VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 865: Did you create the white night of too beginner level?


"Me! Damn!"

"This...this is too..."

"So many supreme equipment!?"

"I... entered the spirit world two days before him, and I am still a legend."

"I have three days! There are only two [Faing Fan], and I haven't even looked at a superb shadow!"

"I'm Gan!"

"Hahaha! Worthy of being the White Night boss! Handsome!"

"Boss White Night is amazing, he put on advanced equipment so quickly!"

"The White Night Big Brother Niubi!"


For a while, the barrage became more violent.

The players were all shocked by Su Bai's equipment!

This is so luxurious!

A lot of players looked at it, envious.

The Blue Star players naturally cheered wildly.


Su Bai looked up at the live broadcast and slowly said, "I can give it to you."





The barrage was stunned.

"??" The gambler tilted his head, if he had a face, he must be looking at Su Bai with a puzzled expression.

Soon, Su Bai continued: "Challenge one million players of the same level at the same time, these are yours."




After Su Bai had finished speaking, the barrage was suspended for a while, and there was no such rush.

It's easy to be stubborn, blind, and preconceived.

As long as some conditions are met, a normally smart guy can become a pig or a dumb.

Now, the viewers in the live broadcast room are guilty of these problems.

After they substitute Su Bai for the "White Night of Creating a Preliminary Profession", they will have inexplicable confidence in Su Bai.

After the gambling ghost gave Su Bai a small stove, it made them think that Su Bai could do it.

All subconsciously ignored what Su Bai had to face.

That's a million-level player!


This is not a small number.

Even a single cut can last for more than ten days.

Moreover, this is no ordinary player.

These players who come to the remains of the disaster are the most trash, and they have to break the limit!

A piece of equipment must be legendary, and the lowest is also perfect for special effects!

Those who can come here are all advanced players!

No one is weak!

For now, players who can enter the level of the Relics of the Spiritual Disaster will not exceed 50 million at their full budget!

This is one thousandth, even one tens of thousands!

Therefore, after understanding this, the players naturally became silent.

Although these equipment is good, it is absolutely impossible for a hot chicken player to crush millions of players at the same level.

Therefore, collusion and cheating naturally do not exist.


Su Bai withdrew the displayed equipment, was too lazy to speak, and fell silent.

"Hahaha! Good point!!!"

At this moment, the gambler laughed, and then said: "Little guys, to tell you the truth, I only gave him a weapon and a shield."

"Tsk tusk! The other good things are all collected by the pretty boy himself!"

A word that shocked the four people.

"This? Impossible?!"

"I thought the whole body was given by this gambler, but... the equipment and costumes were all collected by myself?!"

"Damn, how can this be done?!"

"He hasn't been spiritualized yet, where did he get so many supreme quality equipment?!"

"No reason!"

"Fuck! They are all unranked! Where did he get this from?!"

"No level!!"

"Hahaha! A bunch of buns, there is nothing impossible to understand in my white night boss?!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, I admire the way you haven't seen the world."

"Oh huh~ I’m surprised? You haven’t seen the world like this?"


It's not that I haven't seen the world.

Rather, before the spiritualization, he collected a piece of supreme quality equipment, which is too outrageous!

Moreover, it is still equipment without level requirements!

Some players with great power behind them, such as big families, big gangs, sects, etc.

It can also be a whole set of supreme quality.


There is no level requirement, it is too scarce!

It's hard to put together a few pieces, let alone the whole set!

"Okay, look at your ignorant look, isn't it just some equipment."

The gambling ghost waved his hand and said disgustedly: "The role of equipment is not weak, but it is not as important as you think!"

"Just tell you these equipment, can you block the door? It's useless to entangle with equipment."

The words still make sense.

However, outside of the sky, the previous voice rang again: "Then what else do you have in this bet? A bet without suspense, what is there to bet?"

"Or, you bought everything, ready to cheat us on a big one?"

"You're a dead man who stepped on a horse!!!" The gambler cursed unceremoniously, and then continued to curse, "Why are you stupid like a pig?! I can buy some, but I can buy everything?!"

"I'm the monitor of this trial, I'm going to buy the players to make a bet?"

"Are you not enough brains or eating too much shit?"

This foul language has really caught everyone's eyes.

Everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Xia Cha, Mu Mu, Mu Yi Nuan, Beiya and other girls stared at the gambler.

It was Su Bai with a strange expression.

When facing this gambling ghost before, he was kind and polite.

Call yourself a ‘beautiful boy’.

The result is now...

The contrast is also big!

"Bet on the dog to stop barking, okay?!"

Who knows, the voice over there is not to be outdone, and continues: "Who knows if you are tired of living and are ready to disobey the Lord's orders."

"Betting on a dog is a bad life, there is nothing I dare to do."

"You're called gambling a dog when you step on a horse! Master is a good gamble, but never too much! I think you are looking for a fight!" roared the gambler.

"Come on! Grandpa is in the old holy land, the ancient battlefield shrouded in chaos and fog! If you don't come to see your grandpa, you are my grandson!" The light and shadow voice.

"I'm fucking! You step on a horse and wait for your father!!!" Gambler.

Su Bai: "..."

Women: "..."

Many players: "..."

The rest of the light and shadow: "..."

This is good, why are you jumping and scolding?

Two big guys, do you look like a big guy?

Don't let down those who worship you!

This is too lacklustre!


Su Bai didn't bother to persuade him, this curse war was quite interesting.

But at this moment, the gambling ghost no longer quarreled with that Guangying.

"Damn! Unlucky! You have gotten the **** off, back to the topic!"

The gambling ghost was straightforward and looked at the barrage.

In the barrage, not many dare to cancel the gambling ghost and the light and shadow.

Most were in shock and speechlessness.

However, there are still many people who are curious about Su Bai's specific identity and are asking.

So, that's the problem.

After the gambler glanced twice, he turned his head to look at Su Bai: "Beauty, the audience in our live broadcast room would like to know, are you the White Night who created a very junior profession?"

There is no escape from this question, you have to ask.

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