VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1710: : Sneak attack on large forces

The ELS players are full of blood, and after they rushed upright, they caused a lot of pressure on Ye Luo and others, and even caused some large casualties. However, this also saved Ye Luo and the others a lot of time, and they also saved those double professions. Killing all, this undoubtedly caused a heavy blow to it, and this country should not pose much threat when the country Z captures a large fortress.

Although she hasn't killed all the elites who have come to support, but the waves and the wind are already a little impatient to prepare for the next country, so she will ask which country the fireworks will target next.

"The next goal is still ELS." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "But you have to kill all the elites in this fortress, a rare opportunity."

Think about it, too, all the elite masters on the ELS side were killed. At this time, the remaining elite legions did not threaten Ye Luo and the others, which means that they can attack them unscrupulously. Naturally, such an opportunity cannot be missed, not to mention that killing can severely damage ELS. So that they no longer have a threat, killing these people alone can explode a lot of equipment and they will not miss this opportunity.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind naturally knew that there was a rare opportunity. She asked while attacking: "Or ELS? Why, haven't we already severely damaged them? At this time, they have no big threat to us in the next large fortress?"

Not only break the waves and ride the wind, but also other people such as Long Jieyu and Dongfang Zhantian. At this time in their hearts, it is most important to attack other countries and stop them from continuing to the place where the large fortress is located.

"Because the ELS has not returned all the troops." Dongfang Star said: "Although most of the ELS already have teleport skills and some dual classes have returned to support, at this time there are hundreds of thousands of players coming to the target. Hurry up, there are 1, 20 dual-professional masters among them, and there are also elite legions. If these people are not solved, they can still prevent us from capturing large fortresses."

Many assassins on the Z side are monitoring the actions of the coalition forces, especially the coalition forces that are killing the large fortress that is being captured. Therefore, the commanders of fireworks and Eastern Stars naturally pay attention to the situation here, and they also know ELS has a large number of players still on their way.

"That's hundreds of thousands of elite, including ELS's trump card legion, which is very powerful, how do we deal with them?" Nangong Yunlong said curiously: "After all, there are many trump card legions that restrain air power, and there are Some have powerful control. Although Hua Nongyue can use the [Space Portal] to teleport us over, the first batch of players is only 100 players. Is it a bit too dangerous to have one hundred against hundreds of thousands of people?"

Yes, although Yeluo and the others sneak attack on small fortresses easily, in addition to their strong strength, the main reason is that most of the remaining players are ordinary players, because the elite forces of various countries are going to prevent the Z side from capturing large fortresses, that is to say. At this time, the hundreds of thousands of players still rushing towards that large fortress are all elite, among them there are 1, 20 dual-professional masters, and it is naturally not realistic to rely on Ye Luo and others to deal with them.

"Even if they are difficult to deal with, we have to break them up or destroy them all, otherwise, what we did before will be meaningless." Black and white, and then the tone changed: "In addition, since fireworks let us deal with those people, it is natural The tactics have been worked out, and we only need to follow the orders and act."

They are still very confident about the ability of fireworks to be cold. When they heard the Othello, everyone nodded and no longer worried about this, but they were still curious about what to do next, so they began to ask about fireworks to be cold. How to act.

Fireworks Yi Cold did not answer directly, but asked in the team channel: "Anonymous, let your people report how far away some ELS players are from our nearest fortress, and others who are closest to the ELS force How long does it take for the coalition forces to rush over to join them? Not air power, just count their large forces."

Half a minute later, an unnamed voice rang: "ELS is now 7 minutes away from our nearest fortress, and it will take at least 10 minutes for large forces from other countries to reach them to support them."

After a while, the fireworks became cold and began to give orders: "Uncle Bacchus, your gangs each sent 100,000 players to the ELS's large forces, but they moved on to other countries and suddenly changed their direction halfway. The goal is ELS, understand. Huh?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the gods of Bacchus Du Kang, Feng Xing and others lit up because they understood the purpose of the fireworks’ easy-to-cold order. Long Teng said, “It turns out that I want to use other legions in our country. The major gangs sent a large number of players into the Fallen Demon Realm, and each gang sent at least 500,000 people. It is no problem to mobilize a part of the elite to deal with the ELS country."

