VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 867: Get out, I'm too lazy to send you to death!





The player who set foot on the mainland saw Beya suddenly rushing over, and they were all frightened.

I thought it was an enemy, but they all shouted loudly.

Bea wanted to stop, but couldn't stop.

Pulled by the bones, he issued a series of exclamations and flew away in a panic.

It didn't stop until several kilometers away from the three players.

This distance is almost pressing!

The players in the three teams are all birds, and some of them are hundreds of meters huge, and the distance of several kilometers is not too far.


"what happened?!"

"What's the matter with this snowman?"

"The human race just said, let this snowman take the lead?"

"Puff! This fat snowman leads the battle?"

"Well, what's the origin of pulling this snowman's bones?"

"Who knows, across the live broadcast room, what can be seen there."

"This snowman gives me a very unreliable feeling. Can she take the lead?"


Watching Bea stop, the live broadcast room was curious and talked a lot.

Because Bea stopped, the players of the three teams were temporarily relieved.

I also found a huge screen in the live broadcast room at the rear.

See it clearly!




The three teams of players were all dumbfounded.

You look at me and I look at you, looking at each other in confusion, full of confusion.

What is this doing?

Who played the live broadcast?

Why are we recorded?

What to start?

Also, what is this little fat guy doing here?

When they were at a loss, Su Bai took Mo Zixi and flew to Beya with Xiao Luoying.

At this moment, it was peculiar to hold Bea's skeleton.

The bones exude the light of gold and the four elements, and there is a high-spirited breath recovering and overflowing.

There is also dim light in the orbital area of ​​the skeleton.

It's like the soul.

However, the light was pale, stiff, and not agile.

Said it was the light of the soul, Su Bai felt that this was a kind of fire of thought left over from the past.

In the vernacular, this group of light may be a thought, thought, thought, etc. left behind by the former "Beya Fighting God".

The bone is still a dead thing.

But why does this happen?

Su Bai asked, "Why is this?"

Bea turned her head, with a scared expression on her hood.

It was too sudden just now and almost flew out her little heart in fright.

Just calm down now.

Pointing to the bones, Bea said, "Big brother, she must drag me to fight!"

After sensing the breath of the skeleton, Bea understood the reason for the recovery of the skeleton.

It was because of her previous ‘cowardice’ and ‘refusal to fight’ that the bones recovered and forced her to fight.


Su Bai was startled.

He was a joke just now, it doesn't matter whether Bea fights or not.

Unexpectedly, this situation would happen.

"Then what do you say? Do you want to fight?" Su Bai asked after a while.

"Huh! Then need to say!"

Beya suddenly stood up proudly, raised her head, and said loudly: "These few bean sprouts are not enough for the **** of war!"


Su Bai was at a loss for a while, did you still feel weak just now, okay, is this the confidence from there again?


Of course it is because of the bones.

The light on the bones has the effect of inspiring warfare.

The remaining breath affected Bea and made her fearless.

In front of Su Bai, he was influenced by him, and the hidden nature was revealed.


After Bea finished that sentence, he smiled and said, "Big brother, watch it! Watch me cut all these bean sprouts!"

The three opposing players: "???"

It's too dreamy to be told of bean sprouts by a fat snowman.

The players of the three teams were stunned, and then they began to speak with ill-faced faces.

"Bean sprouts?"

"There isn't a little fat guy who is 1.5 meters tall, you have no b count!"

"Little dwarf! You are very rude!"

"Little fat guy, are you looking for death?"

"Are you going to fight?"

"Fight?" Bea asked back, then curled her lips in disdain, and said with full anger, "Your aunt's grandma is going to rob!"

"Robbery! Did you hear that? Robbery!!!"

"Quick! Give me the things you got from the remains of the disaster... Uh no!"

Beya quickly changed her words and said, "Leave it to my boss, or you will be killed!"

"Here, this is my boss!"

After speaking, he didn't forget to point to Su Bai.

After saying this, all eyes fell on Su Bai.

The words Bea said surprised many players.

"This snowman seems to belong to the Demon Race, right?"

"It should be, very similar!"

"Huh? That's weird! The Demon Race is actually the subordinate of that Human Race?"

"No? Impossible, right?"

"The Demon Race is very strong, how can you recognize a Human Race as the boss?"

"This... is weird! There will be powerful races willing to be attached to human races..."

"What happened to the human races being weak? Still going to be attached..."

"This Terran shouts loudly, but now it hasn't shown much strength, it doesn't look different."

"Is it worth it? He even recognized Human as the boss."

"Fart! The energy of my white night boss is beyond your imagination!"

"Wait, wait for the big shot of the white night, to scare you to death!"

"I went, I thought they were just teaming up, but I didn't expect..."

"Is this really a team?"

"Nonsense, this kind of spiritualization trial is not allowed to form a team!"

"Uh..." The gambler silently lowered his sense of existence.

Fortunately, only he knew the team situation during this trial.

Otherwise, someone has to jump out again.

Among the views in the live broadcast room, most of them are, ‘the demon group actually recognizes the human race as the main? ’

This idea is consistent with the three players.

After they saw Su Bai, they were all surprised.

Then, it quickly evolved into disdain.

"Human race also wants to grab me and wait? Haha, what a joke! Get out, I don't want to send you to death!"

"Huh? Human race deserves to be the boss too?"

"Interesting, today I ran into a human race who didn't know the heights of the world!"

"Tsk tsk, the demon clan actually recognizes a human race as the boss, it really shames all the demon clan ancestor Bandai!"

"If you don't tell me, I thought this Human Race was your little brother before, but I didn't expect it."

"Well, maybe this human race used some shameful means, it's not surprising."


They all laughed.

During the remarks, I look down on the human race.

It is normal for the weak to be discriminated against.

Terran has been weak again for a long, long time.

In the eyes of some powerful races, they are the ones that are looked down upon.

Among the three teams of players, tigers, griffins, and stone monsters are all powerful races.

They are collectively referred to as ‘Orcs’, ‘Spirits’, and ‘Monsters’.

It has many branches and huge ethnic groups.

Human beings are really not a viable race, on the contrary, they are very weak!

The baby needs a year of incubation from the mother, and it will take one or two years before he leaves.

And these guys can run away at birth!

They are just so many ‘beasts’!

In the eyes of these ethnic groups, the human race is so weak that it is the right thing to look down on it.

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