VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 834: Explore the capsule!

The demon's hand was cut off by Su Bai.

However, he unexpectedly stretched out his other hand uninterruptedly, toward the light group.

This is too sudden, too weird.

Su Bai also failed to guard against this trick, and was succeeded.

The demon's hand touched the light ball.

There was a smile on his face, but he was a little weird and hideous because of the sharp pain from the broken hand.

I was very proud at this time, thinking that the big secret store was already in hand.



When the light group was touched by him, a terrible riot was born!

The light group trembled suddenly, and a roar was born, just like the thunder of extinction.

In the boom, the dazzling white light bloomed wildly.

That's the powerful and domineering backlash energy against those who dare to go wrong!

It's not yours. If you dare to reach out and grab it forcefully, this riot will inevitably be triggered.

This extremely powerful energy instantly flooded the huge cave space, and every place was flooded with turbulent power.


Su Bai was close, so he heard a sound of body cracking clearly.

The energy emitted by the light group riot is too powerful!

That demon is very strong, able to calm down under the pressure of many geniuses.

But at this moment, he didn't resist even a second.

The whole person exploded directly!

Even all the equipment exposed on his body burst!


This tyrannical energy stayed in the space for a moment, and after killing the offender, it began to roll back and return to the light ball.

Su Bai immediately turned his head to look around, and then felt relieved.

Xia Cha and the others are in the hall, so they are also very close to the light group.

But fortunately, they are safe and sound.

Except for them, there is actually no problem with the guy flying in the sky.

After all, it is not them who are forcing.

Although it's okay, here is also frightened.

They came back and forth with the demon, plus the previous confrontation, so they knew a little bit about the demon.

Approximately understand the power of that demon.

Such a powerful guy didn't even stop for a moment, and died instantly!

This place seems to be no big problem, but the danger of the treasure is too great!

"You come to me...huh?!!!"

Su Bai was asking Xia Cha and the others to come over, but suddenly stared.

There seemed to be something missing out of sight!

After turning to the center of the hall, he was shocked.

Originally, there was a black cat lying in the middle of the hall sleeping peacefully!

But now, it's empty, I don't know when it disappeared!

"Huh? Why... Eh? Where's the cat?!" Xia Cha.

"This...Where did the big cat go?!" Mu Mu.

"When did she disappear?!"

Following Su Bai's eyes, they also found out.

After that, the players who came over also found out.

"Hi! The **** cat is gone!"

"This... can you see that strange black cat?!"

"No! I didn't notice any breath!" said a plant species player.

It is very sensitive to these breaths, but is not aware of it at all.


Just as you were alarmed and suspicious, one wave of unrest occurred again!

Everyone heard movement in their ears.

Sneezing, it's like something is gathering and rolling.


Su Bai turned around suddenly.

This voice came from behind him!

After turning around, he immediately saw that not far from the light group, a strange pile of minced meat appeared, gathered and changed out of thin air.

The arm that was chopped off by Su Bai was also pulled over.

This fool can see it!

The demon has the method of resurrection, and Bian is resurrecting at this time.


Su Bai snorted coldly, he couldn't be so stupid to let him read the skill bar.

You must kill someone!


Just as he was about to take a step, Su Bai suddenly moved his eyes and stopped again.

It's not a brain-jumping, but to shake hands with the enemy to make peace.

Just suddenly remembered, this kind of good tool man. (Crossed out)

Such a good genius can definitely collect a lot of spiritual power props, right? !

Although Su Bai will have three sacred tree road fruits immediately, there are several bugs after waiting for dozens of hours.

It seems to be enough, but he still likes to do a few more preparations.

Wouldn't it be fragrant if you could directly collect enough spiritual power and save BUG to do big things?


With a chuckle, Su Bai stopped moving.

The eight players in the sky who were ready to watch the show were disappointed.

I thought that Su Bai would do it, but Su Bai only laughed, and there was no movement.

"What's up?!"

"What about making trouble?! That weird guy is resurrecting, and he doesn't care?"

"This person is so extraordinary! He still has awe-inspiring power, very strong!"

"What method did he use just now, he actually carried the attack of all of us alone!"

"What is the origin of this human race?"

"Obviously you have such a powerful strength, but you have no brain to do goodwill?"

"Damn! When that weirdo is resurrected, the first thing is to trouble you!"


Seeing Su Bai giving up his shot, those eight players had almost these thoughts in their hearts.

But it also changed immediately, and didn't care about it.

Because... Su Bai reached out to the light group!

The disappearance of the black cat is a big deal, but there is no time to care at this time.

In short, just in case, take what you have taken first!

When the eight alien players saw this scene, they all roared.


"Human race! Give you Lord Tiger to stop!"

"Explore one more minute, you must die here!"

"Presumptuous! How can this treasure be coveted by your tribe!"


They may not be able to get it, but they have to find a way to get it!

Anyway, it would never be possible to watch Su Bai take it away!

I don't know if I can beat Su Bai, but I must stop it for the same reason.

When they burst into mouth and drink, they also moved.

All flying down!

At this time, he didn't care about any more fights, they all attacked Su Bai.

Suddenly, the roar and roar erupted.

The huge energy fluctuation was excited, and then quickly fell.

But no matter how fast they are, they are far away after all.

Is it farther than Su Bai's hand touched the light group? !


Su Bai didn't react at all to their words and attacks.

The hand calmly touched the light group.


"you wanna die!"


Watching this scene, an angry roar echoed endlessly in the cave space.

The mountain wall shook, and the rubble rolled down.

Although roaring, they did not continue to attack.

Instead, they all retreated, defended themselves, and did not even lower their attacks.

They were angry because Su Bai was disobedient and defiant.

It's not that Nu Su Bai obtained the treasure.

Because in their opinion, Su Bai couldn't get anything at all.

Just like the demon before, he will be instantly bombarded by Naha Lie's energy.

They retreated because they were afraid of being implicated by the light.


Everything that was expected did not happen!

Su Bai's hand penetrated the light group quite smoothly!

The light group is still vigorous, and there is no possibility that it cannot fight back because of the energy consumption just now.

However, there is no obstacle!

This is weird!

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