VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 841: Obviously greedy people

In this way, the women around are not happy.

Xia Cha akimbo her waist and said with a black face: "Leave my brother quickly! You are not allowed to hold him!"

"Yes! Believe it or not, I'll hit you!" Mu Yi Nuan was bitter with the enemy.

"Yeah! Leave brother!" Mu Mu naturally wanted to help the family.


Rubbing his forehead with a headache, Su Bai said helplessly: "Okay, just leave it alone, I'll come."




In this case, Xia Cha and the others didn't say anything, but they all snorted to the cat lady.

Then they gathered on the other side of Su Bai, facing the cat mother.

It's finally clean, it's time to get back to business.

Looking at the cat girl holding his hand, Su Bai said: "You just said...I am your master? Want me to name you?"

This question is very important!

If so, isn't it... I have another pet?

Moreover, the characteristics are quite rare, and it is a pet that can bring luck!


The cat lady chuckled softly and slowly said, "If the master recognizes the slave, the slave will naturally be the owner's pet."

"If you don't admit it, the slave family can only hang around in the floating world, maybe some bad guy will kill him."

As he said, the enchanting expression on her face changed.

Pouting, pitiful.

With blinking eyes, the water began to flow.

You can sell cute, this is!

At this moment, the system interface popped up in Su Bai's eyes.

[Tianyun three-tailed cat wants to recognize you as the master and sign the eternal agreement, may I accept it]


Is this...really? !

The cat’s message stated that it would just follow interested creatures.

Will not recognize the master.

But looking at it now, it's not the same!

As a result, Su Bai has no sense of reality for the situation at this time.

"What...what's wrong?"

Su Bai was in a daze, and now the cat lady finally felt a little nervous, and asked with a nervous expression: "Master, don't you want someone else?"


Before Su Bai spoke, he heard Xia Cha ask: "Brother, what is she doing?"

Su Bai explained: "That's what the words mean, she wants to sign an eternal agreement with me."

"Eternal Covenant?!"

Hearing the words'Eternal Covenant', the women were all taken aback.

They all understand this contract.

This contract has been said before.

In short, it is a very binding contract.

Once signed, it means that the cat lady and Ding Su Bai will live forever.

Therefore, for the present development, they are rather confused.

This is a bit too sudden and somewhat unreasonable.

How come you have to sign an eternal agreement...


Su Bai paused for a few seconds, looked at Miao Niang, frowned and said, "Are you serious?"


The cat nodded, her expression narrowed slightly.

There is a sense of gentleness, admiration, admiration, and attachment.


Su Bai scratched the back of his head and nodded, "Okay, I accept."

Although this cat's personality looks a bit...


But after all, it is also a mythical beast!

Besides, the most important thing is...


Well, nothing.

Return to the subject.

After Su Bai gave his consent, the Eternal Covenant was signed.

Su Bai's pet has one more black cat.


The cat girl meowed happily and smiled happily.

At this moment, squinting and laughing, the cat-shaped mouth expression is finally cat-like, cute and loving.

Speaking of it, it's time to give her a name.

You can't always call Mao Niang.


Thinking of choosing a name, Su Bai's head grew bigger.


"Master, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling sick?"

Meow Niang, who put his arm around, saw it, and immediately showed her hospitality.

If her tail and hands are safe, Su Bai is still very happy.


Su Bai pushed away her hand that stretched out to her stomach, pulled away the tail that touched her face, and said, "I'm thinking of naming you."

"Brother, are you taking her right now?" Xia Cha asked curiously.


Su Bai nodded and said: "She is very strong, it's a pity to give up..."

"whispering sound!"

Mu Yi Nuan let out a sigh, and said with a curling lips: "You son, do you think someone is better? It's obviously a greedy body, and the eyes don't leave her ears and tail. What kind of hobby is this!?"

Su Bai: "..."



Ruthlessly give Mu Yi Nuan a brain collapse!

Then, Su Bai said with a righteous expression: "Okay, don't be nonsense! Help me think, what name should be better for her?"

After speaking, I looked around and observed the reactions of the women.


Xia Cha sighed up to the sky and sighed strangely: "In my life, I am going to be a name tool again."

Although he said that, he started to frown and remember.

"I can't read! I won't do it!" Mu Yi warmly said.

Mu Yi Nuan's performance was okay, she was not really angry.

Now it's the usual two.



Both Yun Cixue and Mu Mu blinked, not knowing what to say.

The two of them didn't have much opinion, they were just worried that the cat lady would be against Su Bai.

What about Xiao Luoying... Fortunately, she didn't care too much, basically only Su Bai in her eyes.

Mengshenxi, no problem, eating her spirit coin.

Mu Suxin...

Seeing Su Bai looking over, he gave Su Bai a vaguely annoyed look, but his expression was fine.

From this point of view, the black cat's joining is still very smooth.

Su Bai's sisters are all based on him, and the black cat didn't do anything to Su Bai.

Therefore, they have nothing against.

So Su Bai was relieved.

At this time, the cat girl holding Su Bai's arm looked at Su Bai and slightly understood what Su Bai was worried about.


Yanran smiled, her expression was normal, she let go of Su Bai's arm.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Su Bai and the girls, they gently bent their legs and performed a classical etiquette.




The girls are a little unclear.

At this moment, the cat lady said softly: "Hello, sisters."

It's a simple gift, and a simple way.

However, it feels very sincere and comforting.

The estrangement in the hearts of the women just because she was messing around with Su Bai just disappeared.

Moreover, Mu Suxin, Mu Yi Nuan, Meng Shenxi, and even Beya watching the show next to him.

In this ceremony, there is a strange feeling.

It's like, suddenly the whole body is relaxed, I feel the sky is much brighter, and there is a kind of happiness in my heart.

This is because……

All the girls have been blessed by the cat mother!

[Blessings from the Three-tailed Cats of Heaven]

Details: You have been blessed by the three-tailed cat of the fortune of heaven, and the lucky value is permanently +30!

After a while, they all recovered.

Seeing their own changes, they exclaimed.

The lucky value of 30, compared with Su Bailao, is not much, and it is less than one-seventh.

But for the luck of ordinary people, this has tripled!

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