VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 835: Emperor blood

When the light group was rioting just now, the movement was amazing.

The energy that bursts out is extremely domineering, and there is a meaning that seems to resist all living beings.

This is not like something that creatures can touch.

But at this time, Su Bai touched it!

All alien players are silly!

A dozen meters away, the demon who had been assembled and restored to an adult appearance was also silly.

The space was extremely quiet for a while, and he looked at Su Bai in shock.

At this moment, Su Bai squeezed the things in the light group and pulled out calmly.


After Su Bai pulled out his hand, the light group screamed and dissipated naturally.

In his hand, it was a transparent crystal.

Crystal is a sealing prop.

The crystal body is emitting divine light, and at the same time, there is misty mist entangled, which is extraordinary.

And in the crystal, a drop of blood is sealed!

This drop of blood is amazing!

It is crystal clear, about the size of a little finger cover.

It exudes an extremely gorgeous nine-color divine light, and in the divine light, symbols with great information are constantly emerging and tumbling.

Moreover, once this drop of blood was born, it also triggered a great vision!


The roar sounded out of thin air, echoing in the space.

In the rumbling sound, the divine light and symbols that appeared from Jiucai's blood gradually conjured a bizarre scene.

In the boundless void, the sky is filled with stars as the background.

There was a huge figure whose whole body was covered by brilliant nine-color rays, standing proudly.

Its body is so large that it seems to prop up the universe.

The thread of coercion exuded from his body, like the heavenly way. Even worse, it seems to have surpassed heaven!

The figure is fighting against the darkness of the void, extremely powerful!

With the wave of his hand, the starry sky is bright, clear and clear.

But the darkness in the void is always endless, not diminishing in the slightest.

The war continues.


Seeing this scene, Su Bai was also stunned for a while.

As a modern person, as a human being who had just been exposed to extraordinary powers for a short time, Su Bai did not understand these mysterious words very well.

No one can say that he fully understands it, like the way of heaven, it is too illusory.

However, he feels that way now!

I feel that this figure is already above the level of heaven!

As for how other players feel...

"Thump thump thump thump!!!"

When the crystal was taken out by Su Bai, they couldn't bear it.

One is counted as one, and all the forces in the body are suddenly out of control.

All fell from the air.

After landing, he prostrated his head in the direction of Su Bai, his body trembling.

The trembling from the soul!

The breath of that drop of blood is too terrifying!

Even without the need for that drop of blood to exude a breath, just one glance, these genius guys can't bear it!

Su Bai himself is the only one who can stand calmly in the field without any abnormalities!

The human silhouette in the vision was terrifying, but it didn't cause any image to Su Bai.

The ones in better condition were those who were closer to Su Bai.

Xia Cha, Mu Mu, Mu Suxin, Mu Yi Nuan and others.

Although it was better, it didn't get there.

He didn't lie on the ground and shivered, but he also knelt down on one knee towards Su Bai.

There was no resistance, no shame, as if it were taken for granted.

The strongest and most special Mengshenxi is no exception.

It's just that she is so strong that she can look up at Su Bai, but other girls can't.

At this moment, her eyes were filled with confusion.

This powerful pressure aroused her sleeping consciousness.

At this time, he was in a short awake state.

"What power is this? When did the teacher have this power?"


He took a breath of air-conditioning and was lost again.

Meng Shenxi's sobriety was very short this time.

Just now, the memory she tried to recall was too deep and too large.

It is far from what she can bear in her current state.

Even Bea, who is still absorbing the blood of the fighting god, also...

The light cocoon she formed trembled for a while, to disperse, to salute Su Bai.

"Don't move!"

Su Bai saw it and stopped drinking immediately.

This absorption is suddenly interrupted, it is not a good thing to think about it!

But I can't control it, so I can only try to drink it to see if it can make merit.


And when Su Bai said a word, the light cocoon no longer trembles immediately, as stable as possible, even the absorption speed of Bea in the light cocoon has accelerated a bit.

Su Bai: "..."

"Get up," Su Bai said, looking at the girl at the Xia coffee table who was on one knee.

Immediately, the pressure on the women weakened a lot.

They all stood up, but could not speak yet.

This scene seems to prove something.

Is this drop of blood really related to yourself?

Su Bai looked at the crystal in his hand, guessing in his heart.


When the vision in the mountains was born, the outside world was uneasy.

On the contrary, the movement of the outside world is even more terrifying!


The thunderbolt sounded like an open sky, once again alarming all players.

This vision is far greater and magnificent than before.

Amid the roar, the entire sky was flooded with visions.

The **** pattern floats up and down, and the **** light shines all over the place.

A tall figure appeared!

The entire sky is occupied!

Looking at it, no matter where you are, you can see the great figure appearing in the sky.

You can see him fighting against unknown things, you can see his peerless demeanor, majestic power!

"Swish swish..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Whether it's a hundred miles away or a thousand miles away, or on top of other remains.

Whether it is a player or a creature that exists on the debris of the ruins.

All prostrate, all prostrate!


"Oh my God!!!"

Mist looked at the vision that appeared on the light curtain and let out an incredible exclamation.

At this time, the mist in his body was also shaking.

He was not spared either, prostrated and bowed.

Just because the body is misty, it is not obvious.

Now, he was caught in a shock like seeing the sky collapse.

The exclamation that was born before can be trivial.


"This breath is..."


"It turned out to be an emperor!!!"

In shock, he muttered to himself the identity of the person in the vision.

That giant, surrounded by nine-colored rays of light, is an emperor!


After a moment of shock, the mist sucked in a cold breath and suddenly withdrew his mind.

The body exudes a strong light and sacrifices a great treasure.

This treasure was a shield, and when it appeared, it instantly absorbed the strong light emitted from the mist.

Then, with a swish, tearing the space and flying out.

In an instant, I came to outer space.


"Qiang Qiang!!!"

The shield trembled, transformed into many faces, and completely wrapped the entire remains of the disaster.

The breath of emperor blood is too powerful!

If there is no obstruction, it can definitely traverse the entire spiritual world!

At that time, not only spirit-level guys will come over!

The fellows of the gods are going crazy!

Even people who have reached the limit like themselves, who have nowhere to go, will come over!

That's a good fellow!

Even if it's not the ruins of the spiritual disaster as a primer!

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