VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1719: : See also group

With the increase in player levels and hidden occupations, most players have their own attributes, such as Lava Mage, Ice Dragon Mage, etc. However, it is currently seen that Sword Eleven is a career with dual attributes of Dark Fire. Most of the players have a single attribute, which means that most of them can only exert one attribute of damage, but Ye Luo can exert various attributes of damage because of his special profession.

It is precisely because of this that [Wind and Fire Ring] can undoubtedly exert the greatest effect in Ye Luo's hands. After all, the sum of attribute damage of this dual attribute ring is higher than that of a single attribute ring of the same level. No doubt his The increase in strength will be greater.

The facts are also true. The basic attributes of [Wind and Fire Ring] are generally the same as other holy rings, but the additional features and additional skills are extremely powerful. After being equipped, Ye Luo's overall strength will be greatly improved, especially ignoring the target defense. Strength, reduce skill CD time characteristics.

Think about it, Ye Luo has a lot of group attack skills. The reduction of the CD time of these skills also means that the number of skills he can release will increase, and he can even continuously use group attack skills, so his damage output will undoubtedly increase a lot. .

"Wow, this ring is too powerful!" June Feixue exclaimed: "Especially the last additional skill. This is a large-scale skill similar to the [Ten Thousand Swords Return]. The flame covers 50 meters, and it affects all those who fall into it. The hostile target caused 500,000 points of damage. This damage is very high, especially the overall damage, which is even much higher than the overall damage of some combination skills."

"Yes, although 500,000 points of damage are not pure damage, they will be resisted by Fire Resistance, but this damage is also very high." Black and White Chess said: "You can even kill many players. With this skill, Ye Luo gathers together. Collecting 300,000 points for national warfare is even easier."

"Although this skill covers a large area and the damage is high, it is not an instant damage, but a continuous damage. 10 seconds is enough for players on the edge of the sea of ​​fire to escape the sea of ​​fire, and players caught in the sea of ​​fire can also cast spells. Immunity, invincibility and other means can be used to resolve it, and you can even take an elixir like [Orange Spirit Pill], so the threat is not greater than [Wan Jian Guizong]." Samadhi poem said solemnly, and then his tone changed: "Of course, this is also A very good skill, it can be used as a combo skill, and this will greatly increase Ye Luo's damage output."

Think about it, too. Skills like Huohai that need to stay in it to show damage are high, but they also have some limitations, just like what the Samadhi poetry said before.

"Anyway, it can greatly increase Ye Luo's damage output." Po Lang Chengfeng said nonchalantly: "At this time, Ye Luo put on a holy ring, and his overall attributes have improved a lot. The damage that can be done with his skills is also There will be a lot, and his role will increase whether it is in team battles or in one-on-one. For example, it will be easier for us to capture large fortresses later."

Hearing that, everyone nodded together, and they all agreed.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of laughter from the Ouyang Family. Depending on the situation, it should be a very good thing from the treasure chest-yes, the previous Saint-level treasure box rewarded by the system was given to the Ouyang Family.

Seeing this scene, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were also quite curious. After all, they also knew that if only ordinary Saint-level equipment was not enough to make Ouyang Feitian and others so excited, they were afraid that they had issued rare props or skill books. of.

It didn't take long for June Feixue to find out why Ouyang Feitian and others were so excited through the people of the wine family. They drew a combo skill scroll from the treasure chest, which was a combo skill book scroll for the two.

Of course, if only the combined skill scroll is not enough to make Ouyang Feitian and the others so excited, the most important thing is that Ouyang Feitian can use the scroll. He and a first female general who originally belonged to the generals can cast a [Bright Sword Rain (group)] ] Combination of skills.

The first female general is the only dual-professional pastor of the Ouyang family. It is a sacred priest like Saturday. The two people jointly formed [Bright Sword Rain (group)] covering a range of 50 meters, which not only can cause greater damage to the enemy target, but also It can also add blood to friendly units with a radius of 50 meters, and directly fill up the blood. The effect is quite good, and such a combination of skills is worthy of Ouyang Feitian and others excited.

"Isn't it just getting a combo skill scroll, and it's only 50 meters in size. Are you so happy?" Othello couldn't help but sneered: "Could it be that they think this combo skill can threaten us? Hey, let’s not mention the skills that Sister Qin and Ye Luo used [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Swords Guardian Shield (group)] that can kill them in seconds, 【Six Paths * Thousand Beasts Pentium (group)], [Meteorite Fall (group)], [ Energy Arrows (Group)] Which one is not more powerful than their skills, not to mention that we have group combo skills, which are not comparable to them."

