VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1711: : The war begins

Perhaps elite masters such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind in the Fallen Demon are difficult to **** the fortress, but if Ye Luo and others are not in the Fallen Demon, and the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others also join the alliance of ADLY and other countries, then gather A group of elite masters have entered the small and medium fortresses occupied by country Z, so it is difficult for the players of country Z to resist.

The people present have followed Yeluo, breaking the waves and riding the wind to attack some fortresses in other countries. Naturally, they know how terrifying their damage output is when they are full of attack power, because small and medium-sized fortresses can hold a limited number of people, and if you break the waves and ride the wind, People are no longer in the Fallen Demon, so it is not difficult for the dark night with full attack power and Tokyo Mythology to join the masters of other countries to break into the fortress.

Destroying the teleportation array and the heart of the city with thunder means, just like before everyone sneaked on the fortresses of ELS and JND, so it is impossible for the Z players to resist.

After hearing this, Ouyang Feiri and others couldn't say a word for a long time, because they finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and finally understood why the fireworks were so eager to capture the large fortress.

Think about it, too, it may not be difficult for small and medium-sized fortresses to be attacked by dark night and others, but the number of people and defense equipment that large fortresses can hold has made a qualitative leap, and it will undoubtedly be difficult to **** them down. Many, even impossible, and the worst is much harder to seize than small and medium fortresses.

As long as the large fortress is not captured, the players on the Z side will have a base in the Fallen Demon Realm. They can use this to advance outward and then take back the previously lost fortress. It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are so anxious that they tend to be cold. Want to capture a large fortress, even today is bound to win.

Think about it, now that the countries have formed an alliance against country Z. Ye Luo and others are still in the devil's domain. If they no longer analyze the situation, it is very likely to happen, so now we must capture as many large forts as possible to ensure The advantage of country Z in the fallen demon realm.

"Yes, now our most important task is to capture large fortresses and continue to expand our advantage in the Fallen Demon. It is not important to kill and capture small and medium forts." Bacchus Dukang said, and then he scanned everyone: "Since the fireworks have been After formulating the tactics, everyone can implement them. Everyone should have seen her ability. I believe she will not let us fall into a desperate situation."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and there was no disagreement on this issue.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the others continue to clean up the ELS players in the fortress, and that after the leaders of the Bacchus Dukang and other major gangs gave orders, the people of the major gangs began to act, and millions of people were divided into several large forces to attack. , A posture that prevented the coalition forces from harassing Jianliu and others from occupying a large fortress.

According to the instructions of the fireworks and Yicold, these players were divided into multiple troops, and did not directly march to the ELS's large forces, but to other countries, and this did not worry the coalition forces of all countries, and even they began to cheer up.

Think about it too. Although there are a lot of players in the Z country, there are 12 million, but the number of players in the coalition forces of various countries is as much as 120 million. Among them, there are many ace services in each country. Each country has elite masters. In their hearts, if the players of Country Z hide in the fortress to defend them, there is no alternative, but if the conflict breaks out head-on, then they are not afraid at all-they have absolute confidence to defeat all of these people.

Thinking of this, people from many countries cheered up. They commanded large troops to change the marching route and prepare to start a battle with the players of country Z.

There is no doubt about the fact that only 12 million people from major countries are dispatched in Z, because in their hearts these people are only used to stop them from buying time for those who capture large fortresses. These people know the benefits of capturing large fortresses. .

Not only these people, but even Ye Luo and others launched sneak attacks in the hearts of major countries to fight for opportunities for Jianliu and others to capture large fortresses.

It is also because of this and know that the large fortresses captured by country Z are not worthwhile even if they kill hundreds of thousands of people in country Z. Therefore, more countries ignore the 12 million people who come out of the fortress and continue. To the location of that large fortress, which is exactly what they hoped for.

In the middle of the march, the 12 million players suddenly turned their way, and then rushed towards the ELS troops at the fastest speed. Even the air force did not wait for the large troops behind, they rushed at the fastest speed. Away.

"The firework beauty, our big unit can reach the ELS big unit in 3 minutes, and the air force can get there in 1 minute." Suddenly Dongfang Star said, she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Hua Nong Yue Ye It’s in place and we can act."

Fireworks Yi Cold did not reply to the Eastern Star, but directly issued an order: "Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Feng Xing, pinch the ELS troops from both sides, send the troop cavalry and restrain the air force behind the legion to stop the reinforcements from both sides. , The focus is on blocking the enemy’s air power."

