VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1713: : Thunder Attack

Yeluo and the others did not stop after solving the ELS large forces, because there are other countries rushing to the large fortress. It is obviously impossible to secure the large fortress without stopping them and defeating them. So fireworks are easy. Leng also formulated a new combat plan-letting the waves and riding the wind to use the [group strong hiding technique] on 50 elite flying cavalry, and then sneak attack YDL air power.

YDL is also a big game country, and its overall strength is very strong, and annihilating all their air power is equivalent to destroying their entire country. Without this country, the threat of other coalition forces to country Z is naturally much smaller, and Ye Luo and the others It's much easier to deal with other people.

It may be difficult to rely on Ye Luo and other 50 people to wipe out all the air power of a country, but at this time Hua Nongyue is also in the ranks. After arriving at the destination, he can use [Space Portal] and then fireworks Yi Leng and others teleported over, plus those legions behind the palace before, it was not impossible to wipe them all out.

However, the fireworks and others were not idle either. They rushed to the BX's large forces, in a posture that they wanted to do something against them.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind are all elite flying cavalry from the major gangs, and the flying mounts are mostly ancient god-level, and they are very close to the destination in no time.

YDL has a lot of air power. There are hundreds of thousands of flying cavalry and players with flying skills. Most of them are hidden occupations. Among them, there are many dual-professional elite masters, and even the number of dual-professional players is more than 40. This shows that the country's How strong is it.

"Sister Feng, next you disperse and approach the target, the first time the air mounts use [Dragon Yin Jiutian] and other control skills, the first time the damage output is shot out, mainly to kill double professional masters." The perspective saw the situation here, and she gave the order.

"Understand." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded her head, she was ready to control the mount to cast [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens] and then [World Destroying Kuang Lei], [Purple Thunder Sword Slash] and other powerful, large-scale group attack skills, even She also wanted to use [Wan Jianguizong].

That’s right, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has learned [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect], and [World Extinguishing Thunder] and [Purple Thunder Sword] are also group attack skills covering 50 meters, plus the great power and wide range of others With skills and combination skills, it is not a problem to kill some people in the first place.

At the same time, the Blue Dragon Summoner Corps led by Thursday and the Nightmare Commander Cavalry led by Jian Jiu are also slowly advancing here, and Jian 8 is making 50 Mammoth Cavalry closer here. They are best prepared to shoot at any time. .

Next, the waves and the wind and the others dispersed as instructed, and then everyone launched a sneak attack. As soon as they shot, they controlled the mount to use sonic control skills. Those without sonic control skills used their own control skills. Everyone is an elite master, even They are all dual-professional masters, and it is very simple to have some control skills.

Suddenly attacked, which caught the YDL air power that Thursday and the others were caught off guard. They did not react for a while, and many people were controlled. The next thing that greeted them was all kinds of powerful and wide-ranging skills, especially Liu. Yue Feixue and Wednesday jointly used the [Sword Qi aspect (group)], so one-third of the players were killed in an instant under the great skill, and a lot of popularity was lost.

Even so, Yeluo and the others did not relax, because they knew that many of the people killed were in the state of [resurrection prophecy], and after they were resurrected, they would definitely use their big moves to counterattack, and this time they are under pressure. It will be big.

Think about it, although there are not many priests in YDL’s air power, it’s not a problem to give some key characters, such as those dual-professional masters, the state of [Resurrection Prophecy], and these people are the strongest existence in this team. , Their counterattack is also the fiercest.

Of course, the fact that they can kill nearly one-third of the targets in the first time will also make the next battle a lot easier, not to mention that this time Thursday, Jianjiu and others have led the army behind the palace to rush up. , A posture surrounding the YDL airpower groups.

In the first time they started their operations in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Hua Nongyue used the [Space Portal], and then the fireworks and others came out one after another. They also joined the battle, and their arrival made the situation of YDL players worse. At the very least, the counterattack pressure to resist the dual professional masters is much less.

After the fireworks and other 100 people arrived, they sat on the Qin Xin and performed [Qin Yin Hua Lin]. The blood recovery speed of friendly units was greatly increased, which also made Ye Luo and the others less stressed.

Suddenly being attacked, the YDL players were a little confused, but they judged the current situation in an instant. They even said that they judged the situation when they saw the waves and the wind and Ye Luo-the situation is not good. , Recklessly will be wiped out.

