VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 843: Cat's super talent

Su Bai has returned to Feijian.

Immediately check the physical condition of the cat lady.

[Tianyun three-tailed cat]

【In a coma】

【Sub-health, lack of strength】

Fortunately, the problem is not serious.

The simple explanation is: because she has just recovered, she is not in good condition.

The inexplicable stubbornness just now caused a slight overdraft of strength, which was temporarily unable to withstand.

Just add it.

Su Bai rummaged in his backpack and found some pills.

Linking the pill and Mao Niang, and then exploring the information, you can intuitively figure out whether the pill is useful or useless.

The beast is still too strong!

The things in his backpack are of little use.

However, he couldn't hold back the many pills in Su Bai's backpack!

I found out a hundred and eighty useful legendary pills, and after taking it, the cat lady's complexion gradually improved and her breathing was steady.

"It's okay, just sleep for a while." Su Bai put her away, then straightened up.

"That's good, I just blamed it suddenly..."

Xia Cha squatted, looked at the cat mother, and muttered: "Moreover, who is she now?"

Although the situation has stabilized, his brows have been frowning.

The expression on his face is mixed with anxiety, sadness, unwillingness and pain.

This made her look fragile, and it was a big deficit with her previous expression, which made her feel sorry.

"She seems to be in pain..." Mu Mu murmured.


Mu Yi Nuan, who has always been lively, lowered her voice at this time, and slowly said, "She is just like me at the beginning. When my mother fell, I was just as unwilling..."

She once had similar feelings about this emotion.

Even when her mother was hit hard, she also had this kind of eagerness, sadness, unwillingness, pain...

Unwilling, hate that I am not strong enough!


Su Bai touched Mu Yi Nuan's head, did not say anything, stroked gently to comfort her.

Mu Yi Nuan's words gave him some thoughts.

Maybe, has this cat ever experienced the same situation as Mu Yi Nuan?

Used to be like Mu Yi Nuan, with insufficient strength, seeing the loss of important companions?

So, just triggered her obsession, right?

It should be like this!


This is somewhat important, but not important.

When he wanted to understand, Su Bai didn't worry about it anymore.

Mu Yi Nuan also gradually came out of the loss, and then was dragged to the staff name.

Su Bai looked at the fat snowman among the girls.


This little loli is still following.


At this moment, Beya seemed to sense Su Bai's gaze and raised her head.

Looking at each other with Su Bai.


Su Bai raised his eyebrows and said nothing, but the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

That is, you should leave.


After a moment of silence, Bea pretended not to see it, and turned her head naturally, "Ahhhhhhhhh! I think this last name is not good, it doesn't sound good."

"Why... ask the boss?"

As he said, the face in the hood started to flush.

Changing the subject, the hidden meaning was that she wanted to stay ‘shame’, which made her very shy.

"That's right, brother, what do you think is better for her last name?" Xia Cha asked, with a rough name, but the last name was not finalized.

"Ha ha……"

Looking at Bea, Su Bai smiled, then thought a little, and said, "The last name is'Mo', it can't be called Hei."

"Um... this is not bad! Very good!" Xia Cha nodded in agreement and continued to work.

Seeing that Su Bai would not let her leave, Beiya was also relieved.

I don't know why, after absorbing that drop of ‘War God’s Blood’, Beya dared not defy Su Bai even more.

Even, there is a real feeling of treating Su Bai as his'big brother'.

It’s just because of...

Beiya wants to stay with Su Bai, wants to guard Su Bai!

I don't understand the reason, but the thoughts in my heart can't let go.

This is not a big deal for Su Bai.

From the beginning, he didn't feel much disgust with this little guy.

Just keep it.

Anyway, I was not counted as a team, I didn't find it, I'm not afraid.


Regarding this ‘not counted as a team’, Mist said he had something to say!

"This is all blatantly mixed together, it's too much!"

"If it weren't for you, this fellow could absorb the emperor's blood, I would have thrown you out!"

"Well... this guy is so extraordinary. When he finishes the trial, do you want to assemble something and ask for a good destiny?"

"Maybe, you can help me in the future."

"Yeah! There can be this!"


Su Bai controlled the direction, and the sword flew to the center of the ruins.

When I was flying, I remembered that I hadn't read the information about my new pet.

[Tianyun three-tailed cat]

Grade: LV1

Grade: Myth

Race: Divine beast species (extremely rare beast between heaven and earth, no race)

Life: 1000000

Power of luck: 23000/150000

Strength: 81

Constitution: 71

Intelligence: 95

Spirit: 80

Physical attack: none (no direct attack method, so it is not calculated)

Magic attack: None (no direct attack means, so it's not calculated)

Physical defense: 1110120

Magic defense: 1133435

Talent: Fortune

Skills: None (this race is extremely special, and the skills cannot be activated at this time)

Equipment: None

Details: Special races, rumored to be formed after a ray of luck came to the world. No one in the world has seen two at the same time. There should be only one in a certain era. His personality is very arrogant, he only follows interested creatures, and generally does not recognize the Lord.

In terms of attributes, this cat girl is not strong.

From the current point of view, it can be considered a very weak chicken!

Of course, except for defense and life.

Only one level, over a million, which is ridiculously high!

But her strength is not attributes!

It is the characteristic, the ability to control the fortune of heaven!

This kind of ability cannot be demonstrated by the data on paper.

When she was at LV1 level, she was able to influence a lot of LV99 guys, she could already see her strength.

And she has no skills, so the most important thing is to look at her talent.


Effect one: luck

Details: The three-tailed cat of Tianyun is very lucky and automatically seeks luck and avoids evil. At the same time, the creatures loved by the three-tailed cat will be affected by it, and the luck will gradually increase. Effect 1: Prayer

Effect 2: Heavenly Love

Details: The Tianyun three-tailed cat is favored by God. If it is harmed by any creature, it is likely to be avoided unintentionally, and the attempter will suffer disaster.

Effect three: movement

Details: The Tianyun three-tailed cat has been soaked in air luck for a long time, and gradually gains its control. By consuming the power of Qi Luck in his body, he can temporarily control the Qi Luck of his body or others.

Effect 4: Praying for the sky

Frequency: 2/3 (recover once every 8 hours)

Details: The three-tailed cat can impose a limited-time lucky buff on itself, and it can also impose a lucky buff on no more than 10 creatures. It can be a limited-time buff or can be increased permanently.

Effect 5: Jifu

Road luck: 1034/3000

Details: The three-tailed cat will accumulate the power of luck in its body, which is one level higher than luck! It is rumored that when the three-tailed cats of the heavenly fate have accumulated three thousand kinds of luck, if they can get their happiness and combine with yin and yang, they can get all the luck and become a veritable child of luck!

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