That’s right, the number of combo skills in the Misty Pavilion is far more than that of the Ouyang family, and the effect of combo skills is mostly stronger than [Bright Sword Rain (group)]. In the eyes of Othello and others, Ouyang Feitian and others have obtained a combo skill. There is really nothing to be happy about.

"Ouyang Feitian is a dual profession, and the first female general is also a dual profession. The combined skills used by the two have high damage, and they can directly fill up all friendly players within a radius of 50 meters. This combined skill has a very good effect. It's also worthy of joy." Samadhi chuckles: "They have more of this combination of skills, of course, it will not threaten us, but how to say it can improve their strength, and the external deterrence will also increase."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "But they are good news for this combination of skills, because in the future, most of them will be national warfare. If they have more, this combination of skills can cause more damage to the enemy, and we The pressure will be easier. At the very least, just using it to capture large fortresses will greatly increase the efficiency of our siege and reduce casualties."

Knowing this, everyone nodded, and no longer struggled with this matter.

The Ouyang family had a fairly good combo skill, and it did not arouse the worries of the Misty Pavilion, but their expressions were a little more serious on the next news-the Night Rain family opened a group combo skill scroll from the treasure chest , Like [Energy Sword Rain (Group)] is a group combination skill that can be performed by 100 players together.

That's right, Ouyang Family has developed a group combination skill, and this makes all the gangs who heard the news envy, and even after hearing the news, they were a little jealous, and even regretted that they had no choice before. Treasure chest but only selected equipment.

"The luck of the Ye Yu family is also great, and they have actually obtained a group combination skill." June Feixue said with emotion: "[Sweeping a Thousand Army (Group)], the scope is the same as our group combination skills. , Both are 1000 meters, and the damage is the same. The base damage is 500,000 points, and the damage of each additional player is increased by 10,000 points. The maximum damage is 1.5 million points. This is also a skill that can reverse the situation."

Everyone has seen the horror of [Energy Sword Rain (Group)]. It is not an exaggeration to turn the situation around. Now the Ye Yu family has also obtained a group combination skill, and then think of the ambition that Ye Yu Fei has always shown. It is inevitable to get a little worried.

"That said, if Ye Yu Fei is smart, they won't come to provoke us. They can only show themselves in the national war to increase their record, at least for a long time." Samadhi poem said in a deep voice. "Ye Yu Fei Fei should know that only one group combination skill cannot suppress us. Not to mention that we also have group combination skills. In addition, we have many ways to turn the situation around. The consequences of the Ouyang family and the Yinian family provoke us are their lessons. ."

Hearing that, everyone nodded. The Misty Pavilion also has combo skills, and also has powerful combo skills such as [Six Dao* Ten Thousand Beast Pentium (group)], and there are two murderers, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng. There is nothing to worry about.

In addition, although the group combination skills are powerful, the CD time is very long. It can be used to deter other gangs for a full 10 days. However, it is obviously not enough to deter the Misty Pavilion. At least the Misty Pavilion has many ways to deal with it. Counterattack, that is not something the Ye Yu family can handle.

"Since the Yeyu family dare not do anything to us, and since their gang rankings can't surpass us, then their strength is also good for us, at least they can pose a greater threat to our enemies in the Fallen Demon Realm. , And our pressure is much less." Samadhi poetry continued.

"That's true." Othello nodded, and as she said these, she looked at the place where everyone in the Ye Yu family was: "Don't say anything else, we will capture the large fortress afterwards. If people from other countries attack, they This group combination of skills can also cause severe damage to the enemy. Maybe the effect is the same as we did yesterday, so that we can take all the large fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm as our own, and dominate the Fallen Demon Realm is just around the corner."

Knowing this, everyone no longer struggled with these things, and then continued to clean up the surrounding mobs, but after more people entered the fortress, they would move their positions to capture other large fortresses.

At this time, Yeluo has controlled all the defense equipment in this large fortress. In addition, when they attacked countries before, their people had already cleaned up a lot of monsters outside the fortress, so the task of cleaning up the mobs was also Quite easy, only a part of the cavalry, archers, and magicians need to attack the fortress and then condescending to attack the monsters. Yeluo and the others also have more important things to do-they are going to capture 3 large forts today. May expand the advantage of country Z in the fallen demon realm.

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