VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 837: A drop of blood left by the unknown




After encouraging myself, the rest of the players took action.

Among them, the three different animal species players are all wearing wings.

They are the fastest, flapping their wings and shooting out like lightning, and they want to launch a thunderous attack on Su Bai.


Something interesting happened again!

The three fastest monster players didn't know what went wrong, and the guy on the left suddenly twitched.

With a swing, it suddenly folded, knocking the player in the middle, and then hit the right one in the middle.

This is not over yet!

Not far behind these three players are the remaining six.

For these six, weird conditions also occurred and they were violent.

They ran into each other in a muddle and mess.

It is very similar to the previous demon who stumbled with his left foot and his right foot!


"Roar! Get up!"

"Stop it, you are scratching me!"

"Damn! Get out of me!"

"Obviously you came across..."



In the sound of chaos, these eight players rolled into a ball in the air.

Then, swinging and falling down.

There was a dull sound, falling in the hall.

The distance from Su Bai is less than 100 meters...

The height is not high, but every one of them smashed their heads on the hall, which seemed to be a little dizzy.

Su Bai: "..."

Several sisters: "..."


The mist watching this scene: "..."

This is very strange!

It's as good as dreaming!

Players of this level, may this kind of touching operation occur?


That is?



After a few thoughts passed through his mind, Su Bai flew past with a whistling sound.

There is no time to think about this now, and beat these guys to the residual blood, and let's talk about it after you win.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."



"Don't fight, don't fight!!!"


Fists to the flesh, screams, and screams!

These guys can be said to be the easiest players Su Bai has ever cleaned up after playing the game for so long.

In less than ten seconds, they were all beaten up by So Bai!

It won't be fatal, but the chance of a critical strike has been greatly improved.

Moreover, following Su Bai's mind, just a little bit of residual blood was left.

It was so easy that Su Bai was running out of strength.

"Tsk tsk..."

After closing his hand, Su Bai tweeted twice, and said boringly: "Okay, get out, I'll spare your lives."





The talented players who lay on the ground didn't dare to struggle were stunned, not knowing why.

It's all in this situation, but it will be let go?

What is this operation?

"Cack bang bang bang!"

Su Bai squeezed his hand, squinted and chuckled, "Why, don't you want to leave? Are you planning to punch me again?!"


"Swish swish..."

After the words were finished, a guy recovered and retreated suddenly.

Su Bai didn't move.

Then, the others also quickly got up and flew away.

After pulling a long distance, he stopped.

Looking at Su Bai floating in the air, he wanted to say something.

But after holding back for a few seconds, I still couldn't say anything.

It's all flashing.


Finally, there was a figure, the demon.

She stopped at the entrance of the cave and gave Su Bai a gloomy look.

Greedy eyes wandered on the crystal in Su Bai's hand, but he didn't say anything.

Turned and left.

He actually has a means!

I think I can deal with Su Bai!

But it takes time to get it, and it is still impossible.

I can only hope that this guy can't absorb the strange blood in the crystal.

After a short breath, he also left.

"My son, why are you letting them go?" Mu Yi Nuan couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Well, why acridine?" Mu Mu also asked.

"Ha ha……"

Su Bai smiled slightly and said playfully: "These relatively strong players are very useful. They are bound to collect a lot of spiritual power."




They were still a little unclear about the reason, but gradually realized that it was wrong.

Mu Suxin came back to her senses first, and said in surprise: "You... let them collect a lot of spiritual power and then grab it?!"

"Are you really going to block the door?"

"Yes! Smart!" Su Bai nodded with a chuckle.

"Wow! Brother, you are playing too much! Don't be afraid of overturning!" Xia Cha exclaimed.

"Do not believe your brother so? Also, Crow's mouth, can you speak!" Su Bai rolled his eyes.

"That's it! Brother is the best!" Mu Mu shouted.

"Hehe...Dad, the strongest!" The cute little Luoying clenched her small fist with a serious expression.


Xia Cha smiled strangely, and then said curiously: "That's not the case, brother, where did the big cat go?!"

Mentioned this topic, several people looked around the hall again.

It's still like that, let alone the big cat, you can't even see the cat's hair.

"I don't know, maybe it's gone..."

Su Baihun said indifferently.

Now, he only cared about the crystal in his hand, not other things at all, so he didn't think much about it at all.

Besides, there is indeed no black cat in this hall.

Su Bai looked at the crystal in his hand and tried to detect the information of the nine-color blood in the crystal.

[A drop of blood left by the unknown]

Level: Cannot be seen

Quality: can't see through

Category: Cannot see through

Effect: can't see through

Details: There is no causal information left on the blood, so no detailed information can be seen!

Note: Although you can't see through, you can clearly perceive the powerful power it emits! It is best not to act arbitrarily before the details are not clear.


As a result, there was no accident, and I still couldn't see any information.

This makes people feel a little uncomfortable. Such an extraordinary drop of blood cannot be used!

"such a pity……"

Su Bai sighed slightly, holding the crystal, looking at the mysterious blood in the crystal.

"what happened to you?"

"What a pity?"

"No and can't see the information?"


"Yes." Su Bai nodded and said: "I can't see the information with this drop of blood."

The feeling of sitting on Baoshan but unable to dig is too uncomfortable.

Seeing Crystal's blood, Su Bai felt a little depressed.

But what is strange is that when I look at it, some familiar feeling suddenly arises in my heart.


When this familiar feeling appeared, he frowned and gave a hum.

Seeing this performance, the women thought that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked.

"It's okay, wait..."

Su Bai waved his hand and stared at the information panel.

Just now, the information panel discovered by this probe had an abnormality.

For some reason, it began to shake, and the words on it kept changing and twisting.

This strange change lasted for about ten seconds.

During this period, Su Bai felt more familiar with this drop of blood.

And with the more familiarity, the faster the information panel changes.

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