VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 869: Take a dozen


A fierce wind winds around her mouth, trying to attract Bea.


As it approached, the Griffin staggered.

The whole body swayed, and finally, he took the power spear in Bea's hand with his face.

This is Mo Zixi's power!



Amid the huge roar, all the viewers in the live broadcast room, Su Bai and others, and the players who arrived here, clearly heard the sour click.

At the same time, I saw a huge black shadow suddenly fall.

Griffon was thrown in the face with a spear, unable to stand the terrifying force, and was blasted down.


Amid the rumbling sound, the ground trembled suddenly.

The dust was everywhere, almost covering the line of sight.

However, the Griffin is huge and can still be seen from a bird's-eye view.

At this moment, Griffin's head tilted directly to one side.

There was a huge spearhead-shaped groove on his face, and the bone spurs on his neck came out, quite oozing.

The health bar that appeared on the head showed that its health value was 60 million, and it was empty at this time!


Although he used combat skills and Mo Zixi's help, the damage of this blow should not be underestimated.

"Damn! This little fat guy!"

"It hurts! Very good!"

"It stands to reason that the defense of this kind of player will not be low, and it can also deal 60 million damage, which is really high!"

"One hit is in seconds, awesome!"

"No, why is this griffin so stupid? He even picked it up!"

"It's not just picking it up with the head, but it looks like something went wrong. When flying, I lost control."

"Isn't it? All these can make mistakes. Is the combat experience so sparse?"

"Long batch!"

"This guy is so strong, what about that human race?"

"So strong, do you still recognize that guy as the boss? Or does that human race really have a hand?"

"Seeing that she is so good, don't say anything, I really look forward to the means of that human race!"

"I'm looking forward to it, this live broadcast is really interesting!"

"Something dropped!"

"Oh, go back to before liberation overnight!"

Beside this griffin, things started to fall.


It's smashing, the things obtained from the ruins of the spiritual disaster have dropped eight or nine out of ten.

Generally speaking, the probability of dropping these things is not very high, probably around two to three or three to four.

But, who is Su Bai and Mo Zixi~

"Um hum hum~~~"

When the things fell, Beya hummed cheerfully and went to pick up the things.

At this time, the Griffin players were also awakened.

In shock, anger quickly flooded.



"Die to me!"


At this time, I didn't care about the skin, and rushed up.

Galloping on the ground, rushed to Bea to prepare for the siege.

At the same time, the stone dolphin who was about to attack Su Bai before also recovered.

Just seeing Bea hit the Griffin in seconds, he was really shocked.

After returning to his senses, he suddenly sank.

It fought with Griffin and knew the strength and mobility of the opponent.

Regardless of whether it was a mistake or not, it was the fat snowman who died at this time.

So it seems that these guys who are screaming at the door are afraid that they really have some strength.

Thinking about this, he turned his head and called out: "Come on, let's go together!"

"it is good!"


There were four of his team members, and he immediately answered and set off.

At the same time, the third team, which hadn't moved before, also moved.

It seems that they are all not prepared to speak martial arts, and they rushed forward.

"Would you like to do it..." Su Bai looked at the stone dolphins flying towards him, thinking.

At this moment, Bea put down her things without picking them up, and said loudly: "Big Rock, your opponent is my grandmother!"


Once stepped on the ground, he jumped up and bombarded the stone dolphin.

The spear in his hand is shining brightly, as if holding a golden thunder and lightning.

Moreover, beside Bea, four **** of light emerged from the beginning.

It is the four elements of light, dark, ice and fire.

Light, Shenglie is like electricity.

Dark, as deep as an abyss.

Bing, Xiao Suo cold.

Fire, scorching heat!

These energies are now controlled by Bea.

Shoo's separation, flew out, and flew towards the players who had been besieged.

Although the **** of light flew out one by one, no player dared to resist with the lessons learned from meeting the dead griffon.

As for the stone dolphins being bombarded by Bea's main force, even more dare not.

At a time, Bea actually scored more than a dozen!

Moreover, the wind is still not falling.

"This strength is really not weak!"

Su Bai found a stone and sat on the side, watching them fight.

This time, he told Mo Zixi not to help.

But that's it, Bea is not disadvantaged either.

The power of this Beya Fighting God is really good, strong and domineering.

"Wipe! This person is too much, he is watching a play on the side..."

"Tsk tusk, this is really smashing!"

"...Hey, isn't it? A dozen guys can fight with a little girl. A human next to him is watching a show. It's really frustrating."

"Hahaha, Human Race has been weak for so long, but this person is watching with a high attitude in this battle. Those Monster Race players are probably going to be mad at this moment."

"Human race is weak? What's the matter?" Blue Star player.

"Brother, I have checked these few days and I heard that aliens are also humans. They are very weak, and they have been weak for a long, long time." Blue Star player.

"Damn! Wait, wait for our white night boss to get up, let you see what is strong!" Blue Star player.

"When the big shot of the white night, you will know what a ruthless person is!" Blue Star player.


The barrage in the live broadcast room is correct.

At this moment, the players of the three teams are really mad!

The stone Su Bai was sitting on was within their fighting range!

Just a thousand meters away, sitting on a rock, watching as if calmly commenting.

This is simply not too annoying!

From their point of view, Terran is almost linked to the weak.

Now being watched by a ‘weak person’ with scrutiny eyes, who has suffered this kind of aggrievedness!


At the moment, of the three teams, the scaly winged captain yelled.

The scaly wings on his body were heavy, and his body burst into light.

Especially the scaly wings, with faint black glow.

"Want to run?!"

Beya yelled, took her short legs, and jumped over the two players.

Holding the light spear, stab it with a bang.

Stabbed in this shot, but also stabbed empty.

The stabbing is just a ghost.

At that moment, the player briefly traveled through space.

When he came to Su Bai's face, it emerged.

As soon as he came out, what Su Bai saw was a mouthful of blood.

This tiger has a huge body and its mouth is like a pond!

The smell is overflowing, and you can even see the minced meat foam.

Such beast players have different habits from humans, and they will really eat other players.

next moment……


With a bang, the huge mouthparts closed, biting the earth out of huge pits.

The bite force is horrible!

I am afraid that the boulders will be crushed instantly!

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