VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 877: Stud failed!

"Damn! How is this possible! How dare this man do it?!"

"Woohoo!! Looking for death!!!"

"Huh! Tiny Terran!"

"Hehe... it's rare that such a high-profile guy has appeared among the low-key human races."

"Although he doesn't know his courage, but he is looking for death at all!"

"Tsk! Jumping beam clown!"

"Ha, with this strength, you want to block the door of millions of players?"


After being shocked and shocked, he gradually became disdainful and mocking.

There is no doubt that all the players who arrived immediately felt that it was impossible for Su Bai to do it.

Purely looking for death!

Players of these beasts, stones, and spirits, collectively referred to as the monster race, think so.


Even the human race of the same race as Su Bai thought so.

Among the players who arrived in the third wave, humans began to appear.

They are not necessarily the same as Su Bai, there are some subtle differences.

For example, the skin color is different, the ears, nose, and even facial features are somewhat abnormal.

The skin is also somewhat different, some resemble rocks, some resemble snake skin, and some grow natural lines.

However, they probably belong to the human race, but some of them are branches.

Of course, there are exactly the same, absolutely pure human blood.

Unfortunately, they are not optimistic about Su Bai either.

"Is this guy's brain caught by the door?"

"How dare he came from there?"

"... Is this the human race from that indigenous world?"

"It must have come from some wild planet, otherwise, it would be impossible to know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

"...Forget it, I'm speechless, I don't bother to care about him, let him die."

"It seems that it is some blood that was once exiled?"


Although he was of the same family, what Su Bai did was more scary.

Those of his clan were almost frightened by Su Bai's courage.

There is nothing to show at this moment, watching the show.

Except for the human race watching the show, players from other races also didn't move and were all watching the show.

Too lazy to move.

It would be too embarrassing to attack!

Seeing this, Su Bai grabbed his palm and a brilliant blood ball appeared in his palm.

Skill: Destroy the world and explode!

The original uncontrollable burst form was changed by Su Bai.

Save it in your hands and explode after launching!

However, Su Bai did not intend to stimulate the blood burst of the whole state, only the lowest order.

The damage is only a percentage of 9000%, and the range is only 100 meters.

Just enough.

In fact, Su Bai was worried that the damage was too high.

"It needs to be kept low, and it's better not to trigger any damage bonus."

Su Bai said in his heart, intending to lower his power output.

I also intend to make greater changes when the skills are stimulated.


"Wow, wow!!!"

Between the movement of the body and avoiding the attack, Su Baixin split his mind to adjust the energy group accumulated in his hand.

Originally stimulating skills, the surge of power is automatic.

Now, Su Bai deliberately lowered, even cut off, so that he could not save up to Consummation.

In this way, the damage percentage should be reduced a lot when it explodes.

Since then, there is indeed a new discovery.

That is, it usually only takes a second or two to be full and must be sent out.

It's three or four seconds now, and the savings haven't been full yet.

However, it feels like it can be thrown out.

"Try it!"

Su Bai's body suddenly glowed golden light.

Longitudinal golden light!

Unlimited distance, as long as you have enough strength, you can take as far as you want in one step.

At this step, Su Bai directly separated from the battlefield and went to the front row of the third wave of players.

He left, and the chaotic player hadn't noticed it for a while, running around in a mess, searching.





Su Bai appeared, the golden light on his body had not dissipated.

The players who stood at the far end naturally saw that they were suddenly surprised.

How did this come here?

At this moment, Su Bai also threw the energy light ball in his hand fiercely.


The ball of light flew past like an arrow.

At this moment, the players in the front row still don't understand that Su Bai is here to provoke!


"court death!!"


Several roars rang out.

At the same time, several figures flew out to kill Su Bai quickly.

Since they are all delivered, of course they will not give up.

As for the ball of light thrown by Su Bai...

Losing this as soon as they come, the players are indeed paying attention and being prepared.

However, among the players who jumped out, there was a group of transparent, huge, jelly-like guys.

It's so fierce!

He jumped out, originally attacking Su Bai, but turned his direction out of thin air.

The body that looked like a ball of water suddenly opened from halfway, exposing the **** mouth of the fangs inside!


The energy light ball condensed by the blood explosion, swish, swallowed by it.

Just as he heard a beep, red light fell from his mouth.

Suspected of falling into the abdomen.


Then, it opened its mouth and grinned at Su Bai.

Its violent behavior caused many players in the rear to cheer and roar.


Su Bai is now backing calmly.

He didn't want to wait to be blown up by this player like a slime.

"Want to run?! Hahaha! Die!!!"

Seeing Su Bai retreating, a hostile shout sounded.

The players who rushed out rushed towards Su Bai.

At the same time, the slime-like guy was also eager to come and devour Su Bai.


At this moment...


Amid the deafening explosion, Sheng Lie's red light suddenly appeared!

Among them, mixed with translucent body.

This time, the slime was blown up!

More than that, this red light swept a hundred meters in an instant!

And in the range, every player...







After Su Bai tried his best to suppress the damage, the damage caused by the blood explosion was reduced to about 30 million.

What's more interesting is...

Just as Su Bai had hoped, even a single critical strike was not triggered!

Although 30 million is not low, at least 50% of players in the range exceed 30 million blood, which is not fatal.

Seeing this result, the live broadcast room suddenly became happy.

"Yeah? Only thirty million? Is this what you said can cause tens of billions of damage?"

"Don't be like that. Although it's only 30 million, the range of 100 meters is not too small. It should be blown."

"That is, my big move is only two or three hundred meters. This one hundred meters is really good."

"Hmm, my awakening skills have hurt more than 100 million yuan, this person is indeed very strong~!"

"Hahahaha hiccup!"

"Puff! You guys are going to laugh at me to death! This is so dark!"

"Tsk tusk tusk... It seems that the bet failed is right!"

"Hey, I almost believed it just now..."


Just now, when Su Bai was brewing his skills, he discovered it in the live broadcast room.

At that time, the Blue Star players thought that Su Bai was going to make a real move.

So just say that this skill will hit tens of billions.

Then, the barrage is the situation seen above.

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