
Seeing such a weird situation, Chao Hui Qiansha's heart suddenly hung up under the cold wind.

His whole body was cold, and his complexion turned pale in an instant.

Gritting his teeth, he controlled himself and didn't lose his temper.

The other two are not quite good.


"Duo Duo..."

They were all shaking violently, and their faces were full of extreme fear.

Inhaling air-conditioning, teeth trembling.

If you really want to say it, the hall is full of candles.

It's no big deal.


When they were here, the three of them really felt the chill of Yousen, and their hair was terrifying!

This chill is terrible!

There is a great crisis of death, great terror!

The two of them were so frightened that they couldn't make any movements, their survival instincts could not be stimulated, they were completely numb, and their brains were down.

Zhaohui Qiansha's expression was better, although his face was pale, his eyes were flexible.

She can still control herself.

But she didn't know what to do, Chaohui Qiansha was very confused by the current situation.

At this moment, there was a strange sound.


What is the sound of the machine.

Ordinary movement, but the man and woman were already overwhelmed by the terrible chill that permeated here.

Suddenly, I heard movement and noise, and I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Don't kill me! I don't want to die! Uuuuuu..."

The screams and screams suddenly sounded, heart-piercing!

At the same time, the two of them scurried around, trying to escape.



Together, they hit a stone gate with two bangs.

The scream stopped abruptly.

The two of them fell soft, with blood on their foreheads, and their necks slumped.

He closed his eyes tightly, his face was extremely frightened, and his expression was distorted.

It is hard to say that they were killed when they hit the door.

still is……

I was invaded by the coldness of the forest here, and was ‘scared’ to death!


It's too sudden!

Asuki Chisa couldn't react at all, and the two died.

She looked back at the two in a daze, and then at the abrupt appearance of Shimen, completely stunned!

When I came over, there was no stone gate that looked so thick.

The way out has been sealed!

Inexplicably, Chaohui Qiansha can still remain calm.

Of course there was fear in her heart, her body was cold, her petite body was shaking.

However, his mind was clear and he was not intimidated by the dread.

But at this time, she had no idea what to do!


At this time, the machine sound was still ringing.

Zhaohui Qiansha's pupils contracted and suddenly looked up.

On the ceiling of the hall, something is falling.

In the diffuse gray fog, you can see that it appears to be a huge circular disk with a dome.

In the center of the disc, there are two shadows.

Through the gray mist, Chao Hui Qiansha couldn't see clearly what the two black shadows were.

However, within a few breaths, the huge dome-shaped disk also fell.

It fell accurately on the floor of the hall, and the dome-shaped dome covered all the candles in the hall.

By now, Chaohui Qiansha can see what those two shadows are!

One is a middle-aged man.


As soon as he saw this person, Chao Hui Qiansha exclaimed.

Yes, this middle-aged man is the father of Chao Hui Qiansha, Chao Hui Wu Chao!

He was lying in the center of the dome, with no wounds or blood on his body.

However, the Chaohui Wu chaos is not in a good state, very strange!

On him, a gray mist clung to him.

It penetrated from the body for a while, and then drilled in from Chaohuiwu chaotic snout, facial features, etc., and acupoints.

At this time, Chaohui Wuchao would tremble violently, as if being electrocuted.

The face will be distorted and foamy at the mouth.

It looks very oozing!

After Chao Kei Chisha exclaimed, Chao Ke Wu Chao did not respond.

It seems that I am already delirious!

Chaohui Qiansha's heart suddenly became anxious, but she could only hold it down!

Because, on the dome, there are two shadows!

One group is Chaohui Wu Chao, and the other is...

Also alone!

But it can also be said that it is no longer like a person!

This person is an old woman.

Sitting cross-legged, his hands made a strange posture in front of him.

His eyes were wide open, his face distorted, and gray blood stains flowed out of the seven holes.

The skin on any part of his body is gray and very dry.

There is no such thing as a person!

Has become a sculpture that releases evil breath!


Zhaohui Qiansha looked at the old woman and exclaimed again.

She knows this old woman!

It's the old man in the mansion, and Chao Hui Qiansha is usually called "God Po".

This old woman has been there since Zhaohui Qiansha remembered.

It was Chaohui Wuran who got it, and I heard that there were some tricks of the gods, and Chaohui Wuran wanted her to pray for the Chaohui family.

Is it useful...

If it's really useful, Chaohui Wu Chao doesn't need to be a dog for Yingli.

But what is going on now? !

How could she be here with her father? !

Why did you become such a ghost again? !

what's happening? !

Is he going to die too? !


In silence, Chaohui Qianshayan looked desperate.

My heart is full of unwillingness and powerlessness!

Even if she can no longer understand what is happening now, she knows that her current situation is extremely dangerous!

Is there something deliberately drew yourself here!

Judging from the terrible situation at this time, if it were to die, it would be a good thing!

In case...


The fantasy situation in his mind made Chaohui Qiansha's face even more terrified.

The teeth bite the lower lip, biting white, so as to restrain his panic and keep calm.

Despite the above worries, Zhaohui Qiansha's eyes flashed, and she thought of Su Bai!

"Has he gone?"

"If you don't leave, will you come to save me?"

"He can definitely solve the current situation, right?!"


"It's better to go now, I... don't want him to have an accident..."

Chao Hui Qiansha's thoughts were very messy.

On the one hand, she hoped that Su Bai would come to rescue her and solve the current strange incident.

But on the other hand, she is also afraid.

The breath here is so weird!

Chaohui Qiansha is afraid that if Su Bai comes over, something will happen!

And when she was at a loss and panicked, in this hall, there was an abnormal change.


Those burning candles burst out loud, lifting up tens of feet high.

A blazing flame wrapped around the dome disk, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the two people on the dome.



With two booms, Chaohui Wuluan and the goddess' eyes lit up with gray flames.

When the flames in their eyes jumped and burned, their eyes, which were originally dim and without emotional expression, suddenly became godly!

It was a... very strange look!

Full of negative emotions!

It is the ultimate sadness, despair, numbness, despair, sadness, and indifference!

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