fortresses alone.”

Just think about it, Yeluo and Polangchengfeng are two people who can kill people and increase their attack power. Other countries are disturbed. Now that there are more masters in the East, it will naturally be easier to deal with them and increase their attack power. After the trio join forces to capture large fortresses, the efficiency will be much higher than before, and this is also good news for Country Z.

Thinking of this, everyone nodded, and June Feixue chuckled: "Doesn’t it mean that other countries are having trouble in the Fallen Demon Realm? Soon we will be able to expel them all and dominate the Fallen Demon Realm?"

"Don't be careless." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "Our strength has increased, and other countries are the same, and so many countries have joined forces, and they have gained greater benefits than us. If they join forces, we will also be in trouble."

"That's true." June Feixue nodded, and then thought of something, she became excited: "Sister Fireworks, now we have 3 players who kill and increase attack power, and 2 others have mastered [Space Portal ] With these we can easily seize the small fortresses of some countries, even medium-sized fortresses. Without the fortresses, those countries have no place in the Fallen Demon Realm. If they are driven out one by one, then our pressure will be less. A lot."

Not waiting for the fireworks to be cold, she continued: "When will we start such an action?"

"Maybe we can concentrate our efforts to capture the large fortress already occupied by Country M, especially when the people in their alliance are not in the Fallen Demon Realm." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at the firework Yi with expectation. Leng: "For example, now we have such strength. Hey, in this way, we can not only cause serious damage to country M, but also greatly increase our strength, why not do it?"

After pondering a little, Samadhi poem said: "At this time, most of our big moves have ended CDs, and we have obtained several combo skills, and we still retain two or three combo skills, and the Yeyu family has group combinations. With the skills, I have the strength to seize the large fortress occupied by Country M."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "After the large fortress is seized, the mobility of Country M in the Fallen Demon Realm will be much worse. It will be much easier to deal with them in the future, and I think it is feasible."

At the end of speaking, the samādhi poem looks at the fireworks and it is easy to be cold.

After indulging for a moment, the fireworks are easy to get cold, she said: "It is also very important to seize the large fortress occupied by country M, but it is also very important to capture the last large fortress, and now we are still more than an hour away from the time limit. , There is also a complete opportunity to capture the two large fortresses."

The so-called two large fortresses in Fireworks Yield naturally refer to the one occupied by monsters and captured by country M, and she said that also means that she has agreed to this action, and this allows the waves to ride the wind and Othello. Waiting people are very excited.

Next, Firework Yi Leng informed the gang leaders of the Bacchus Dukang, Longteng Tianxia and other major gangs of this plan, and her proposal was immediately supported by everyone. After all, they also knew that the large fortress occupied by the country M today was The best opportunity, and this will greatly weaken the overall strength of the coalition forces, and they will deal with it more easily in the future.

"The eldest brother has the equipment to kill and increase the offensive power. Do you want him to fill up the offensive power first?" Dongfang Zhantian said with a bit of pride in his tone, with a faint ostentation.

"No need." Firework Yi said coldly: "The attack power of Eastern Killing Sky is originally very high, and there are some powerful and wide-ranging skills. It is very simple to kill some people to increase attack power in our operations, especially in Under the cover of Ye Luo and Sister Feng."

"But didn't you say that you should attack the fortress first? The combined attack power of your eldest brother will also make the capture of large fortresses more efficient." Dongfang Tiantiandao.

After pondering a little, the firework easily coldly said: "It takes some time to kill. Dongfang Jitian wants to get to the YD activity area to kill people and then it takes longer. Maybe we have killed the BOSS at that time, so it doesn’t matter. significance."

"We have an assassin monitoring in the YD activity area. Big brother can directly teleport over. After killing, let handsome Ye Luo or Hua Nongyue use [Space Portal] to teleport back. Anyway, the CD time of [Space Portal] is only 3 minutes. It does not delay our sneak attack on the fortresses occupied by Country M, and it will not take long at all. After the big brother fills up the attack power, our siege will become much more efficient, and it will be easier for everyone to deal with BOSS."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Although on-site murder can quickly increase the attack power with the ability of the big brother, but when the attack power is increased, the damage caused by the sneak attack will naturally be higher, especially when you can kill at the first move. Many people, this will directly defeat the target, and then we will act more smoothly."

"It's okay if there are people left in the activity area of ​​YD." The firework Yi was still cold.

Next, Eastern Killing Heaven directly locked the people of the Eastern family and teleported to the YD area to start hunting, and Ye Luo and others were not interested in helping the large forces clean up the mobs in this large fortress. They moved to the third place as quickly as possible. A large fortress went away, and after reaching the destination, he began to attack the city.

Although Eastern Killing Heaven is not there, after capturing the large fortress before, everyone has obtained several holy-level equipment, and the level of equipment has improved a bit, so the efficiency of killing monsters is still very high, even higher than before.

After 5 or 6 minutes, Dongfang Tiantian was full of attack power, and Ye Luo used [Space Portal] to teleport him back for the first time. Then they and Xiaolang brazenly rushed into the fortress and started killing .

After the attack power of Eastern Killing is full, the damage output is very high. The damage of the sword system is not much worse than that of Yeluo and the breaking waves. His return also makes it easier to capture the fortress, and even deal with the final boss. The time is half shorter than before.

It is worth mentioning that this time the fort token is still obtained by the Misty Pavilion. In this way, just capturing the large fortress Yeluo will get 15,000 points of national warfare, and this is close to the flying mount he can exchange for the Primordial God Level A step away.

The three saint-level treasure chests for killing the BOSS and the system rewards are also very rich. This time, breaking the waves and riding the wind still chose the saint-level treasure chest, but this time, no other rare items were opened, only one saint was opened. Grade equipment.

That saint-level equipment is a fire ring, which increases a lot of attribute damage, and also reduces skill CD time and skill power. June Feixue, Wednesday, and Yixiao Hongchen are all in need, but they are rushing to first build master equipment. Returning to June Feixue, her overall strength has improved a lot, and her damage output has also greatly increased.

As for the other gangs, maybe all the previous luck has been used up. The other two holy-level treasure chests only have 1 holy-level equipment and 1 ancient god-level equipment, but it can also improve everyone's strength, which will make the next The sneak attack became much simpler.

"Fireworks, we have already seized the third fortress. The attack power reserved by Ye Luo and I for murder is less than 3 minutes. Is it time to act now?" Po Lang Rongfeng urged impatiently.

Ye Luo's attack power is about to disappear, and if they wait for their attack power to disappear before launching a sneak attack, the efficiency will undoubtedly be much lower. After all, they want to kill 1,200 people without increasing their attack power. It is still a bit troublesome. After all, M Most of the people guarding that large fortress are elites, and they are assisted by defensive equipment. It will be more difficult to kill it.

"Well, Sister Feng, Ye Luo, you directly lock our people and teleport over. After teleporting, you will immediately use [Space Portal] to teleport players without teleportation skills." Firework Yi Lengzhen first lightly clicked: "Hua Nong Yue is already Once in place, he will directly use his skills to send everyone there."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she looked at the Bacchus Du Kang and others: "Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, after we start the sneak attack, you will lead the army to rush from the nearest fort to support. The more the number, the better."

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