VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 876: There are still robbing people here?

Because of his incomplete body and loss of strength, Meng Shenxi's memory was sealed.

However, the instinct of dry rice will not be forgotten!

Even if it is not a real thing, Meng Shenxi knows that the energy in the Star Spirit Coin is too much!

Staring at the amount on the plate at this moment, the eyes are shining, it can be said that the eyes are shining!

After watching for a while, he sat down silently.

Although there are not many expressions, there is always a dejected look.

Well, of course, it’s because you can’t eat Star Spirit coins now...

When they saw Xia Cha on the side, they couldn't help but laugh.

It’s been some time to get along with each other, and I can almost realize the subtle emotions of Meng Shenxi at this moment.

"The young man is so powerful that he can only use ordinary attacks!" At this moment, Mu Yi Nuan looked at the live broadcast room and sighed.

"Hehehe...Isn't this going to earn rations for Sister Shenxi~!" Mu Mugu laughed strangely.


Of course Meng Shenxi heard it, and there were rare wisps of red clouds flying on her face.

Pretending to be a straight face, he continued to eat the spirit coin without saying a word.

But the movements were much more sloppy, as if the spirit coins in his hand were not fragrant.


In the battlefield.

It didn't take long for the war to begin, but it was already over a hundred who died under Su Bai.

This is not much.

But so far, Su Bai hasn't used the skill of wide range attack either.

It's really exciting to fight against such a large group of strong men with one stroke!

After all, a careless word will be hit.

But fortunately, the autonomous shield given by the gambler is also very good.

It will protect itself and Su Bai does not need to worry about it.

Therefore, the rhythm of the battle is still very cool!

No matter how thick the blood is, it can be hacked to death with a few strokes, which is equivalent to cutting grass.

Not all players are besieging Su Bai.

Some, taking advantage of their good location, rushed to the location of the light gate.

do not worry about it.

Now the light door hasn't opened, and it's useless after passing.

Su Bai withdrew a little bit, wandering and killing on the edge, not deep into the army.

"call out!!"



The body is like a phantom, and the knife is like a thunderbolt.

When moving vertically and horizontally, the light of the sword with blood-red light suddenly appeared in the battlefield.

Basically every time it lights up, a player will be slaughtered.

Whether strong or not, regardless of body size.

"It's been so long, and it can maintain an attack of 70 or 80 million. What kind of skill is this? So long..."

"Tsk tusk tusk! Although he is not optimistic about his ability to block the door, his strength is indeed very strong!"

"Yes! It's really not weak anymore!"

"If there are fewer players in this trial, I think he can complete it. But..."

"Hundreds of thousands of players, he can't stop them!"

"It doesn't need to be less. If you arrive in sequence, give him a certain amount of time, I'm afraid it might not be done."

"Unfortunately, if it's just if, look at the bird's-eye view, the third wave has arrived!"

"There are a lot of players arriving in this third wave, this has to be... seventy to eighty thousand, right?"

"The exit is about to open. It shouldn't take 20 minutes. The players are all coming, of course there are more!"

"The last few waves, that's the real trouble!"

"Hmm! The latter will be delayed for so long. They will definitely not be weak, they must be strong!"

"...Don't look, there's no hope, let's fail to block the door."

"Of course it fails! The brain for successful betting is somewhat problematic!"

"Stop talking, Stud failed!"

"You must bet to succeed! I won the clubhouse young model, and lost to work in the sea!"


The audience in the live broadcast room, thanks to the best viewing angle, has discovered that the third wave of players is arriving.

This wave is more, around 80,000.

Then, after a while, more than 100,000 people entered the battlefield!

According to the speed of arrival, it is estimated that in less than ten minutes, all players from the Relic of the Spiritual Disaster will be there.

Judging from Su Bai's current play style, this is indeed a big trouble!

During the war, some alien players saw from the live room screen and cheered suddenly, saying things like Su Bai's finished.

Su Bai took a moment to look at the live broadcast room and found it too.

However, before the gambling ghost spreads the word, I still have to press and play.


Soon, the third wave of players approached the battlefield, about 10,000 meters away.

No matter which way you come from, there is only one way to the Light Gate.

At this time, Su Bai and 30,000 players were fighting on the road.

Even the blind can hear and physically sense the movement of the ground.

"Huh? Is this movement?"

"It's messy! Could there be a fight ahead?"

"With such a big movement, how many players are fighting?"

"Could it be that there are still people robbing you here?"

"Go, go and see!!"

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Although this wave of players heard the movement, they didn't stay much.

Pentium is still extremely fast!

When it is about five kilometers away, you can directly see the dust and fog of the war in the distance.

If you are close to three kilometers, you can see clearly if your field of view is not blocked by rocks or anything.

Combined with the huge live broadcast interface appearing in the sky, it is even more clear.

For a time, many players stared.

"Damn! It's such a big game?!"

"Even in a melee?!"

"How many players have to fight together?!"

"What...what's the matter? You hit so hard?"

"This fight is too big, at least more than two to thirty thousand players are fighting!"


Confused batch of incoming players!

Even if I understand what is happening now, I can't understand it.

This is all here, shouldn't you go out peacefully?

What is it that can cause such a huge melee?

However, they soon learned.

Because, the guy in the live broadcast room, kindly began to explain.

The explanation is clear, let them know.




"These barrages...are you kidding us?!"

"Block the door? A Terran wants to block the door I am waiting for?"

"Joke! Fart! A human, still trying to block the door?"

"What a joke!"


"How dare you fool...hiss!"


At first, they didn't believe it.

Then, the shot of the live broadcast room happened to capture a figure in the melee.

The bird’s eye view has also been changed to a bird’s eye view of the battlefield.

Therefore, it can be seen that it is not a melee.

But a lot of players are besieging a human race.

However, this human race is too flexible and the offensive is too fierce.

Instead of being injured, he sent away a player who looked powerful and unmatched.


Some players also noticed that in the live broadcast room, a huge betting market was hanging high.

The bet is whether you fail to block the door or not!

Seeing this, it is natural to know that the barrage in the live broadcast room is not a play.

It turned out to be true!

At the moment, the players who arrived in this wave were really shocked and their scalp numb.

Even more shocked than the second wave of players before.

In the second wave, I didn't see tens of thousands of players fighting and besieging one person.

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