VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 944: Candlelight in the basement

Su Bai stroked Chaohui Qiansha's hair and asked softly, "Little Qiansha, why are you so anxious?"

He did care.

Chaohui Qiansha also sensed kindness.


Chaohui Qiansha faintly said: "Bad guy, can you let me go?"

"No! I can't bear to let it go!" Su Bai smiled, and came sultry.

Chaohui Chissa: "..."


Chaohui Qiansha was melancholy now, and she didn't know how to deal with Su Bai.

"What the **** is he doing?!"

"Why are you teasing me like this?!"

"Could it be... he treats me as a toy? Like to tease me?!"

"Or, he likes me a little bit..."

The thoughts in my mind are confused.

Zhaohui Qiansha didn't know what Su Bai thought, and he didn't dare to ask...

After all, women who are known to have a close relationship with Su Bai are all beautiful!

They are all stunning!

Look at the height of my own child again, I am really not confident!

There was a mess in my mind.


Just don't want to!

Sitting on Su Bai's lap as if he had accepted his fate, he said nothing.

Pouting his mouth, his face black, and turning his head away from Su Bai, it was as if he was prepared to resist.

"Hello? Little Qiansha? Why don't you speak?" Su Bai asked Chaohui Qiansha while looking into her eyes.


Chaohui Qiansha pursed her mouth and said nothing.

She wasn't in the mood to chat with Su Bai now, she just hoped that Su Bai had enough time to go back.


Su Bai's eyes flickered, he thought for a while, and then slowly said, "Xiao Qiansha, is your father missing?"

This conjecture is not aimless.

One, Chao Hui Qiansha was very anxious before, very anxious!

Second, in this mansion, Chaohui Wuchao is not there.

If the Chaohui Wu chaos is indeed injured in the hospital, Chaohui Qiansha will follow.

In fact, it is only right to see a doctor at home for people of Chaohui Wuchao level!

And this mansion contains high-end advanced medical equipment.

In addition, Chaohui Qiansha's anxiety was also a little at a loss.

She is very troubled by the current situation and at a loss.

Then, the missing guess is very likely.

It turns out that Su Bai guessed right!


Zhaohui Qiansha's pupils suddenly shrank, and her expression was obviously shocked.

However, she quickly reacted and concealed: "What are you talking about, of course...no..."

Speaking of the end, Asuka Chisa's voice gradually decreased.

Looking at Su Bai, his eyes gradually lit up, filled with expectation and excitement.

At this time, Chaohui Qiansha suddenly remembered that Su Bai was a fairy with great strength!

So, can you rely on him to help find his father? !

"Little Chisa, you want me to help you, right?"

Seeing Zhaohui Qiansha's expectant eyes, Su Bai said with a light smile before she asked.


Chaohui Qiansha was startled, and then quickly nodded and said, "Bad...Uh, no, Bai Ye, can you help me?"


Su Bai held his chin, thinking.

Zhaohui Qiansha folded her hands together, looking at him with great expectation.

This is a weird thing, let alone an ambiguous relationship with Chaohui Qiansha, but there is no, out of curiosity in his heart, Su Bai has to check it out!

However, before Su Bai nodded and said okay, suddenly...

"Bah! Bah!"

The walkie-talkie placed on the coffee table suddenly rang out, and then a hoarse low voice came out: "Is the princess here! Call the princess!"


Zhaohui Qiansha was startled, then quickly turned around, reached out and grabbed the walkie-talkie, and couldn't wait to ask: "I am here! Have you found my father?!"

The deep voice in the intercom brought a positive answer: "Well! The emperor has been found!"

"Good job!!!" Chaohui Qiansha exclaimed excitedly.

As soon as he was about to ask where he was, the intercom said: "Princess, although the emperor has been found, the emperor's situation is not optimistic!"

"He was assassinated!"

"Heavy bleeding, the situation is critical, and blood transfusion is needed immediately!"

"What?! Where is father now? Tell me, I'll be there soon!" Chaohui Qiansha was shocked and asked quickly.

The low voice said, "The Emperor is in the basement of the mansion!"

Zhaohui Qiansha didn't bother to wonder why she was in the basement, and immediately replied: "I'll be here!"

Then, she immediately got off Su Bai's legs.

When I ran to the door, I remembered that there were still people in the house!

Turning his head quickly, Su Bai was still sitting on the sofa.


Chaohui Qiansha opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

She didn't know how to arrange Su Bai.

Finally, I can only say: "You...you are free! But don't mess with my things!"

What else can I do? !

Can anyone on the blue star call this great fairy...

As for why he didn't let Su Bai leave, well, I don't know why.

After speaking, Chaohui Qiansha opened the door and went out.


Watching Chaohui Qiansha leave, Su Bai leaned back on the sofa and suddenly chuckled.

His eyes were playful, and his expression looked a little mysterious.

The current situation is interesting and interesting!


This mansion has a basement.

Very secretive, few people in the entire mansion know.

Chaohui Chisa knew it was there, but her father never let her in.

Of course, you must go in now!

If a blood transfusion is needed, her daughter must go there!

After a short while, Chaohui Qiansha arrived at the basement entrance.

She did not come here alone, there were two others who accompanied her.

One man and one woman.

The woman is a doctor of Chaohui Wuchao.

Man... Previously, Su Bai felt that there were two fencing, and this was one of them.

He has a good martial arts, and at the same time an important confidant of Chaohui Martial Rebellion.

Let him come because he has the key to the basement.


As soon as he reached the entrance, Chao Hui Qiansha's face turned pale, and the expressions of the other two panicked.

On the ground of the entrance, there is a faint scarlet blood!

"Open the door!"

Zhaohui Qiansha reluctantly stabilized, and ordered the man who looked a little enchanting.


The man opened the door of the basement with three strokes.




As soon as the door opened, all three of them took a breath.

There is a lot of scarlet blood at the door!

All traces are formed!


After closing the door, Chao Hui Qiansha immediately ran along the blood stain.

"Princess! Slow down! Be careful of the mechanism!" The man hurriedly followed and called out anxiously.


Along the way, the road was very messy and run-down.

The institutions are destroyed!

Not far away, in just a few minutes, the three of Chaohui Qiansha followed the blood stains, turned a passage, and came to a poorly decorated hall.




When they saw the hall, all three of them stopped abruptly.

Zhaohui Qiansha stared at the front with a look of horror, confusion, weirdness, and confusion.

The hall was filled with gray dust.

The ground was lit with white candles, and the candlelight flickered.

Some burned out, some burned to half.

Between the arrangements, patterns are formed naturally.

It looked like a weird smiling face.


Suddenly a cold wind blew in, blowing the candles flickering.

When the pale candlelight flickered, the light jumped and the shadow changed.

Against those candles that burned into candle water and then condensed into white blocks...

It was like a pair of eyes with white pupils turning slowly.

Look at the three of Zhaohui Qiansha!

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