VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 868: I'll come, I'll beat them for the boss!

Su Bai hasn't understood this yet, but it does not prevent him from perceiving the discrimination of these monster players.

"Boom boom boom!"

His complexion was cold, and he shook his neck with a crisp sound.

Don't prepare for nonsense, just prepare to do it.

"I'll come here! I'll beat them up for the big guys!!!"

However, Beya is very active at this time.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to hold Su Bai, and wanted to help Su Bai.

At the same time, as she finished speaking, the bones holding Bea changed again.

The bones glow, and the power light sways like fire.

Then, the light of this power quickly covered Bea's body.

This is transferring!


On the next breath, with a bang, Bea shot out a bright light, and a weapon was condensed behind it.

I can't see what it looks like, and I can only look at it roughly.

The shape is quite slender, and the head has a large sharp edge, which should be a spear.

Although it is not solid, it has a rather extraordinary breath.

The fighting spirit seems to be high, surging!

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"

At this time, crisp and sweet laughter sounded.

Although there is a childish atmosphere, the tone is deliberately lowered, and it looks a bit...naughty, eccentric, with a black belly.

The eyes of everyone and the perspective of the live video recorder focused on Bea.

Now Bea, the bones around her changed back to the original state.

Bea turned over and put it in her backpack.

As for herself, her whole body was exuding sharp golden light and the light of four-color elements.

Wind around like a flame!

Although he was wearing a very funny and cute snowman suit, at the moment, he was very prestigious.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Bea continued to smile low, stretched out Chubby's hand and squeezed.



With a swish, the flaming spear-shaped weapon condensed on the back flew into her hands.


Suddenly, all over the body, that violent flame skyrocketed by three points.

Surrounded by the flames, Beya slightly settled her head, so that the players of the previous teams could not see her expression.


A deep voice came out of her mouth.

The deliberately lowered voice echoed in the sky under the blessing of power, and the pressure gradually increased.



The three players on the opposite side all had their pupils contracted, and even one player retreated subconsciously.

At this moment, Bea, who showed her strength, felt the great pressure.

Su Bai: "..."

At Beiya's side, Su Bai could see clearly.

Beja is still Beja.

She just endured the strength of the bones, instead of becoming a ‘Bea God’.

The current situation is... in the concave shape, playing cool!

This snakeskin girl can play.

Su Bai didn't move either, watching from the side.

He was also quite curious about the power of this ‘Beya Fighting God’.

"It's getting started!"

"Oh roar! It's starting to block the door!"

"Unfortunately, only three teams came. When they all come, it will be the big scene!"

"This Demon Race, can withstand it?"

"I don't know, if you can't stand it, just look at this human race, how awesome is it!"


Swords are drawn in the court, but the barrage is very happy.

The three teams of players combined with the barrage on the rear light curtain, and they all understood the reason.

"you guys!"

A Griffin was the captain of a team. It looked at Su Bai and Beya, and said in an extremely frightened tone: "You guys are blocking the door I am waiting to go out, and then use this as a live broadcast?!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Bea changed her posture, akimbo, and let out a long lasting laugh.




She laughed so badly, and when the opposite eyes caught fire, she said briefly: "Yes~"




This short answer, with a cute ‘Yeah’ sound, knocked on the hearts of the first wave of players like a hammer.


"Oh my god! Why is this little fat guy so irritating!"

"No, I want to beat her!"

"Brother, you are still in the lower realm, do you fart?!"

"Hahaha laughed at me..."

"Made, this laughter is so magical, it makes me laugh too!"

"This little guy, weirdly cute, just owes a punch."


Looking at these barrage, the faces of these dozen players turned black.

Uh... if you can see the face.

Anyway, it was very bad, and his heart was raging and murderous.

Even a few kilometers away, one can perceive the gradual and violent murderous intent.

What's interesting is that, in the face of this murderous intent, Bea's aura is actually higher.

The breath of the spear in his hand is more intense, and the fighting spirit is full.

Even trembling, longing for war.


Beya snorted, with one hand on her hips and another with a spear, and said very domineeringly: "It's stubborn, but my grandmother told you to wait for it!"

I don't know where she saw the words.

The only effect is to agitate the opposite side even more.

"you wanna die!!!"



No longer hesitated, roared and roared, and the war began.

The players of these three teams were still shameless. Although they were very angry, they didn't rush in.

Among them, a huge griffon with a wingspan of 100 meters flew out.

high speed!

Once the wings were shaken, dozens of meters of dust and fog were raised on the spot.

In the dust, it flew like a black arrow.


Seeing it coming, Bea yelled.

The voice is clear and high, full of fighting spirit.

Then, she was wrapped in a snowman's coat, so she looked fat and short and stepped on the ground.


The golden light exploded and ran across the ground like electric light.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, bursting into pits.

Bea's figure burst out under this step.

The speed is not much weaker than the Griffin.

This is a special combat technique.

It was what she had learned in "A Drop of Blood of Beya Fight God" before.

In the usual state, there is no such power and speed. At the moment, it is so fierce and extraordinary because of the added strength of the bones.



Su Bai followed behind, and Xiao Luoying also followed, exclaiming wow.

Mo Zixi was naturally carried over by holding Su Bai's waist.

Her tail swings naturally.

No one was aware of it, and a force had already flown out and haunted the Griffin.

"Boy, die!"

Seeing Su Bai following, the other two captains, whose body was a stone, roared.

However, he stopped just after flying out, staring at the scene in amazement.

At this time, Bea and Griffin handed over.


Bea screamed, and the spear in her hand swung away.

The brilliant golden light bloomed violently, blasting the air with a roar.


The Griffon also roared, attacking in a primitive way, and opened his mouth to bite.

Although primitive, it is not ordinary.

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