VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 845: Desolate Emperor Tomb?


Su Bai raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and said curiously: "Do you still have the ability to hunt treasures?"


Mo Zixi smiled brilliantly, with three tails wagging happily, "That's not the case, it's just more sensitive to certain things!"

"Alright, alright! Master~~~ Let's go soon!!"

Her voice was so greasy and sweet to intoxicating.

It's tickling, this is really a fairy!

She is still an extremely active goblin who wants to eat Su Bai tofu!

When I was speaking, I was hitting people with the ball.

However, what she said did arouse Su Bai's curiosity.

"Okay, let's go over and take a look, anyway, let's go along." Su Bai nodded and said.

Then adjust the direction slightly and fly towards the Great Rift Valley.

Halfway through, Mu Yi Nuan, Mu Mu, and Mu Suxin also knocked out all the pills.


Mu Yi Nuan hugged her non-bulging belly, slumped on Feijian, gasping for breath, "Ah! I'm so tired, I didn't expect it would be so hard to use drugs to upgrade!!!"

"Ok... tired..." Mu Mu's eyes were dull, and she was tired of eating all of a sudden.

"It takes a lot of time to consolidate!"

Mu Su's mind was much calmer than the two of them, and his expression was calm at this time.

Sitting cross-legged, she was going to meditate to stabilize her state, but she was surprised when she saw the distant sky from the corner of her eyes.

Su Bai stood and explained, "Zixi said there might be good things in the Great Rift Valley, so let's go and take a look."


Soon, several people approached the Great Rift Valley.


As soon as it approached, a guy whimpered and jumped up from the flying sword.

It's Beja.

She sat up blankly, like sleepwalking.

The body is awake, but the brain is not yet lit.

She sleeps faster than Xiao Luoying at night!

He's still asleep.

Obviously, Su Bai and Su Bai are not particularly familiar with each other, so there is no such courage.

He didn't sleep well, and rolled off the flying sword two or three times!

It's really thanks to her that she can live safely till now...

After complaining about it for a while, Su Bai asked, "Why did you wake up suddenly?"


Beya turned her head to look at Su Bai, her expression more cute than a fool.

After a few seconds, there was an agitated spirit all over, and he recovered.

Did not answer Su Bai, swish to the edge of Feijian, and looked down at the Great Rift Valley.


Su Bai raised her eyebrows, not so coincidental, could she be involved?

However, the conclusion is that it can really get involved!

Bea glanced twice and yelled: "Wow! Big brother! I feel like there is a demon's breath below!"

Su Bai: "..."

Good guys!

Do you demons use this place as a treasure burial ground? !

Silently, Su Bai controlled Feijian's whereabouts.

It is very empty and there are no creatures.

Even the plants are scarce, and they begin to thicken only a thousand meters after the rift.

Probably, it was because there was a rest of power here that caused this result.

This saved the trouble of being attacked by monsters, and the group safely came to the edge of the Rift Valley cliff.

Hanging in the air, Su Bai looked down.

Can't see why, so he asked: "Zixi, are you here to lead the way?"


Mo Zixi nodded, her eyes lit up again, feeling.

After a few breaths, he stretched out his hand and pointed: "Master, there."



"Go to that cave!"



The Rift Valley is huge!

At the same time, the cracks are also very distinctive, with cracks crisscrossing.

It's not like a direct explosion, but like a force running across the earth and eroding it.

This makes the terrain quite complicated!

After walking around for about ten minutes, they seemed to have reached the bottom of the rift valley.

Once here, Su Bai and others were shocked.

Here is a huge pothole, there has been a big battle, everywhere is full of traces of weapons and fists.

The bottom of the pit is even more soaked with blood!

The murder here is still extremely strong and uncomfortable.

Except for Su Bai, Beiya, Meng Shenxi, and Mo Zixi, the other girls couldn't bear it.

"You are waiting up there, Beiya, Zi Xi, let's go in and take a look." Su Bai ordered.

"Brother, be careful!"

"Good host~~~"

"Good boss! The more I feel there is the breath of demons in it!" Beya said.

Su Bai, Beiya, and Mo Zixi walked in together.

Soon, Mo Zixi took Su Bai and Beiya to the place she felt.

Su Bai: "..."

Beja: "..."

There are not many things in this area!

The two stood, looking at the things on the ground, and were silent for a while.

On the ground, there is...

A skeleton!

The skeleton is very petite. It looks like a child. Judging from the bone shape, it should be a woman.


Su Bai moved his gaze from the bones to Beiya beside him.

This petite skeleton made him inevitably pay attention to the same petite Bea.


Now Bea's situation is indeed a bit weird!

She looked at the skeleton, her eyes straight.

It seemed to be in a daze, and it seemed to touch something.

Su Bai suppressed the weirdness in her heart, and didn't ask or disturb her for the time being.

Turn around and keep watching.

In the bones' hands, there was another thing, a broken, blood-stained spearhead.

As soon as he saw this spearhead, Su Bai thought of the mysterious mountain he had visited before.

That mountain is also spear-shaped.

"Sure enough!"

Su Bai said secretly in his heart, and continued to read.

Except for the bones and the broken spearhead in the hands of the bones, it is what the bones rely on.

Skeleton, rely on this bag.

A stele was erected on the soil bag without lettering.

But in front of the stele, there are several **** characters carved on the ground.

I don't know how long it has been, but it has not been eliminated.

It was not the words Su Bai knew. Although there was a vaguely familiar feeling in his heart, he still couldn't recognize it.


To be honest, Su Bai felt even more weird when looking at this dirt bag.

He always felt that there was something special in the bag.

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly heard Beya slowly say: "Emperor...Go!"

"Be... Ya... useless..."

Su Bai: "...?"

What do you mean?

Su Bai looked confused.

"The meaning of this lettering..."

Beya pointed to the lettering on the ground, and said in a dazed tone: "The lettering is saying ‘the emperor, Beya is useless...’"


Su Bai opened his eyes slightly, and his heart was startled.

What is this development?

Actually ran into the "Bea Fighting God" that Bea said? !

Moreover, judging from these few words, is this ‘Beya Fighting God’ a subordinate of a certain emperor?

Here is the... tomb of a certain emperor-level figure? !

That's really...

Just such a small bag is really a bit bleak.

After translating it to Su Bai, Bea looked at the skeleton again for a moment.

If you want to say what is in her mind at this time, it can be said that she has nothing in her mind now.

It looked like a fragment, looking at the skeleton, the brain was abnormally empty.

If I really want to explain, there is a very strange sense of familiarity!

Beya didn't understand why these were, so she was at a loss for a while.

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