VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 875: In order to open the market, the operation is extremely dark



"I choose...you die!!"


"Drink ah ah ah---"

"Despicable human race, death!!!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

The roar is everywhere, and the murderous spirit hit the clouds!

The war was set off simply and rudely.

More than 30,000 players cover a huge area.

And now, these players are running towards Su Bai.

They were full of anger, they just wanted to tear Su Bai, then they would besiege naturally, but they didn't speak any martial virtues.

Under the Pentium of Armies, the momentum is full!

The earth roared, and the dust cloud rose up for dozens of miles in an instant.

In the thick dust cloud, some players with huge bodies are looming, and some players who are hideous like monsters leaped forward.

Against the background of the dust, they are like the devil in the dark night.

It was the stone bird at Su Bai's feet and the stone bird beside him. They were all aroused at this time, their eyes were red, and their killing intent became high.

"Eh hey!"

At this moment, I heard a bad sound, and then I felt the stone bird under my feet shake.


After the shock, it was a roar of pain.

Turning his head to see, the little fat snowman Bea came over.

Mo Zixi and Xiao Luoying haven't come.

Xiao Luoying would not come over without Su Bai's instructions.

Mo Zixi's power can be used for thousands of meters, but it's okay to pass.

Bea made a sneak attack as soon as she came, piercing the still-bright energy spear into the stone bird's body.

Shi Niao had been smashed by her tens of millions of blood long ago. After a short howl, she was not saved and died.

It's smashing, and things start to fall, but it's naturally not the time to collect them.




The members of Shiniao roared and attacked Su Bai.

"Beya, solve them." Su Bai said, he was going to meet the huge number of players opposite.

"Good boss!"

Beya nodded happily, and when she called the boss, she had a kind of amused little bandit.

"Well, be more careful next, call me when you lose." Su Bai exhorted.

Beya nodded hurriedly and rushed directly to the nearby player.

Su Bai stepped on Shiniao's head, ignored the attack coming from the side, and flew out.

The battle strikes!

There is nothing to say.

The gambler was afraid that Su Bai would trouble him in the future and gave him a bunch of things.

Among things, the skill [One Step End of the World] is really strong!

Without cooling, teleport one hundred meters!

That is, it consumes a lot of money, and it takes 40,000 points to take a step.

Thanks to Su Bai’s two blue bars, they are both extremely high!

Therefore, Su Bai's maneuverability is extremely terrifying!

Attack ability...

Need to say? !

No one can do it, then two!

If two cuts are not enough, then three cuts!

No skills are needed at all, normal attacks are enough!

Holding a long knife that is nearly two meters long in his hand, Su Bai's mowing...Bah! Not! It should be said that Su Bai's killing speed is terrifying!


A step beyond the horizon, came behind a player.

With a long sword in his hand, a bull head flew up, the blood-clothed war god, hunting the tauren!


The roar rang, and the back attack came.

Dozens of players bombarded together, unavoidable.

However, Su Bai only took one step, and the person disappeared!

The next second, it was a hundred meters away, and another one was taken away.

-79,364,529·Fatal! ! !

-78,742,424·Fatal! ! !

-79,164,812·Fatal! ! !

-79,281,317·Fatal! ! !

-79,311,673·Fatal! ! !

Nearly 80 million injuries can basically be achieved with one cut.

Of course, not always.

There are always some players who have thick blood, some players always have thick skin, and some players have demonstrated defensive skills.

But no matter how low it is, it will be around 50 million, still very high!

Even though the dust was everywhere, Su Bai's figure was still easy to recognize.

Seeing Su Bai almost hitting one sword at a time, the live broadcast room was quite boiling.

"I rely on me, rely on me! This posture is too flexible!"

"This... a quick knife!"

"My God! Under the siege of so many players, still come and go freely?"

"Although the damage is a bit low, this position is too good, no wonder I have such confidence!"

"This damage... can't be considered low, it can only be considered quite satisfactory. Of course, if you can keep hitting this kind of damage, it would be pretty good."

"According to the compatriots of this human race, it is not yet considered true strength, and they do not know the true or false."

"It must be fake! We said that 80 million damage is low, and that is based on the intensity of the use of large skills. You said that this is not true strength, is it a general attack?!"

"I don't know... but as far as the situation is concerned, I want to block the door... or dreaming!!!"

"Yes! Although the damage is good, the body is good, but! Don't forget, there are too many players! Even if he solves one in a second, how long will it take? The light door is already open, okay?!"

"Well, the light door hasn't opened yet. When it opens, just rush in."

"I understand, there is no possibility of this human being blocking the door...then the question is, is the gambling ghost still open?"

"Nor can you say that! What if he deliberately showed weakness to mislead us?"

"It is indeed possible, after all, he seems very calm..."

Gamblers have been paying attention to the live room.

When the above two sentences appeared in the live broadcast room, the wind direction changed.


Aside from saying anything, the gambling ghost manipulated his 10,000 trumpets and started to send barrage.

"Why don't you think about it another way? In case, he deliberately made you think he can complete the blockage. In the end, he defeated, you are harvested, and he still makes money!"

"Damn! Brother is tall! We are the first floor, you have already thought of the fifth floor!"

"Don't say it, it's really possible!"

"Damn! It's hard to think! When the gambling market opens, I choose to press...I failed to block the door!"

"Wealth and wealth are in danger! So... ahem, I also failed to block the door, so I won't be so stupid and succeed in suppressing this person."

"What's the joke? The Human Race also wants to block the door of millions of players?"

"Believe that he can block the door! The guy who believes, I'm afraid that all have a brain hole!"


One touch of keyboard operation, smoothly diverted the conversation.

In order to make money, the operation of gambling ghosts is quite dark!

Then, he switched back to the tuba and operated it in the live broadcast room.

Canjin characters appeared in the live broadcast room and roulette appeared at the same time.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room know that the gambling is open!

Failed to block the door, odds: one lose one!

Successful bet blocking the door, the odds: one pays nine!

Judging from the odds, it is quite unoptimistic that Su Bai can block the door successfully.

This is what the gambler wants to express, and it's over if you try to mislead!

Make money, not too cold~

This misleading, and Su Bai deliberately lowered his strength, the performance at this time was not a burst, it was just dazzling.

and so……

Players who fail to block the door can reach tens of billions in the blink of an eye!

The currency is spirit coins, ranging from Huangling coins to star coins.

The amount, not to mention, the absolute hard currency in the spirit world: [Singling Coins]

In just a few seconds, it has exceeded 10 million!

Ten million celestial coins, which is a lot!

If converted into Tianling Coin, it is:

Ten billion!

Meng Shenxi, a few miles away, snapped to his feet when he saw the bet in the live broadcast room.

What profound spirit coins and earth spirit coins in my arms all fell on the ground, and they were not fragrant at all!

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