There are more than 10 big gangs here. Each gang sent 100,000 people, which is 1 million and nearly 2 million people. The number is several times that of the large ELS troops. Let alone deal with one country, even 2 or 3 countries are not there. After all, the quality of the players in Country Z is much higher than before.

Think about it, too, it’s been a long time since entering the Fallen Demon Realm, and the major gangs have captured many fortresses. Dragon Teng Tianxia, ​​Eastern Killing Heaven and others have killed many people and gained a lot of points, so they exchanged part of the Demon Realm suit. Still no problem, and the overall strength of players with the Demon Suit will be greatly improved. At the very least, the players in Country Z are much better than players in other countries at this point.

Using 12 million elite legions to attack the ELS, plus Ye Luo and others at the forefront, it would be too wasteful if they could not be defeated.

The reason why so many people are dispatched is because the fireworks are easy to cold. They want to fight quickly and resolve the battle before the coalition forces of other countries arrive, so that they can quickly withdraw from the battle or re-array to wait for the players who come to support.

As mentioned before, 12 million people are enough to deal with coalition forces in two or three countries, not to mention that there is more support behind, so it is not a problem to defeat players in those countries.

Think about it, they can't defeat the target with Ye Luo alone, but at this time the coalition forces are very close to the fortress, and it is much easier to use large forces.

"Since you know this, let's arrange it." Firework Yi said coldly, attacking as he talked, energy arrows roared away, and there were fewer and fewer ELS players around.

Nodded, Bacchus Du Kang and the others didn't say much, and they arranged their own arrangements, while Ye Luo and the others increased their attacks, trying to kill the players in this fortress as soon as possible.

Seeing Bacchus Dukang to make arrangements, Yi Leng Yi Leng, the **** of wine, once again issued an order: "Hua Nong Yue, you let Hua Nong Hua perform [time reset] on you, and then teleport to the ELS unit. Next, prepare. Follow my orders at any time to send us people over."

At this time, Hua Nongyue was quite convinced of the firework's ability to command cold, so after hearing the order, he did not hesitate to start acting.

Then the fireworks became cold and gave orders to everyone, asking them to increase their attacks, and strive to kill the elite players in the fort in the shortest time.

"Fireworks, do you want us to capture this fortress?" Othello said in anticipation: "Even though ELS has sent a large number of players from the medium fortress, it is okay to resist with our strength for 10 minutes, as long as 10 minutes. Once we pass this fortress, ours will be ours. At that time, our players can teleport from other fortresses. This fortress has a very good location to contain ELS's throat..."

"We don't have time to do this. Not to mention that it takes some time to clear all players in ELS. Even if we have cleared players from other countries, we don't have time to wait for 10 minutes." Samadhi interrupted Othello: "As the nameless said before. , ELS’s large forces are only 7 or 8 minutes away from our nearest fort. At this time we have to deal with other countries besides ELS, so time is very important.”

"We can let our people withdraw from the ranks of capturing large fortresses and let them disperse separately, so that the coalition forces will not pose any threat to us." Black and white chess, she vaguely expected: "This fortress can control the throat of ELS. , The threat to them is great. If we seize this fortress, then ELS will hardly have a foothold in the Fallen Demon Realm."

"Even though ELS is powerful, it is just one country. We still have many countries to deal with. They pose a greater threat to us. Even without ELS, we are under great pressure. The only way to make it easy is to capture as much as possible. Some fortresses, and preferably large fortresses." Ye Luo said solemnly, seeing many people around them showing doubts or disapproval expressions: He continued: "The major countries have the strength to take our small fortresses together. Especially for small fortresses, we will be much safer if we have large fortresses, because it will be difficult for them to capture them, so the more large fortresses we occupy, the better."

"Hey, it might not be easy for them to capture our fortress, let alone medium-sized fortresses, even small fortresses can't be captured by them." Setting Sun Ruxue said indifferently.

"Yes, although the number of people in the small fortress is limited, our people can continue to transmit past..." Ouyang Feiri took the conversation, but was directly interrupted by the samādhi before he finished speaking.

"What if we people are not in the Fallen Demon?" Samadhi asked, seeing Ouyang Feiri and others silently, she continued: "We are not in the Fallen Demon, and the number of people who can be teleported in the small fort is limited. Join their alliance, kill people with full attack power and then enter the Fallen Demon Realm. Can our people withstand the sneak attacks of so many experts?"

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