VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 836: Either fight! Or get out!

"This kid..."

"You are too cowhide!"

After finishing the protection, the mist smiled weakly and his body was particularly dim.

At the moment, at least 70% of his power was drawn.

It is not a simple matter to stop a drop of emperor blood.

"This kid is really weird!"

"The light of forbidden detection that wraps the blood of the emperor, that is the protection of the holy way!"

"This kid can reach out and take it directly!"

"It seems, I'm afraid it's not because of the deep connection with that drop of emperor blood!"

"...This world is going to be lively!"

Mist adjusted its breath while looking at Su Bai and sighed.

Su Bai has left a deep image in his heart!


Back to the mountains.

The blood in the crystal gradually converged a little, and the illusion in the sky was slowly disappearing.

After a few seconds, it was completely silent.

Although the blood still shines with nine colors, the vision has disappeared.

At this moment, the terrifying coercion has finally reduced a lot.

Xia Cha and the others only felt their body clear, and their breathing became smoother.

Several players can finally move.

Finally, there is no need to tremble on the ground, and you can get up and stand up.




Although he stood up, he did not speak for a while.

Just looking at Su Bai, and at the crystal in Su Bai's hand.

In their eyes, they were shocked to Su Bai at first.

Shocked that Su Bai could actually get it!


It's crazy, greedy, longing, and murderous!

Without coercion, the greed in the heart gradually recovered.

It doesn't matter why Su Bai can get it.

How can I let go of this kind of good thing? !

He is an ambitious character, so he must fight for it!

In the hall, the demon not far away pulled out a **** curved stick.


‘Coquettish’ smiled and looked like a human. The demon human man smiled and said: "Little handsome guy, for the sake of being a human, hand over what you have, and I can spare you!"

"Otherwise, I'll have fun with you!"

This guy is either a more neurotic lunatic, he doesn't care about Su Bai's strength at all.

Or, it was Shabi, who hadn't seen Su Bai's strength yet.

Under his leadership, the players who fell down also flew up again and shouted again.

"Human, that's not what you deserve!"

"Put down the crystal in your hand, otherwise, you must die!"

"With you, are you worthy of coveting such blood?!"

"Hurry up and put down the crystal!"

Looking at their performance, Su Bai knew that a fight was inevitable.

Therefore, I am much lazy to talk with them.

"Either fight!"

"Or, get out!"

With that said, put away the long sword in his hand, fearing that he would miss a player and kill a certain player, so that he would lose a lot of labor.

Then, he gestured to Mu Yi Nuan and Mu Su Xin, asking them to take a few women away.

These guys are very strong!

Su Bai took a look at it, and all of them broke through the 100,000-level four-dimensional!

This is the level of the proud of heaven.

Especially that demon has reached the terrifying 150,000!

This is a monster.

From the data alone, Su Bai's physique and spirit are only 240,000, which is 90,000 more than him.

Of course, Su Bai's strength and intelligence have reached more than 400,000!

Still not one level.

But it can also be known that there are not a few women that can be mixed, they still need time to become stronger.

It's a lot, but it's just a moment.

After Su Bai's two words were uttered, the alien players all changed their colors.

How dare to speak like this, dare to ignore myself and so on.

This is too arrogant!

"You are looking for death!!!"

The demon's smiling expression suddenly changed, hideously twisted, cruel and terrifying.

This expression is a madman!

He really has some neuroticism!

"I said that!"

Su Bai twisted his neck, holding the crystal in his left hand, mockingly said: "The crystal is in my hand, if you want it, then come and fight!"

"If you like nonsense, roll as far as you can!"

Habitually ridiculed.

The effect is very strong!

Su Bai's mockery was really from the bottom of his heart, not a tactical mockery.

Because in his heart, he didn't think these guys were his opponents!

"Ah ah ah!!!"

"Die to the Lord!!!"

The demon roared and looked like an evil spirit, so he wouldn't call his mother anymore.

He squeezed the **** stick in his hand and rushed towards Su Bai.

He did it, and the other guys couldn't help it.

Regardless of what is going on, there is more to fight an injustice, and they all fly in a sudden.

However, something quite strange and funny happened.



"Oh oh!!!"

It's hard to imagine that a big expert would trip with a left foot and a right foot and fall.

Moreover, it fell so badly.

There was a bang on the floor of the hall, and the **** stick in my hand was stuffed directly from my mouth into my stomach...

This...the talent is amazing!

Of course, it may have been trained.

Su Bai: "..."

Just now, he hardened his fists and was about to bombard with a punch.

Looking at this incomparably funny unfolding now, I was really taken aback.

Xia's tea table girl was also startled.

The eight players who rushed over in the distance to **** the crystal were also stupid.

Su Bai was the fastest to react.


His figure flashed to the side of the demon.

Raise a hard fist and smash it down!

Perceiving the howling of the fist wind, the demon originally wanted to get up.

But as soon as he moved, it suddenly became slippery!


With a pong of his head, it hit the floor of the hall.

At this moment, Su Bai's attack also arrived.


A heavy punch hit the back of the demon's head with extreme precision.

With a loud bang, it caused huge damage.

-57,298,623·Fatal! ! !

The luck was quite good, and he hit fatal directly.

Of course, the punch is not over yet. At this great time, of course, it is time to directly beat this disgusting guy with residual blood.


Another punch down!

-57,298,623·Fatal! ! !

Another fatal!

After two punches, just right, the life value of this demon fell to the lowest point.

There happened to be only the last one million blood.

This is a big one!

Plus the horror of Su Bai's fist!

For a moment, this demon was dizzy and stunned by Su Bai's two punches.




At this moment, those guys who had been in the air also recovered.

All were shocked.

This time, he really got a clear view of Su Bai's strength and had an understanding.

I was confused before.

Two punches caused more than 100 million damage!

Is this really personal? !

Looking at this terrifying injury, these guys inevitably gave birth to retreat.

But soon, he found a reason for Su Bai's injury now.

"It must have used some overdraft skills to greatly improve the strength!"

"Yes! This must be his strongest form, and it won't last long!"

"This man is too evil, kill him!"


These guys just grabbed the treasure, so they went together.

Now, from the bottom of his heart, Fa was to besiege Su Bai.

This is to fight Su Bai as a boss.

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