VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1720: : Continue to siege

The Ouyang Family has acquired a powerful combination skill, and the Night Rain family has also acquired a group combination skill, which greatly increases the overall strength of Country Z. Then it will be easier to deal with other countries in the Fallen Demon, even these countries Join hands.

Of course, seeing the benefits of the Ouyang Family and the Yeyu Family, the gangs such as the Oriental Family and the Fine Wine Family will inevitably be a little envious, especially the Oriental Family that only obtained one piece of Primordial God-level equipment when opening the treasure chest. People know how they feel when their faces are dark.

As for Ye Luo and others, they are quite calm. After all, the Misty Pavilion already has a lot of powerful combo skills, and there is also a group combo skill, plus the two killers of Ye Luo and Polangchengfeng, they are completely OK Suppressing the Ouyang Family and the Yeyu Family, so there is nothing to worry about.

Soon after, the large forces rushed into the large fortress, so Yeluo and the others no longer need to clean up the mobs, because they have more important things to do-to capture the next large fortress.

Directly use the teleport stone to teleport to the fort with the recorded ID and then teleport to the small and medium-sized fortress around the large fortress that needs to be captured, and then set off to the target at the fastest speed. The major gangs also sent a group of elite cavalry and summoner army. Waiting for the arms to approach the target not only assists Ye Luo and others in capturing the fortress, but more importantly, it can also prevent people from other countries from coming to sneak attacks.

Ye Luo and the others rode their flying mounts very fast, and they rushed to the destination within a short time, and they did not wait for the large forces. Ye Luo and others rushed to the fortress.

Because of the previous sneak attacks on countries, the explosion of BOSS when capturing large fortresses, and system rewards, many players have improved their equipment level, especially Ye Luo. Changing a holy ring does not increase his overall attributes too much, but The 200% increase in the attack power of the killing also counts the increase in the attack power of the holy ring, so his attack power has increased significantly, and the damage output has also been greatly increased.

The equipment level is further improved, and the damage output has naturally increased. Therefore, it is easier to capture the fortress. Yeluo and the others are advancing very fast. They are afraid that it will not take too long to get into the fortress and kill the BOSS. Even if he captured this fortress.

Not long after Yeluo and the others launched their attack, the major gangs also arrived. They either lined up to prevent players from other countries from attacking, or joined the ranks of the siege, so that their advancing speed was It's faster.

While siege the city, the fireworks were easy to get cold and did not ignore other countries. They sent unknown assassins to monitor the surrounding situation at any time. After learning that there was nothing unusual in other countries, at least there was no large-scale operation, they could unscrupulously conquer the fortress.

"If it's not necessary, everyone had better keep the big move." Firework Yi Leng suddenly issued an order in the team channel.

This command of fireworks easy to cold makes some people a little strange. After all, for them, they have dual professions to use big moves to speed up the siege, so that they can take the fortress earlier. Today, the task of capturing 3 large forts can also be Finished more smoothly.

"Why should we keep the big move? Is it possible that people from other countries should come to harass us?" General Pian said indifferently, and his words were echoed by some people.

In the minds of General Pian and others, the major game powers have been maimed. It is impossible to sneak attacks and prevent them from capturing large fortresses. So there is no need to keep the big move. After all, tomorrow’s big move can end the CD. .

"Maybe people from major countries won't come to attack us today, but what about tomorrow?" Dongfang Ming [biqugetv.info] Xing asked rhetorically, seeing that General Pian and the others still didn't care, she continued: "For example, in the early morning and dark night, Tokyo Mythology, etc., combined with other countries' masters to enter the Fallen Demon Realm and then conquer large fortresses or attack us. If we use big moves at this time, it will be difficult to stop them after the early morning."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Don't talk about the aftermath, just to say that we have used the big move now, it means that we have no big move to use before tomorrow and now. Before that, they will act in the dark night. We want to stop them. It’s difficult, so if you can keep the big move, you should keep it so that we will be more confident when dealing with unexpected events."

"Yeah, dark night, they were not right. They have already launched their actions today. Maybe they will also act tomorrow. It is best to keep some big moves." Ye Yufei took the stubbornness, she looked at everyone: "So many countries are in We have suffered a loss in our hands, maybe they will join the dark night and their alliance, which means that their next actions may be more intense, and we will undoubtedly bear the brunt, and it is necessary to keep some of the cards."

There is no shortage of smart people. Naturally, they also know that other countries will not give up after suffering a loss, and their next counterattack will naturally be fierce. At this time, it is naturally necessary to retain some assassins.

