"Ah this..."

After reading the last item of this talent, Su Bai's expression was a little weird.

Although, this cat looks like he can't wait to eat himself.

If you really want to do it, Su Bai really won't resist.

Cat girl!



If you do it for a certain purpose, it feels weird and uncomfortable.

Forget it, don't want this!

I'll talk about it later, and the cat hasn't absorbed his luck yet.

It's still more than 1,900 points!

All in all, this new collection of cats is indeed a strong batch!

With the ability to control luck, with such a lucky big BUFF by his side, the future will be very exciting!



After driving for a while, Su Baier heard a soft hum.

Looking down, the cat lady lying on the flying sword woke up.

The expression was a little dazed, and it looked a little unclear.

"Are you awake? We have named you!"

Before Su Bai spoke, Xia Cha eagerly leaned over and said, "Mo Zixi, how is it? It sounds good?"


The cat's ears flattened, her tail drooped, and she looked at Su Bai aggrievedly: "Master... didn't you help others?"

"No, Mo's surname is exactly what my brother thought of~" Mu Mu said to Su Bai.

"I'm just a nameless..."

Su Bai spread his hands and said helplessly: "Let me come, I'm afraid I can get you a Xiao Hei's name."


The cat's expression froze, her ears and tail that had started to become active froze.

This "little black" really shocked her.


After a few breaths, she coughed dryly, and the cat ears on her head flapped twice, "Well, it's enough to have the last name the owner wants, I will be Mo Zixi from now on!"

The name is finalized.

Mo Zixi!

After a while, Mo Zixi began to pester Su Bai.

You must hug Su Bai's hands hard and fast, holding them tightly.

From time to time, she used her tail to slap Su Bai's body.

When Su Bai's expression turned ugly, Mo Zixi put on a pitiful face.

A pair of cute cat ears are pressed down and pressed into airplane ears, looking like they are afraid of mistakes.

It's really hard to bear scolding...

But the problem is, as soon as she spares her, she starts to be arrogant again.

With a funny and aggressive smile on his mouth, he continued to play Su Bai with joy.

This guy is too skinny!

I have never seen a cat who likes... ! !


This relic star is too big!

Even if the seventh fragment is close to the center point, it will not be reachable in a short while.

Along the way, Su Bai did not stop because of monsters, and did not find any special places.

So, concentrate on running the chart.

In this way, it gets darker, and at night.

They only traveled about one-third of the distance.

It's too early from the center!

Originally, according to Su Bai's habits, this was naturally going to be offline.

However, it is too dangerous here!

It is impossible to leave Mu Yi Nuan, Mu Suxin, and Meng Shenxi in the game like this.

And Yun Cixue and Xia Cha are not ordinary people anymore. After discussing it, they continued on their way and stopped going offline.

During this period, BUG has been accumulated twice.

Of course, don't use it in such a hurry.

Su Bai's plan was to see if he could collect enough spiritual energy to save BUG consumption.

On the way...

On the way...

On the way...

At night, the world was dark.

Even though many heterogeneous trees emit light, their visibility is still low.

The world at night is not peaceful!

Listening to the yelling from time to time, even if I am not afraid, my heart is not right.

Xiao Luoying was also sleepy and went back to the pet space to rest.

Fat Snowman Beya, now lying on Feijian, sleeping soundly.

Therefore, at this moment, the girls are not very talkative.

Sitting on the flying sword, forming a circle, only exchange a few words from time to time.

Only Mo Zixi, like Wannian LSP, was obsessed with Su Bai.

But I dare not go too far...

No way, when she was thinking too much when she was on the way, Su Bai was rewarded with a brain collapse.

Su Bai thought for a while and sat down.

Open your backpack.

It just happened, he was going to clean the backpack.

The main thing is to come up with some pills that can improve.

He doesn't need it himself, it is for the girls to use to enhance their strength.

After a few minutes.




Mu Yi Nuan, Mu Suxin, Mu Mu and others were all dumbfounded when they looked at the pill equipment that looked like a hill in front of them.

I was completely blinded by this pile of perfect and legendary pills!

This is too much! ! !

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't you think you are not strong enough, eat it!" Su Bai said.

Mu Yi Nuan: "..."

Mu Suxin: "..."

Mu Mu: "..."

After being stupid for a while, he started taking drugs and upgraded!

Before long, Mu Suxin's strength was elevated to... the four-dimensional limit!

Mu Mu is also true!

As for Mu Yi Nuan, she was already the limit.

Although it has reached its limit, it can also improve other things.

Vitality, attack power or something.

Although they are regarded as ‘NPC’ characters, they still have a panel.

Moreover, even if the 4D reaches its limit, it is not impossible to continue taking the medicine to increase the 4D.

It can only be said that this medicine has no effect on the data.

Is it useless, or the medicinal power turns into a secret.

They said...the latter!

Although the more you eat, the greater the resistance.

The pill that I took later was almost the kind that almost didn't work.

But, who makes Su Baicai generous!

Don't care, eat!



While they were taking drugs, Mo Zixi, who had been wrapped around Su Bai's body, also stopped small movements.

She raised her head to look in one direction, and was stunned.

At the same time, Xia Cha had been looking bored.

At this moment, she exclaimed: "Wow! Brother, look at it!"

Su Bai looked up.

The place Xia Cha and Mo Zixi looked at was a huge crack!

It is the crack opened by the ruins of the spiritual disaster!

There is power there to evaporate, and it is very conspicuous in the night.

Su Bai and the others were tens of thousands of meters away from the crack, and they felt a special aura.

Seeing this crack, Su Bai was uplifted.

This means that the center point is not far away.

"It's beautiful! What a spectacular scene!" Xia Cha sighed with emotion.


Su Bai nodded in agreement.

The cracks are transpired with glow particles, dancing to the sky, very beautiful!

Mo Zixi did not speak, but stared at the rift valley in the distance.

Among her heterochromatic pupils, the purple pupil was shining with purple clouds.

Su Bai and Xia Cha soon realized that she was wrong.

But he didn't bother, but waited, because Mo Zixi's state at this time seemed to be quite special.

After a few breaths, Mo Zixi returned to normal.

She immediately looked at Su Bai and said, "Master, let's go and take a look in the Rift Valley! I think there are good things there!"

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