VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 870: Kick to death!

"I'll go, this bite down, the ground has bitten a big hole!"

"It's worthy of being a guy who can enter the remains of the spiritual disaster, it is really powerful!"

"This tiger is too strong! This is a Mortal Realm player? Or LV99? This is unreasonable!"

"As far as I can see, the four dimensions of this tiger are definitely more than one hundred thousand!"

"Hi! One hundred thousand?!"

"Where is that Terran? Where did you go?"

"This... won't you be bitten to death just like this?!"

"Look! That human race is on the tiger's head!"

"Huh?! Very fast! When did he get on the head of the tiger?!"

"Big White Night, blow it!"

The blow was too sudden, almost instantaneous!

When I understood the movements of the scaly-winged tiger, I saw that the earth was bitten out of a big hole.

At first glance, the players didn't see Su Bai, and some even thought they had been killed.

At the second glance, the sharp-eyed player saw Su Bai standing on the tiger's head with her arms around Yuqi Maomao, and a cute little girl by her side.


At this moment, Linyi Tiger also saw Su Bai.

Staring at Su Bai closely, they formed cross-eyed eyes.

My heart is full of shock!

This result is unacceptable!

It asked itself very fast just now, and it is impossible to miss it.

Even when he had just bitten the sand, he felt that Su Bai had been bitten in his mouth.

Now, looking at Su Bai above his head, his soul is almost scared.

How can this be avoided? !

But at this moment, Su Bai could not wait for it to return to his senses.

Lifted his right foot!

Standing on top of someone’s head and hugging the girl again, of course it’s not easy to use your fist, so just step on it.


This Lin-Winged Tiger is not just a chicken. Seeing Su Bai's movements, he immediately returned to his senses.

His eyes were full of hostility, and when he opened his mouth, he would shake his head.

However, when it first roared, Su Bai had already stepped on it!


A huge roar erupted from the tiger's head.

This foot looks ordinary, but the power is terrifying!


Amidst the roar, the position of the head of the Lin-Winged Tiger kept clicking and cracking.

The tiger couldn't bear Su Bai's terrifying force and was trampled on.

At an extremely fast speed, it hit the ground heavily.


Amidst the roar, the smashed earthquake trembled, and the dust raised Lao Gao.

The Lin-winged tiger pounced on the ground, his body slightly sinking into the ground.

On the head, where Su Bai had stepped on his foot, a huge pit appeared.

Really, there is a pit in the brain!

At the same time, at the location of this pit, a huge amount of damage also floated out.

-40,617,365·Fatal! ! !

Ordinary 40 million.

No skill was useful, it just triggered a fatal one.

Later, there were also some small injuries, suffix injuries caused by bone fractures, which added up to about one million.

Not killed, there are still 30 million blood!

This tiger seemed to be the strongest, and its blood and skin were much thicker than the Griffin that was thrown to death by Bea.

But even so, it is quite scary.

The Linyi Tiger was still lying there for a while, his mind dizzy.

As for the players in the live broadcast room who witnessed this scene, they were all shocked and talked.

"It hurts! It's not low!"

"It's really not low..."

"Strange, he stepped on this foot, it looks like it's useless."

"Huh? Didn't you say that this human race is an attack that uses no skills?"

"Excessive! These forty million damages, if I use no skills, I stand upside down and eat shit!"

"The damage is really good, but it's okay, not as high as the fat snowman."

"Indeed! It takes a skill to do this damage, that's not enough!"

"A group of stupid birds! When did the White Night boss use his skills?" Blue Star player.

"Tell you! If the White Night boss uses his skills, he will have a very strong, dazzling, overbearing red light on his body, understand?!" Blue Star player.

"This is an ordinary attack! It's just a step on the white night boss!" Blue Star player.

"You're farting Nima! Is this the damage that a normal attack can deal with?"

"Then do you want to say that his basic attack is at least eight million?"

"Stop teasing, okay?! Your boss is called Baiye, but it's not that Baiye who created a very junior profession, okay?!"

"Stupid! I don't bother to fight with you, wait until you see the white night boss use skills, don't scare the crotch of the bird." Blue Star player.

"Puff! Laughing to death~ The look of you desperately vetoing the damage of the white night boss is really bashing!" Blue Star player.


There will always be arguing about Su Bai.

In the live broadcast room, the damage caused by Su Bai's foot was whether he used the skill or was it useless. It was noisy for a long time.

On the battlefield, Su Bai followed the tiger and fell down.

At this moment, not far from the ground in front of the tiger.

"Uh uh...whee..."

Linyi Tiger's eyes were bloodshot, but some couldn't focus, as if he was beaten temporarily.

The subconscious howl in his mouth, there was pain in his voice.

At this time, it was also trying to gather its gaze, and gradually saw Su Bai who was not far in front of him.

After seeing Su Bai, for a while, an uncontrollable anger rose in his heart.

This human race is still like that.

With an indifferent expression, his arms are always around the girl, and the clothes on her body are not messy!

Terran, why can you be so calm!

Why don't you take me seriously! !


The eyes condensed in an instant, and the opening of his mouth was an extremely angry roar.

This sound made most of the eyes focus here.

The Linyi Tiger has moved!

It raised its claws and slammed the ground.


Amid the loud bang, the ground hit by its claws burst instantly.

Earth and sand splashed and pits formed.

Under this tremendous strength, Linyi Tiger stood up again.

At the same time, a huge claw several meters wide, pressed hard against Su Bai's location.

The intention of the action is obvious, that is, to kill Su Bai with one claw!

The momentum is pretty good, because it is furious and full of strength.

But this is still far away!


Taking a step forward, Su Bai's figure disappeared.

Skill: One step!

In a single thought, Su Bai crossed a hundred meters and appeared in front of Linyi Tiger.

Still right foot, stepped last time, this time kicked.


Before it hit, I heard the scream of the storm.

The strength under Su Bai's leg is horrible!

And at such a fast speed, even if Linyi Tiger saw Su Bai, he couldn't hide.

Get kicked!


The horrible boom again.

After that, this huge Linyi Thunder Tiger flew out directly!

"Crack, click!!"


While still in the air, I heard the sound of dense bone cracking and the sound of blood splashing.

In addition, he also saw the huge amount of damage that appeared on the Thunder Tiger's forehead.

-40034013·Fatal! ! !

Another 40 million fatal injury!

Under these terrifying injuries, the tiger's health was completely emptied, and Su Bai was kicked to death.

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