VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 842: Strange state

Ha, as the saying goes, cannibalism and shorthands~

For a time, their relationship quickly increased!

Get together and curiously touch the cat’s ears and tail, while discussing the name.

Su Bai was idle.

He opened the map and looked at it, determined the position, and was going to the center point.


As soon as I glanced at the map, my ears heard movement.

Looking up, something was coming fast in the distance.

Is the player.

Take a look around again, from all directions.


Look for the direction and drive away with flying sword.

Slipped away.

Su Bai is not interested in fighting with these guys, it is not challenging and boring.

"He's running?!"

"Quick! That guy is not right!"

"Run when you see us...Isn't it the treasure you got?!"

"Catch up!"

"You, catch up, I'll go to the mountains to have a look!"


Everyone has good eyesight, but they all saw Su Bai.

For a time, many caught up.

Unless he uses skills, Su Bai is also bad at speed.

Xiao Luoying lay in Su Bai's arms again, so the distance gradually caught up.

"Master, do you want someone to come?" The cat lady asked meringly, who had not yet given a name.

He was eager to try, to let Su Bai see and see.

"Oh? Okay, come and try."

Su Bai nodded in agreement.

He was really curious about the methods of this cat lady.


Nodded, Mao Niang stood up and looked at the player who was gradually approaching.

The eyelids were slightly constricted, and the corners of his mouth were picked up like a smile.

Gradually showing offensive signals on his body, strong and aggressive.

How to say it, many people like to say "attack" to describe the powerful aura of some special women.

Now, she is full of ‘offensive’ and she is quite a ‘big sister’.

This is exactly the same as Su Bai's first impression of her.

It's a cat with a strong personality.

Of course, in front of Su Bai, it was relatively rare.

This kind of aura will only appear when Su Bai is **.

At other times, I was obediently and half-heartedly.

Pulled away.

When these breaths appeared on the cat lady, she moved and her tail swung abruptly.


Several clear lights flew out.

In the blink of an eye, he ran into a flying eagle player.

And this flying eagle suddenly shook its body and its flying posture was wrong.


Under the strong wind, the wing broke.

It neighed in pain and fell down.

Thanks to his sensitive ears, Su Bai heard the screams and broken wings of the flying eagle.

An eagle fractured while flying in the air, this...

Gee tut!

Mao Mao's abilities are a bit strong!

This is not over yet.

For the rest of the players, some projectiles failed, some had leg cramps, and some were choked by the air...

Some were hit by other players, and some were slapped when they were dropped by other players...

Anyway, there are so many tricks!

As long as they reach a certain range, they don't have to shoot, they start to be unlucky on their own.

It didn't take long for the players behind to find that something was wrong.

"What happened to them?"

"What kind of trick is this?!"


"It's a little weird!"

"Obviously there are hundreds of meters away, how could this be?"

"Something's wrong!"


The players were a little panicked.

But, after all, he is not an ordinary guy.

So, they still caught up.

After making dozens of guys unlucky, the cat's face became a little pale.

She didn't explain, just slowed down a bit.

But Su Bai saw it.


Subra stopped her, frowned at her, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"it's okay no problem!"

The voice of the cat lady didn't know why, it was a bit strange.

Very low, but I feel very excited.

Moreover, there was a panic and panic in her eyes.

This state is wrong!

When Su Bai felt strange, she continued: "Master, I'm fine! I can continue! I want to help the master! Don't stop me!!!"

After speaking, he was still struggling in Su Bai's arms and wanted to come out.

This is very wrong!

The performance is too stubborn and it doesn't seem like I want to prove my strength.

This is weird, Su Bai can't tell why.


Just as she was about to talk, the cat mother suddenly erted and closed her eyes.



Although the breath was steady, it was too sudden, and Su Bai could not rest assured.

"The one ahead, stop!"

"What run?!"

"Human, did you hear that? I told you to stop!"


In such an urgent time, the players behind are still making noise!

Su Bai frowned and said: "You look good on her, Yi Nuan takes over Feijian."



When Mu Yi Nuan answered, Su Bai flew out with a whistle.

Take the initiative to meet the group of players a few hundred meters away.

"Wow, wow!!!"

The blood qi was condensing, and a ‘blood dragon’ was instantly formed, entwining Su Bai’s body.

For Su Bai, the second control of the power to destroy the world's blood burst was simple and easy.

A breathing time, Su Bai's fist had already wrapped a blood dragon.

Exudes a scarlet light, illuminating the sky.

The sky is filled with heavy pressure in an instant, making people feel chills.

The players who were hundreds of meters away felt it too!

However, only the guy who flew in the front, guarded himself carefully.

In the back, although they felt something was wrong, they still felt that Su Bai could not hit them.

But in the next moment, they immediately regretted it!


Su Bai stepped on the golden light, and instantly stretched hundreds of meters!

In the blink of an eye, I came to the fastest player to fly.

It's a flying lion!

Su Bai stuck his face in front of it, but it failed to react.

When it realized that Su Bai's punch had already come.



The surging Shura power waved along the direction of Su Baili.

A thick **** rainbow formed, covering all players with suffixes in the roar.

-4,196,087,604·Critical Strike



-4,196,143,561 Critical Strike


-4,196,124,245 Critical Strike


When the blood light dissipated, Su Bai did not resurrect, because it was not the explosion of whole blood.

But that's it, the lowest damage is...

Two billion!

All players covered by blood light are dead to death!

Only the guy a hundred meters away can survive.


"Otherwise... die!"

Su Bai floated in the air and shouted coldly.

Without waiting for their reaction, they turned around and left.

At this time, the players who survived but fell into the shock also recovered.



"This... this... how is this possible?!"

"Two billion, four billion damage!"

"Oh my God! This human race! It's terrifying!"

"It must be that he got the big secret! It must be so, otherwise how could he have done such a high damage!"

"This...too terrible, I don't have to fight, and if you catch up, you will die..."

"Damn it! Watching him leave..."


"Oh...I'm really quick to be king! How can we fight such a high level of damage?"


No matter how unwilling, more players gave up.

After all, the secret is good, but spiritualization is the most important thing at the moment.

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