"It's unimaginable..."

Su Bai sighed, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it.

It seems that these things are far from being revealed, and it is useless to think about them.

Speeding all the way, it didn't take long to reach Neon.

Soon, Su Bai saw the island country.


Still far away, Su Bai frowned and gave a puzzled hum.

I always feel that the island country is a bit weird.

Grey, as if covered by a layer of underworld filtration.

This made Su Bai feel that something was wrong, raised his heart, and accelerated his approach.

Soon, Su Bai arrived completely, floating above the neon territory.


At this point, Su Bai felt even more weird!

How should I put it, he didn't notice any special aura, but instinctively felt that there was something wrong!

To describe it vividly...

Just like a normal game, now it has stepped into the scope of BOSS.

Although I haven't seen the BOSS yet, the sky and atmosphere have begun to build up, giving people a sense of depression!

"There must be something wrong!"

Su Bai frowned, really curious, "Obviously there was nothing wrong with coming here last time!"

"Moreover, now that Blue Star is in line with the Small World Tree, are there any dead people who dare to come over?"

The birth here is weird, so Su Bai would naturally think of the dead.

Unfortunately, he couldn't feel the evil aura of a dead race.

Su Bai flew over the neon, exploring the weirdness.

Soon, he finished the whole Neon shopping, and still didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Moreover, as I searched, the greyish breath was fading, gradually clearing.

It looks as if the smog has dissipated, as if the gray air that has filled the country is just ordinary smog...

But Su Bai doesn't think so!

He didn't think that the strange feeling of discomfort and disgust was an illusion.

"It's weird!"

Finally, Su Bai stopped over the neon capital, and Chaohui Qiansha was here.

Weird in his heart, he took it seriously.

But since I can't find it now, I can't help it. I'll talk about it later.


Su Bai picked a huge ancient rhyme mansion and flew down.

With his perceptual power, he can naturally perceive Zhaohui Qiansha in this mansion.


As he flew down from a height of ten thousand meters, Su Bai frowned again.

Looks suspicious, not pretty.

The mansion where Xiao Qiansa is located...

Especially clean!

Nothing weird, the air is as fresh as after a thunderstorm, full of negative oxygen ions.

But this is so clean, so clean that makes Su Bai feel uncomfortable!

It stands to reason that the popularity, style, and feng shui in this mansion shouldn't make Su Bai feel that way.

But he just feels something is wrong!


Su Bai speeded up, swiftly slammed, and quickly landed, landing on the roof of the mansion.

Closing his eyes, the whole person is silent, perceiving the surroundings carefully.

His powerful perception is like mercury, spreading to every corner.

Soon, the radius of kilometers is under control!

The map appeared clearly in his mind, vividly, without any omissions.

The mansion is very normal, it is the normal activities of some servants.

Slightly special, there are two guys in the enthusiastic fencing.

Chaohui Chissa was also there, except that she was a little fidgeting and looked a little restless and flustered, nothing different.

I didn't see her father, the Neon Emperor in reality, Chao Huiwu chaos.

Apart from these, there is nothing unusual.

This is weird!

This mansion makes Su Bai uncomfortable!

But if you really perceive it carefully, you can't perceive anything.

It's like a layer of mist, you feel something inside, but you just can't see it!

"There is a problem here! I am afraid it is still a big problem!"

Su Bai sank his eyebrows and concluded.

Even if he found nothing, he believed in his instincts.

Without taking back his perception, he jumped off the balcony that was hundreds of meters away and fell lightly on the ground.

Then he swished through the corridors and paths.

Passing by the servants grandiosely, no one could see him, and even Su Bai wanted to hide the movement, they couldn't feel it.

Soon, Su Bai came to the first floor, which was the residence of Chaohui Qiansha.

The door is locked, no problem.

Su Bai opened the door directly with the wind!


Inside the door, Xiao Lori Chaohui Qiansha was in the hall.

She was still wearing her pajamas and her hair was a little messy.

Looks very anxious, walking around in the hall, looking at a calling machine from time to time.


Suddenly hearing a click, she was directly startled and screamed.

Then, looking at the door in a panic, he tremblingly asked: "Who...who is it?!!!"

Su Bai couldn't understand before the release.

But now, I just think of any Japanese movie I've seen before.

By comparison, you can not only understand but also speak.

Pushing the door and walking in, looking at Chaohui Qiansha who was suddenly stupid, said: "It's me."



Zhaohui Qiansha was silly directly!

His eyes rounded, his small mouth grew, and he looked at Su Bai silly.

My mind was a little confused, and I couldn't understand the current situation at all.

Of course she knows Su Bai!

Even dreaming will remember, especially in the last few days, always thinking of Su Bai.

Think of his teasing on himself, think of him spanking himself, think of him...strong. Kiss yourself...

However, I never expected that I would see Su Bai in reality at this time!


Su Bai closed the door and walked towards Chaohui Qiansha.

And Chaohui Qiansha stared her eyes, tilted her head, and watched Su Bai approaching him dumbly.

It was so sudden that she couldn't recover for a while.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing her cute look, Su Bai's mood also improved.

Bend down, stretched out his hand quite directly and unceremoniously, and hugged Chaohui Qiansha in his arms like a child.

Chaohui Qiansha: "?!!!"

Looked up and down left and right to confirm that I was hugged like a child...

Zhaohui Qiansha's face suddenly turned dark!


Suddenly scolded, and didn't care about how Su Bai suddenly appeared.

"Let go of me! Let go! You villain! Pervert!"

Struggling while shouting harmlessly.

The slender legs that were not as thick as Su Bai's arms fluttered around Su Bai's waist, and his little hands struggled vigorously, trying to break free.

like water off a duck's back!


Su Bai smiled, holding Chaohui Qiansha and came to the sofa in the hall.

Shi Shiran sat down, and Xiao Chao Hui Qiansha became sitting on Su Bai's lap.

"Bad guy! What are you doing?!"

Zhaohui Qiansha glared at Su Bai, and said angrily: "Let go of me! I'm really going to be angry!"

Although she didn't have much deterrence in her puffed and angry look, Su Bai felt that she was really angry.

To be precise, it was originally a little anxious, but now it is even more annoying.


Su Bai was surprised, raised his eyebrows, and stopped smiling presumptuously.

Although she didn't let go of Chaohui Qiansha, she looked at her with a gentle look and a smile.

It made Chaohui Qiansha startled, and now she was very anxious and blushed.

There was a sudden panic in his heart, and some did not dare to face Su Bai's gaze.

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