VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1717: : Indecisive

Under the courageous charge of elite masters such as Yeluo and Polangchengfeng, the air power of the D side was greatly suppressed. After seeing that the entire army would be annihilated in the future, these people chose to retreat, but this is just like fireworks. The meaning of-Hua Nongyue used the [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and other masters, flanking back and forth, which caused the air power of Country D to suffer heavy losses, which can be described as heavy casualties.

Ignoring the more than 10 elite masters who fled, Ye Luo and others helped the large army to kill all the land legions of YDL and D country. Killing them can also get a lot of national war points, and then you can exchange points for many things. And these will greatly enhance the overall strength of a gang, so everyone does not want to miss it.

I have to say that the overall damage output of the Misty Pavilion is very high. It is not only the damage done by elite masters such as June Feixue and Ye Luo, but also the damage done by the Magician Army and the Green Summoner Army. Ge a gang killed nearly 30% of the enemies.

There will be more than 10 big gangs present at this time, but a gang of Misty Pavilion has killed nearly 30% of the people. This naturally attracted the envy and envy of everyone, and of course it was shocked by the powerful strength of Misty Pavilion.

In fact, if it’s just an ordinary player, the damage output from the Miaoge Pavilion will not be too high. It would be good if it can account for more than 10%. However, the damage output of Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng after they are fully attacked is too high, especially Ye Luo and the others also displayed a few large-scale, powerful skills, and combination skills. It is not surprising that they can kill so many people.

"Kill all these people as soon as possible." Firework Yi Leng gave the order.

Everyone naturally knows why the fireworks are so anxious that it is easy to get cold. They are not worried about the arrival of other coalition forces. They even want these coalition forces to arrive. The most important thing is to solve these people as soon as possible to deal with people from other countries, and then invest in the capture of large fortresses. As they analyzed before the fireworks are easy to be cold, the situation on the Z side is also very serious. Only by capturing as many large fortresses as possible to expand the advantage can we gain a firm foothold in the fallen demon realm.

Hearing the order, everyone did not say much, and increased their attacks. However, the players of YDL and Country D are disappearing at a relatively fast speed, fearing that they will all be killed in a short time.

"Uncle Ye Luo, today we are working on so many countries. You and Sister Feng have killed many people. Now how many national war points do you have?" June Feixue asked expectantly: "You should be away from redeeming the Primordial God There is not much difference between the level flying mount."

Hearing this, many people around looked at Ye Luo with an expression of envy and shock.

Although the ancient god-level flying mounts are not out of date, everyone is looking forward to the ancient god-level flying mounts. It's just that the national war points required for the ancient god-level flying mounts are too high, and the players in the entire Z country are afraid of it. Only Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind have the opportunity to exchange it, and the latter already has a relatively powerful Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon, so only Ye Luo who still has no mounts needs and has the ability to exchange such mounts.

In addition, everyone heard the words of June Feixue again, and they were naturally very curious about it, so they looked at Ye Luo together.

"About 230,000, which is still a bit worse." Ye Luo said lightly, and his words once again shocked everyone around him.

Think about it also, at this time Ye Luo has 230,000 points for national warfare, which means that he at least killed 230,000 foreign players. This is an exaggerated number, and even the total number of murders in some gangs cannot reach this level.

"It’s 230,000, hehe, there’s not much to 300,000." June Feixue chuckled: "There will be a few countries next. By then, Uncle Ye Luo, you will kill people. Maybe you can do it today. I got 300,000 points and exchanged for a Primordial God-level flying mount."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Ye Luo attacked and said casually: "We have already attacked many countries. Most of these countries have withdrawn from the coalition forces. At this time, there are not many countries in the coalition forces, and there are no major game countries. People should not dare to provoke us again, and they will immediately withdraw, so today I have no chance to kill many people."

Think about it, too. Game powers such as YDL, Country D, JND, ADLY, ELS have been crippled and unable to harass Country Z to capture large fortresses. Although there are still many countries in the coalition, these countries do not have any powerful countries, let alone. A group of mobs can't be far behind.

Seeing that countries such as country D have suffered heavy casualties and have fled, the remaining countries will naturally no longer fight against the players of country Z. As a result, it will not be easy for Ye Luo to kill people, not to mention that they will be more important in the future. The task of capturing large fortresses.

That's right, capturing large fortresses is more important than killing people. After all, capturing large fortresses can further stabilize Country Z's advantage in the Fallen Demon Realm. Domination of the Fallen Demon Realm is just around the corner. Ye Luo naturally knows which one is more important.