That’s right, the more than 10 armies sent by the **** of Bacchus Dukang before they were sent out to block the armies on both sides of the ELS troop. They suddenly changed their direction and naturally caught them in the middle. In order to prevent other countries from coming to support, they sent It is undoubtedly the best choice for the nightmare to command the cavalry and the empress of the Summoner Legion.

Of course, at this time, the large forces of other countries are still a long time away from the large forces of ELS, but their air power support will be very fast, and the firework and cold dispatching army behind is undoubtedly guarding them.

The Bacchus Du Kang and others were also smart people, and instantly understood the purpose of the arrangement of the fireworks easy to cold, and then they did not say much, and directly gave orders to their respective gangs.

"You guys are going to disperse after Hua Nongyue teleports us over, and use group attack skills as much as possible to leave the target behind and interrupt them to teleport back to the fort. Although there are not many players capable of teleporting." Yi Leng continued to give orders: "However, those who have teleportation stones that can be teleported away are elite masters. Killing them will have a greater impact on ELS, and our harvest will be better."

Think about it, too, ELS has a limited number of fortresses captured in the Fallen Demon Realm. This means that there are not many players who can record the ID on the heart of the city and then directly send it back, and those who can record the ID on the heart of the city Players are naturally among the elite of ELS, and killing them will benefit Country Z a lot.

"Understood." Po Lang Chengfeng vowed and said, she couldn't wait to see other people, she was already ready.

Upon seeing this, the fireworks were easy to be cold and did not say much. They directly gave orders to Huanongyue, and then hundreds of people were transported to the ELS team. They did not use fireworks to give orders, and these people sent the orders at the fastest speed. The troops rushed.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, you are mainly dealing with dual professions that use big tricks." Fireworks Yi Leng once again issued an order: "Tuesday, a smile is flying, and the dragon is everywhere. You have more control over the ice class, follow Sister Feng and them. Help them control their goals."

And while talking about this, the fireworks are easy to get cold and I didn’t forget to summon the frost dragon, and then went to the sky above the ELS troops. The first shot was [Ice Spirit* Thousand Blade Arrows] and [Ice Spirit* Ten Thousand Arrows] ] Waiting for the group attack skills, and then the normal attack, a series of energy arrows whizzed away, her attack speed is very fast, so the overall damage dealt is also very high, even higher than the attacks of many magicians.

Think about it, the firework is easy to cold equipment level is very high, at this time, riding the Frost Dragon, under the action of [Split Arrow], every attack is equivalent to a group skill, plus her attack speed is fast, can The damage output is naturally very high, and I am afraid that I can enter the top three in the archer.

Of course, she wants to be the number one archer in output, because the damage output of Misty Rain and Sword Eleven is higher than her, especially the latter. The dark and fire attributes of the dark fire archer are based on the damage output. The main, and the dark fire two-headed dragon he rides is his exclusive mount, and his equipment level is not much worse than that of fireworks, and the damage output is high and normal.

While the fireworks and others were attacking, other people also launched their attacks. They followed the instructions of the fireworks to disperse, and then used group skills to cover the attack. This dragged many people into a state of combat, and they would think for a while. It is difficult to get out of the state and then transfer away.

Seeing Ye Luo and others suddenly appeared, the people on the ELS side quickly launched a defensive counterattack after being slightly surprised. The 1, 20 dual-professional masters immediately used their big moves, and then joined other air forces to meet the enemy and prepare to entangle. Ye Luo and others, so that their large forces can organize an effective resistance, it is still very simple to solve Ye Luo and other 100 people in their hearts.

But soon they learned that the 12 million country Z players suddenly turned and killed here, and instantly they realized that this was a conspiracy by the country Z side, which made them a little flustered, after all, hundreds of thousands of them. It is impossible to withstand 12 million people, not to mention the fact that Country Z is flanking them from left to right and surrounding them.

After the panic, they regained their peace, because they knew that as long as they could hold on for a period of time, other coalition forces would be able to send a large army to support and encircle the Z country. Although they would suffer heavy losses, they would allow the entire Z army. Annihilating them still feels very cost-effective.

It is precisely because of this that the ELS commander did not order the retreat, but brazenly met Ye Luo and their attack.

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo and others naturally knew their intentions, but they were also happy to do so, because it would be easier to defeat them in this way, and while thinking about this, they also increased their attack strength and became powerful. The damage output makes those dual professions who have performed their utmost unbearable.

As before, sitting on Qin Xin and waiting for the priest to give Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Wind Riders the skills of spell immunity, so that they can attack and kill without restraint.

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