Maybe YDL’s air power is enough to suppress the waves and the wind and others, even if the fireworks are easy to cold and wait for 100 people to arrive, they have this confidence, but at this time the YDL commander knows that there are other forces in the Z country, such as those who confronted them before. Jiao Summoners, Nightmare Commander Cavalry, etc., they dare not underestimate this power, and it is precisely because of these that they will hesitate before.

Aware of this, they decided to retreat, or else they would be wiped out, so their large forces would suffer, and they would be able to stabilize the situation by retreating with the large forces. At least they would persist until the arrival of other reinforcements. questionable.

The YDL commander was also very decisive, and directly issued the order to retreat. Even if there are some people entangled, of course they also know that it is not easy to evacuate, especially under the chase of the waves and the wind and others. The flying mounts they rode were faster than their speed, so he directly ordered the dual professional masters to perform their big moves and retreat while covering.

I have to say that the commander’s command ability is very good, and he has a good grasp of the situation. However, he underestimated the damage output of the Z side, especially the damage output of Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng. Because they can't resist even if it is a dual profession that performs big moves together.

In addition, seeing the YDL players retreat, Longteng Tianxia and others will naturally not give them a chance. They brazenly rushed up and entangled a lot of people. They were not worried, even if they were killed by a dual professional with a big move, it didn’t matter, because Thursday There are many priests in the army waiting to lead the queen, who can resurrect them, but without such scruples, they naturally marched forward and launched the most fierce killing.

The fear of death and the heroic impact make YDL players very overwhelmed, even those dual-pro masters who use their big moves, and dual-pro masters have suffered casualties over time, which makes their situation change. It's worse.

"Ice professions and poison professions use group attack skills to cover as many targets as possible." The firework was cold and gave the order, and while saying this, another [Ice Spirit* Thousand Blade Arrow] was displayed, no Players with less YDL are slowed down.

Upon hearing the order, Tuesday, Oriental Pearl and other ice professions launched group attack skills, their attacks slowed down many YDL players, so it is even more impossible to get rid of the pursuit of Ye Luo and others.

"Firework beauty, YDL's large forces are still 5 minutes away from here. Counting these air forces retreating, they will converge in 3 or 4 minutes." An unnamed voice sounded in the team channel. The most important task is to transmit the battlefield intelligence to the commanders such as Fireworks Yicold and Samadhi.

As if she had known this a long time ago, the firework's cold expression remained unchanged, she issued an order: "The major gangs order your people to rush here, air power first, but some people should be left behind to prevent people from the BX side from sneaking. "

"Hey, we killed many masters in the battle for the fortress BX before. At this time, they can't pose too much threat to us." Ouyang Feiri laughed strangely, but not many people paid attention to his words.

After hearing the order, the Bacchus Du Kang and the others immediately gave orders to their people, and they instantly understood what the fireworks Yi Leng wanted to do.

"Hey, fireworks, you are too ruthless, you want to directly solve YDL's large forces." Bacchus Du Kang said, and then he laughed: "But this is not bad, we have abandoned several countries, If the YDL can be scrapped, then we won’t fall into a disadvantage even if we fight the remaining coalition forces."

"Yes." Fengxing took the stubborn words: "But this is the best opportunity, because YDL's air force suffered heavy casualties under our sneak attack, and they will even kill many people in the subsequent pursuit. Most of them were lost before they merged. As a result, their strength has been weakened a lot. Even if the large forces arrive, they are not our opponents. It is not difficult to solve them."

There was a faint response. The fireworks were easy to be cold and did not say anything. They continued their attacks. Ice energy arrows shot away, causing many YDL players to slow down or even become frozen, and soon they became breaking waves and riding the wind. The dead soul under the sword of man.

Soon after, the fastest Mammoth Cavalry finally arrived. They didn’t say much, and under the instructions of the fireworks to attack the dual professional masters, and as long as they were frozen, there would be no suspense to kill them next. .

After half a minute, YDL’s dual-professional masters were forced to have many invincible skills. They were already overwhelmed by the attacks of Ye Luo and others. Now there are dozens of mammoths harassing them, which makes them The situation is even more unbearable, and the death rate of players has increased greatly. At present, there are not many people left when they meet with the large army.

Although YDL’s commanders are aware of this situation, they can’t do anything if they don’t, because it will take some time for their large troops to get here, and it will take a long time for reinforcements from other countries, even whether they come to support it or not. Very problematic.

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