VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1712: : Next goal

Country Z has an absolute advantage over ELS, whether in terms of number, number of elite masters, equipment level, or professional collocation, and the team has two killers with full attack power: Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves. God, so there is no suspense in this battle. It depends on how long the ELS can last and whether the reinforcements from other countries can have time to support it.

In the minds of ELS commanders, it may not be possible for large forces from other countries to catch up, but their air power and dual professional elite masters can definitely arrive before their entire army is wiped out, and as long as this master arrives. It is not too difficult to suppress the players of Country Z and then wait until the large troops arrive, and then encircle them and kill them all, and it is precisely because of this that they do not break through or directly teleport back to the fortress.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that not many ELS players can directly pass to the fortress through the teleportation stone. Those who can teleport away are not willing to kill most of the players, so they stay and insist and wait for support.

If these people have seen the terrifying damage output of Ye Luo and others, if they learn that the fireworks have been sent to hinder the reinforcements of other countries, especially for those air forces, do not know if they will change their combat plans?

Ye Luo and the others have never thought about the ELS player's thoughts. At this time, they are following the instructions of fireworks and easy cold to meet those dual professional masters. With the skills of spell immunity, they can attack unscrupulously, plus fireworks are easy to cold and so on. Players with powerful control ability assisted in the control, and they killed two or three dual professions as soon as they shot, and this also made the situation on the ELS side even more unbearable.

Finally, I saw that the damage output of Ye Luo and others was terrifying, especially when they existed on Tuesday, the elite players of ELS had to use invincible means and then aggressively charge, but Ye Luo and Long Teng Tianxia and others stopped them.

Long Teng Tianxia and others are worthy of super masters. Even if they do not use their big moves, it is not difficult to withstand the attacks of these dual professions, especially in the deterrence of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, etc., and the priests who sit on Qin Xin add blood. in the case of.

A player’s invincibility time is limited, only 1 or 20 seconds, and after most of these invincibility times are gone, they once again met the attacks of the waves and the wind and others, and their situation became a bit worse. Especially after the desert solitary smoke and the setting sun of Changhe, under the order of the fireworks to be cold, they used the [Sword Qi Zongheng (group)] to kill all the priests around them.

The two of Changhe Sunset are undoubtedly super masters, their equipment level and overall attributes are very strong. The two combined skills are terrifying. Not only did they kill many players below, but also two or three dual professions with residual blood. Was seckilled, and the vitality of other dual professions also lost a lot.

Ye Luo and others would naturally not miss this opportunity. They attacked with group attack skills one by one. As a result, most of the dual professional players in Russia were killed in one round of attack, and only 7 or 8 people were still alive. It's not a threat anymore.

At this time, the large forces of country Z finally arrived. They didn't say much, and blatantly killed the enemy, so that the originally chaotic ELS large forces became even more unbearable. They increased casualties at an extremely terrifying speed. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was defeated like a mountain.

Yes, under the attack of 100 elite masters such as Ye Luo, ELS's large forces can't stand in line at all, especially the group attack skills of Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riding Wind, which have the opportunity to kill those professions. This also makes country Z's large forces easier.

The major gangs of the major gangs have been impatient for a long time, and now they finally have the opportunity to shoot, they will naturally charge with the most fierce attack, and the damage output will be output in the shortest time. This will make ELS’s major troops It became even more unbearable, with numerous casualties at a time, and depending on the situation, they could not wait for the support of other countries to arrive.

After 2, 3 minutes, I finally realized that it was not good. The ELS commander finally gave the order to retreat and break through, but at this time their large forces were surrounded by the players of Country Z. Except for some air forces, they had a chance to escape. It is as difficult for other players to kill.

Not only ground cavalry, but even air cavalry want to break through, because the wine family and other big gangs dispatched a lot of air power and flying summoner army, and the Misty Pavilion sent 230,000 green dragon summoners. The legion, except for half of the queen, joined the siege, surrounded by so many green dragons and other flying summoners, it is difficult for the air power of ELS to escape.

The fact is also true. Except for a few dual-professional gangs who performed big moves and escaped with some air power, all other ELS players were killed, and the land players below did not insist on 5 minutes to slaughter them all, leaving many corpses.