"Oh, that's true." June Feixue murmured, and then she changed her tone after thinking of something, "But it's nothing. Today, I don't have 300,000 points. I should be able to do it tomorrow. Uncle Ye Luo will soon I have a Primordial God-level mount, and this is also the first Primordial God-level mount of the Misty Pavilion, Country Z, and even the world. At this point, even Eastern Killing Heaven and Dark Night cannot be compared with you."

Of course, this sentence June Feixue said on the gang channel, otherwise it will be irritated by Dongfang Tiantian and others, which is not good for the subsequent cooperation.

Ye Luo didn't care about this, and continued to attack, and his national war points were also rapidly increasing.

"Anonymous, how is the situation in other countries now?" Firework Yi Cold asked while attacking.

"BX has already begun to retreat. The countries where small countries such as RS and RD form servers have stopped marching. Obviously they are hesitant." An anonymous voice sounded in the team channel: "The same is true for countries in other directions. They will retreat if they attack them, even if they are far away from us, they will retreat."

Think about it, because of the existence of Huanongyue, other countries know that it is very possible to be attacked, and the air power of country Z is very mobile. If they are pursued, it is almost difficult for them to escape. After all, they led Not many people in the large army can use the teleportation stone to teleport to the fort to evacuate, so they can only leave early when the large army of Z country is far away from them.

Hearing the nameless words, Feng Xing, Bacchus Du Kang and others couldn't help but laugh, and the Eastern star said lightly: "Although there are still countries in hesitation, they should also be on the verge of shaking. As long as we do something against another country. People from other countries will all withdraw so that we can take the large fortresses with peace of mind, and the remaining time is enough for us to conquer two fortresses, and even three large fortresses even smoother."

"It shouldn't be a big problem to capture the three large fortresses, because the large fortress monster we are now working on has been cleaned for nearly half, and it won't take long to capture it." Ye Yufei took over. "If we can conquer all 3 large fortresses, then we will have 5 large fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm, which is half of all large fortresses. Our advantage will be great, so even if other countries join forces, it will not threaten us. Here we are."

I have analyzed before that other countries have joined forces, and when Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and others are not in the Fallen Devildom, they have the opportunity to take away the small and medium fortresses already occupied by Country Z, but it is too difficult for them to capture large forts. , After all, large fortresses have a lot of defense equipment, and there are a large number of players that can be stationed. Forced attacks will cause heavy casualties, not to mention that there will be a steady stream of reinforcements sent from other forts to support.

The best way to capture the occupation by the player is to forcefully enter the fortress with a powerful elite team, and then destroy the heart of the city and the teleportation array. This will undoubtedly capture the fortress with minimal casualties. In the past, Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind This is what they did, and Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also had such strength after they were fully attacked.

It’s just that they can only threaten small and medium-sized fortresses even if the dark night is full of attack power, because the attack power of the defense equipment of large fortresses is too strong, and coupled with the player’s defense, it is undoubtedly difficult, or even impossible, to attack by force. , Let alone destroy the heart of the city and the teleportation array.

As long as the teleportation array and the heart of the city are not destroyed, the players in Country Z will continue to send energy to support them. Coupled with all kinds of defensive equipment, they will suffer heavy losses in the dark night. Presumably, they will not rush to attack the city. .

In addition, the large fortresses are all elite masters of the major gangs. Among them, there are many units that restrain the air force such as the Blue Summoner and the Wasp Summoner Corps. Even the elite players of Country Z can enter the Fallen Demon Realm to support this situation. They even dare not attack the large fortress of country Z in the dark night.

It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are so cold that they will be so anxious to capture a few large fortresses, and Ye Yufei will say that after he estimates that he can own 5 large forts.

"Whether it can capture 3 large fortresses is not certain, it depends on the situation." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "But it is also very good to be able to capture the next 2 fortresses. No surprise, we can still do it tomorrow. Capture two more, so most of the large fortresses in the Fallen Demon Realm will be ours. It will be difficult for other countries to gain a foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm."

Hearing that, everyone's eyes lit up, and then one by one was more excited, preparing to kill all the players of Country D and YDL to deter other countries and then capture large fortresses.

Perhaps I also realized that after country D was also maimed, there was no power to recover. Several countries that were still hesitating before did not hesitate anymore. Some gangs began to withdraw, and their actions made other countries no longer hesitate and they also began to withdraw. .

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