VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1718: : Holy Ring of Wind and Fire

Seeing that all the air powers of country D and YDL were killed, and then large forces, other countries of the coalition also realized that the general situation is gone. If country Z continues to implement the previous sneak attack tactics, they will not follow suit, so they hesitate for a while. After that, they chose to evacuate, and they evacuated as quickly as possible while Country Z was still cleaning out the remnant enemies.

Hearing the nameless words, although everyone was disappointed that they couldn't kill them all and get some equipment, they also breathed a sigh of relief, because then everyone can take over the large fortress with peace of mind, and they can also capture 3 without accident. A large fortress, and this will further expand the advantages of Country Z, and the dominance of the Fallen Demon Realm is just around the corner.

"Fireworks, people from other countries have evacuated, can we now go to capture large fortresses?" The waves and wind were full of anticipation.

Fireworks Yi Cold did not reply to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. She directly issued an order: "Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, each of our major gangs sent some people to hunt down those retreating countries, and dispatched assassins to monitor those countries at any time. Every move."

Seeing the leaders of the major gangs immediately issued orders, she continued: "Leave some people to clean out the dead enemies and pick up the fallen equipment. The elite masters go to capture the large fortresses. Hua Nongyue wants to stay and follow the orders at any time. [Space Portal] Teleport us over to prevent emergencies."

Although we have killed all the large forces of D and YDL, there are still many people lying around. The equipment will not burst when lying down. Only if you return to the city to resurrect, you need to leave some people. Guard the corpse and pick up the equipment.

In addition, although people from major countries have retreated, no one can guarantee that they will not make a comeback, and they are very likely to send elite teams to sneak attacks, so beware of this, and let Hua Nongyue stay outside at any time. Sending it over is undoubtedly a good way to prevent it.

Everyone had no objection to the arrangement of the fireworks being easy to be cold, and then they acted separately. Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others rushed to the outside of the large fortress at the fastest speed, and then launched the siege.

Although Ye Luo and the others sneaked attacks on people from major countries, their siege operations never stopped. Although they could not enter the fortress, nearly half of the monsters near the fortress had been cleaned up, which made Ye Luo and others more relaxed. some.

At this time, Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng are still in a state of full attack power. With the powerful attack power and the assistance of Dongfang Killian and others, they are advancing at a very fast speed and will soon be able to enter this fortress. .

"Are there any changes in those countries?" Firework Yi Leng asked while riding on the frost dragon to attack.

Nation Z did not send elite masters to pursue it, only some ace cavalry and some air power, and they must have monitored Yeluo's capture of a large fortress through some assassins left behind. In this case, the country that retreated before is likely to suddenly Turning to make a comeback, and fireworks are also quite wary of this.

"Although the large forces of various countries are hesitant, they do not mean to return." An anonymous voice sounded in the team channel.

"Could it be that they just gave up like this?" Jian Nanchun laughed strangely: "These countries can't help but fight, even if the big forces are not our opponents, they can send some elite teams to sneak attacks. We are attacking the city, they There are still some opportunities for a sudden attack."

"If players from other countries are attacking the city, they will have some chances, because it is difficult for others to get out of the battle, but we can withdraw directly from the battle because of the existence of Hua Nong Yue, and people from all major countries also So they didn’t dare to turn around because they were worried that we would break away from the capture and attack them again.” Samadhi explained, and then changed his tone: “As for the elite team’s sneak attack, the elite team is small, and fireworks are arranged behind us. Many people prevent their sneak attacks. In this case, they are not a threat to us, so even if they come, they are useless. On the contrary, they will increase casualties and simply ignore them."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "If I were the commander of those countries, at this time I would rather lead the players in my country to capture more fortresses, and get some benefits as much as possible instead of harassing us, because it would be thankless."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed, and then continued to capture the fortress.

Knowing that fireworks are easy to be cold, they have made comprehensive arrangements. Everyone is no longer worried about anything, so they can attack as much as they want. Their advancing speed is very fast, and it does not take long to enter the fortress. Then Yeluo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others directly Rush to the BOSS and prepare to kill him as quickly as possible.

The equipment level of Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and others are better than yesterday. Even if they don’t use their ultimate moves against the boss, they can still deal terrifying damage. In addition, the damage output of Dongfang Tiantian and others is very high, so the BOSS’s Qi and blood are rapidly decreasing, I'm afraid it won't last long.

"It would be great if Uncle Ye Luo could grab the fortress token." Suddenly June Feixue said in the team channel: "Although the rewards obtained will be evenly distributed, although the fourth large fortress captured will not have extra Rewards, but controlling the fort will have points rewards, a full 5000 points, which can also allow Uncle Ye Luo to redeem the Primordial God-level flying mount earlier."