Of course, these people did not give up hope. They believed that the allied forces would come to support them. They still have 5 minutes of lying down. When the time comes, they will be resurrected when the coalition forces drive away the players from the Z side.

Seeing so many corpses without directly returning to the city for resurrection, Samadhi and others could easily see their thoughts, and Othello sneered: "These people are really naive, not to mention that we have arranged a large number of people to resist the reinforcements. It’s impossible for those reinforcements to arrive within 5 minutes. Even if they can arrive, how can they resurrect these people? Although they are allies, they are players from different countries. ELS players will burst their equipment after they die completely. Yes, other countries will not miss this opportunity."

"Yes, these people are too naive." Daughter Hong took the stubbornness, and then changed her tone: "But maybe they don't want us to get their equipment, and would rather leave it to people from other countries."

"It's also possible." Othello nodded, and then she laughed: "It's just that the reinforcements of other countries can't make it. Then they want to make us cheaper?"

"Yes, the arrangement of the fireworks girl is very good. The players behind the palace are confronting the air power of other countries." Bacchus Du Kang said, he laughed: "Although the air power of other countries is strong, there are only two or three at present. It will take a few minutes for the air power of the country to arrive, and it will take a few minutes for other countries. In this case, they dare not rush into it. After all, the players behind our palace have a lot of air power."

"The most important thing is that other countries have selfish intentions. They want to let ELS players entangle with us for a while. The longer we entangle in their hearts, the greater our casualties, and the easier it will be for them to come and besiege us." Feng Xingdao, and then his tone changed: "It is estimated that they did not expect that we have almost no casualties. Even if some players are dead, the priest can resurrect them, so we have no casualties at all."

"Not only did we have no casualties, but this time we also made a lot of money." Dongfang Yutian took the stubbornly, his tone was full of excitement: "We have killed hundreds of thousands of ELS elites, and there are more than 10 double professions among them. Those who have lost a lot of good equipment, after receiving their equipment, our overall strength will increase again."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind did not pay too much attention to these gains and killed all the ELS players. June Feixue asked: "Sister Fireworks, now we have solved the ELS team, what are we going to do next?"

The firework Yi Leng looked towards breaking the waves and riding the wind, she said: "Sister Feng, you and Ye Luo choose 50 flying cavalry, and then use the [group hiding technique], and then go to the air power of the YDL side, the air power of this country Confronting our people, you walk around from both sides and kill them all, so this country will be abolished."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind to speak, she continued: "Take Hua Nongyue, and after he arrives at the destination to launch a sneak attack, let him use the [Space Portal], transfer all the other elite masters, and then strive to get those in the shortest time Air force beheaded."

In order to support ELS, the air power of YDL and other countries rushed in first, and the large troops behind were far away from them. In this way, Yeluo and the others could use this time difference to do something, and only need to take a country’s air With all the power to kill, then the threat to them from this country is naturally much smaller.

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind lit up, and then she didn't say much, she directly selected 50 elite masters, and after they summoned the flying mounts, they performed the [Group Concealment Technique], and then at the fastest speed. To the air power of YDL.

"Fireworks, what about us?" Othello said in anticipation: "Are we just waiting for Hua Nong Yue to teleport us over?"

"We are going to the other side, where there is BX air power. Next, we will attack them. I believe we can confuse some of them, so it will be much easier for Sister Feng and the others to sneak attack on YDL players." Fireworks Yi said coldly. While speaking, she rushed to the other side, and then she instructed in the team channel: "Flying, Wednesday, then you can use combination skills depending on the situation, and strive to kill the most people in the shortest time, even if you can’t kill them. Their mounts will also be abolished."

"Hee hee, I understand." June Feixue chuckled: "It just happens that our combo skills have ended the CD, and we can use it next."

It is undoubtedly a idiotic dream to kill all the air power of YDL with just one combination skill, even if it is [Meteorite Fall (group)], but after using this combination skill, many flying cavalry mounts can be destroyed. It will weaken their overall strength a lot.

In addition, [Meteor Fall (group)] can certainly force many people to use invincible skills, and without the invincible skills, Ye Luo and others would like to kill it much easier.

"Uncle Bacchus, if necessary, you can also let your people use one or two combo skills. The large forces of YDL and the air power of other countries will arrive soon. We will solve them in the shortest time." Yi Leng continued to give orders.

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