VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 866: Shall you go?


Su Bai did not hesitate at all, quite calm and authentic.

The dark color is indifferent and can't fault it.

As stable as an old dog, play the emperor possess!

The next step is to cheat people.

Of course I can't admit it!

Moreover, at present, the risk of recognition seems to be a bit large.

I used to think that if you create a career, you will create it, and you will admit it if you admit it. Can someone else take the job away?

right now……

I am very uncertain!

Be sure that there is something that can take away power.

The spiritual world is not a safe place.

What I did was too big, too bizarre, and attracted too much attention.

You should be careful before you fully understand the situation.

And seeing that Su Bai said so confidently and indifferently, everyone was amazed.

"This... really isn't him?"

"Is it really the same name?"

"He's very calm, I'm afraid it should be like this."

"Hahaha I'll just say! How could it be this kid?!"

"I said it a long time ago, that Bai Ye has been promoted to the spirit world a long time ago, maybe it is only now promoted there?!"

"I'll just say it, you don't believe me."

"There is no sign of lying at all, it's true!"

"Is it really him?"

"Hey hey hey! Didn't you say that you are in a game world with this person? Come on!"

"Say a fart, we still lie to you?!"

"Are you worthy of letting me deceive me?"

"According to the words of our white night boss, understand?!"

"Right, right, right, we, the White Night boss, created a career against the sky, right?!"

"Hahaha don't tease them buddies, I doubt their IQ, they will really believe it."


The barrage is very interesting.

Judging from Su Bai's face, some players felt that Su Bai was telling the truth.

Some players are asking the Blue Star players in the live broadcast room for verification.

Then, the answer from Blue Star players is even more interesting!

In these two days, most Blue Star players figured out what happened before and after.

However, they know very little.

Although Su Bai created a career, they also heard the system prompt.

However, it is more difficult to determine what occupation it is.

Even if I had a vague guess, I wouldn't say it.

Therefore, they focused on Su Bai's words and helped Su Bai to cover!

Some guys answered in a playful tone.

True and false, so many players see it very confusing.

But in this way, the more Su Bai's words appear true.

In short, after Su Bai's personal denial, this matter gradually settled down.

"It's gone, it's nothing good."

"Yes, I thought it was that legendary character."

"Slid away!"



In the live broadcast room, players gradually lost.

They only came to ‘create the white night of the first-level profession’.

At this moment, this white night is not the other white night, and they will naturally not be interested in continuing to look down.

And the loss of a large number of players, in this case, is easy to give birth to a follow-up cognition.

Knowing as Su Bai is not the legendary White Night.

This is great!

It was what Su Bai and the gambling ghost wanted.

However, outside of the sky, another voice rang: "If this is the case, how can this bet be gambled?"

It's a new voice.

For this voice, the gambler's complexion was okay, and he explained: "Although this is the guy in the announcement, his strength is very unusual!"

"Let's put it this way, he must be the strongest guy among these million players!"

"Moreover, there are many peculiarities."

"He was going to block the door and came here on the first day."

"Think about it, how long it has been, no one dares to block the door! Of course you shouldn't miss this kind of scene!"

"So, I'm interested! Let's start a live broadcast, open a market."

What the gambler said is all true.

When Su Baifei's "White Night" is confirmed, he can reveal something, so there is no need to worry about playing off.


"That's it."

"Is that so... Then I'm curious..."


Many lights and shadows nodded in the sky.

They know the character of the gambler.

What the gambling ghost said is in line with what he can do.

Moreover, this is the first time there was a door-blocking incident, so there are really so few things to watch, a bit of meaning.

"Okay, I won't explain much."

At this time, the gambling ghost turned his head and looked to the rear, and said: "The little guys are here, the big show begins, I see it!"

"Open the market before you are in a hurry, wait a while and then open the market, you can also have a clear understanding."

"Okay, watch the show!"

After speaking, the gambling ghost flew into the sky with a swish.

At the same time, the huge live studio light curtain in the sky was also changed, adding a few more pages.

One, a close-up shot of Su Bai and others.

One, to shoot players who arrived on this continent from a distance.

One, overlooking the entire continent.

Finally, the medium-distance oblique viewing angle.

Not to mention, quite professional!

The shot is still very clear.

"Master, here it is." Mo Zixi said, looking at the screen in the live broadcast room.


Su Bai nodded, then turned to look at Bea: "Bea, didn't you say that you want to take the lead? Do you want to come?"


Beya was holding the dice to play flying chess, and Su Bai was stunned at this moment.

Before, she did brag, saying that she wanted to lead the battle by herself.

But when she looked up at the live broadcast room, Beya was a little frustrated.

This first wave of players is neither too few nor too many.

There are about three teams of players, less than twenty in total.

They are all birds, with huge bodies, just like ancient giant beasts, they look scary!


Bea scratched the back of her headgear, and said with a smile: "I just... can't do it, I'm not good at dealing with Feikong...Huh...Huh?"


Su Bai: "???"

Women: "Huh???"

Well, all of them were stunned.


When Bea was in the middle of speaking, a light burst out of her backpack.

As soon as the light came out, Bea was directly held and flew out with a swish.

Then, there was Bea's sharp exclamation.

"Huh? What?!"

Su Bai's eyes widened and saw what was pulling Bea.

It's...a skeleton!

It was the petite bone they found under the rift valley before.

I rely on!

What is this unfolding? !

Su Bai was shocked and wanted to catch up.

"Master, I will go too, I can help!" Mo Zixi grabbed Su Bai's waist.

It seems that I am going to help, but I actually took the opportunity to eat tofu.

"I, I, I!" Xiao Luoying flew next to Su Bai.

"Well, just follow along. Xia Cha, stay here, pay attention to safety, and call me if you have anything.

There is no danger in dreaming, it's just a routine sentence.

After speaking, Su Bai also took a step forward.


One step down, with Mo Zixi hanging on her body, crossing a hundred meters!

Xiao Luoying was extremely fast, and flew next to Su Bai.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

At this moment, Bea flew far away with a terrifying scream.

Those players who set foot on the mainland and approached all saw Bea.

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