Thinking of this, everyone was silent, especially the former General General and others. They once again realized that fireworks are easy to be cold and nothing can be done without aim.

"The most important thing is that we can take down the large fortress without the need to perform big moves, and it is not a problem to take down two large forts at the current speed." Samadhi said while attacking: "After all, our equipment level It has improved a lot, and it has become easier to deal with these monsters."

If it was before, such as yesterday, everyone still needed to use big moves to capture large fortresses, but from yesterday to now, everyone has obtained a lot of Primordial God-level equipment, and even some holy-level equipment, and the equipment level is greatly improved. It has become a lot easier, and there is no need to perform big moves.

They also felt the change in strength, and everyone knew that the samādhi poem was true, but they did not struggle with this issue anymore and continued to work hard to kill monsters.

It didn’t take long for Ye Luo and the others to rush into the fortress, and then they found the BOSS. Under the powerful attack, the vitality of the BOSS was rapidly decreasing. Depending on the situation, it would not take too long to kill him, and at that time everyone just Can control this large fortress.

"Unsurprisingly, we will still have the greatest credit for capturing the fortress this time. The selection and system rewards are still our priority." June Feixue said on the channel, her tone was full of expectation and curiosity: "Sister Feng, should we choose ready-made equipment or treasure chests this time?"

Hearing this, she looked at the waves and wind on the eighth week, her pretty face was full of expectation.

Think about it, before, the Ouyang Family and the Yeyu Family were the combo skills and group combo skill scrolls drawn from the treasure chests. This thing is much better than the holy equipment, so they naturally hope that the waves can choose the holy treasure chests.

Of course, on August, regardless of other things, she has a soft spot for opening treasure chests, especially high-end treasure chests. For her to be able to get good equipment from treasure chests is something to be proud of, but the premise is to have high-end treasure chests. Treasure chests, and at present, if you want to get high-level treasure chests, you need to break the waves and ride the wind.

"Of course I chose the treasure chest." Po Lang Chengfeng said decisively.

"Sister Feng, it depends on the situation." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "If the BOSS bursting equipment can directly improve the strength of us, we can give priority to it. After all, the possibility of rare equipment from the treasure chest is not possible. High, and even the chances of getting Saint-level equipment are not great. For the sake of insurance, we naturally choose the ones that can directly enhance our strength."

Posing her lips, she was quite disapproving of the breaking waves and riding the wind, but she also knew that if there was equipment like the [Wind and Fire Ring], she would still give priority to it. After all, this kind of equipment can be used directly by Ye Luo to improve his The level of equipment is very important to the Misty Pavilion.

"I also agree with the proposal of fireworks." Samadhi said, she looked towards the waves and wind: "Now we have a very strong strength of the Misty Pavilion, especially the combination skills, even the total number of combination skills of two or three big gang There are not as many as us, so there is no need for luck at all, as long as we step by step to improve our strength."

Without waiting for the others to speak, she continued: "In addition, although the combined skills are very effective, such skills can only be used once a day. The overall damage dealt may not necessarily have a high-level equipment that is important to the player's strength bonus. , Which means that combination skills are very important, but high-level equipment items that can be directly equipped are equally important, and both must be taken into account."

Think about it, too, the Misty Pavilion already has a very powerful combination of skills, and even group combination skills, so the demand for combination skills is not too big, and improving the player’s equipment level can increase the damage in normal times. Output, and the level of equipment is improved, the damage caused by the combination of skills will be higher.

"It depends on the situation, if there are really powerful equipment, it's okay to choose the equipment directly." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered, but listening to her tone, she knew that she still prefers to choose the Saint-level treasure chest.

"BOSS is about to be killed, don't talk about it, it is also very important to grab the fortress token." Sitting on Qin Xin said suddenly.

Grab the fortress token can be handed to Ye Luo to use, so he will be rewarded by the system 5000 points for national warfare, which will allow him to collect 300,000 points earlier and then exchange for the Primordial God-level flying mount. Strength improvement is also very important.

Hearing that, everyone was solemn, and they also knew the importance of grabbing fort tokens, and they were all absorbed in their preparations.

Although the people in other gangs also realized the importance of obtaining fortress tokens, 5,000 points are not a big deal to them, so they didn’t care too much. They looked forward to what equipment and systems the BOSS would release. What kind of equipment and props can the rewarded treasure chest open?

The BOSS was killed shortly afterwards, and Qinxin’s luck was very good, because after the BOSS was killed, the fortress token flew directly towards her, although there were some other gang members around her, but these people But I am embarrassed to fight with her, not to mention that the token flies straight to her. At this time, the fight will undoubtedly offend the entire Misty Pavilion.

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