"Yeah, today we may capture 3 large fortresses. If you can grab all the fortress tokens and let Ye Luo use them, then he will get 15,000 points for the national warfare, so it will be even more time for him to exchange for the Swire Flying Mount. Go one step further." Othello took over.

"We have a lot of people. If you have a chance, we will fight for it." The fireworks are easy to be cold and decisive, and her words have been unanimously agreed by the waves and the wind and others.

As Fireworks Yi Leng said, there are a large number of Misty Pavilion players participating in the siege of the BOSS, and they are prepared, so it is not difficult to let the waves and wind grab the token, and then she decisively orders The card was handed to Ye Luo.

In fact, it’s not too surprising that she can grab the token by breaking the waves and riding the wind, because she has the skill [God Dance Step] and she also has other displacement skills. It is not too difficult to grab the token if she is well prepared. Get it.

Ye Luo didn't say much, directly fusing the token with the heart of the city, and then a system prompt sounded through the entire fallen demon realm:


System reminder (Fallen Demon Realm): Congratulations to Ye Luo Zhiqiu for obtaining the fortress token and then fusing with the city heart of the fortress and successfully occupying a medium-sized fortress. The fortress was named'Big 4'. This fortress belongs to the country of Z. Actively attack foreign players or demons within 100 meters of the fortress. The upper limit of the fortress’s capacity is 30,000, but the number of IDs that can be recorded is only 10,000. The system rewards 500 sets of Ye Luo Zhiqiu Demon’s Domain suits and Saints for completing this feat. There are 3 level treasure chests, 5000 points for national warfare, and 50,000 points for military service and 50,000 points for prestige, which is encouraged.

Sure enough, the fourth large fortress captured did not have additional rewards, but there were still 5000 points of national warfare rewards, as well as prestige and military merits. This is also a surprise, and after obtaining these, Yeluo's distance is 30 Ten thousand points of national war points have gone further.

Not much to say, Ye Luo directly handed the rewards of the Demon Domain Suit and Saint Level Treasure Box to the Bacchus Dukang. After all, these rewards must be evenly distributed to everyone together with the BOSS burst.

It’s still the old rules. The gang that contributed the most has the right to choose equipment first. The Misty Pavilion is naturally the first to pick equipment, and the wave breaker, who is responsible for picking equipment, directly chooses a piece of holy equipment. After all, the holy treasure chest opens out. The probability of level equipment is not high.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind chose a holy ring with very good attributes:

[Holy Ring of Wind and Fire] (Ring—Holy Grade)

Physical attack: 4000—4000

Magic attack: 4000—4000

Strength: +2000

Physique: +2000

Agility: +2000

Intelligence: +2000

Additional feature: Increase the wearer's 2000 points of wind attribute damage and 2000 fire damage. Only special occupations can trigger this feature.

Additional features: Increase the wearer’s attack power by 4000 points, and have a certain chance to trigger the wind and fire attack effect during the attack. When this effect is triggered, the wearer will increase 5000 ignition type attribute damage and 5000 wind type attribute damage. Only normal attacks can trigger This feature.

Additional features: increase the wearer’s skill damage by 20%, increase the hit rate by 15% when casting skills, and increase the critical strike rate by 15%.

Additional features: Allow the wearer to ignore the target's 15% defense power and increase the wearer's attack speed by 15%.

Additional feature: Reduce the CD time of the wearer’s skills by 20%, only limited to skills with a CD time of less than 12 hours.

Equipment restrictions: Only limited to male players.

Additional skills: [Wind and Fire]

Additional skills: [God-level driving easily]

Long-lasting equipment: 500/500

Required level: 320

[Wind and Fire] (active skill): Wind assists the fire, and the wind and fire are combined, which can make a 50-meter radius to ignite a raging fire, and under the strong wind, the fire attack will be more violent, burning everything and falling into the flames of all hostile targets It will lose 50,000 points of vitality per second, and the fire lasts for 10 seconds. When this skill is cast, the wearer will receive a wind and fire energy shield. The energy shield can withstand 500,000 points of damage. The skill consumes 50,000 magic points. The skill display interval is 12 hours.

After seeing this ring, the people who questioned why the waves and the wind chose the ring no longer say anything, because they know that maybe others can't perform the perfect effect of this ring, but some of them can do it-Ye Luo can trigger all Attribute damage.

"A ring with dual attributes of wind and fire, it would be good if it was only wind attribute." Midnight Shu couldn't help muttering in the gang channel: "Sister, why did you choose such a ring, only male players can Equipment, there are so many restrictions, you can't equip it."

"We can't give full play to the strongest effect of this ring, but Ye Luo can. The effect of this ring in his hand is much better than an ordinary holy ring." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at Ye Luo: "Furthermore, Ye Luo's rings are all Primordial God-level, a bit outdated. Picking him a Saint-level ring can also increase his strength."

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