Taiyigong contacted the Li family, made some transactions, and provided some information.

Their arrangement also led to the emergence of those news in the spirit world.

The news of Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian's death was deliberately revealed by them.

It is estimated that the news of Meng Yi's death will be revealed soon.

At this time, they will also lead the topic.

Gradually, the topic was drawn to Su Bai's ability to kill reality from the game.

Whether anyone believes it or not, as long as there are enough people discussing this topic is enough!

After fermenting this matter for a period of time, he will find a way to drag Su Bai into a killing game.

In this way, the person who secretly protects Su Bai will inevitably appear.

When the time comes, the gods will make a reasonable move.

Any problems are solved in minutes.

Good arrangement~!


While they were arranging these, Su Bai was still taking his sister to upgrade leisurely.

Cut melons and vegetables, crush worship ~

Back to the inn, Su Bai hadn't seen these yet.

Until he lay on the recliner leisurely, looking bored at the forum.

Only then discovered the hot spots that have been fermented for several hours!

"Oh, you already know they are dead, right?"

After seeing the news of Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian's death, Su Bai smiled slightly.

I was a little shocked by the knife in my heart.

Really strong, actually killed those two guys, incredible!

Moreover, that strange knife seems to be the power of the Shura profession!

In other words, you may be able to use it in the future!

It's a pity, now, it takes the power of BUG to stimulate it.

Killing one person in ten hours is not efficient enough.

Unless there is a killer with a high hatred value, it is actually unnecessary.

Waste of BUG.

Shaking his head, Su Bai stopped thinking about this, and continued to look through it.

Then, he also knew.

"The wind direction in the forum seems to be deliberately guided?"

Su Bai's eyes flickered, so guessing.

I have seen N many times in Blue Star, and the big V deliberately guides public opinion, with distorted facts, and black and white.

For example, Ai Dajin said that indox people are peaceful.

For example, a certain big V said that Daqi is a gentleman, a certain virtue is rigorous, a certain eagle’s air is sweet, etc...

Propagating these will make people lame.

It’s a lot of time to watch this kind of rhythm. If you look at it again, after a little bit of understanding and analysis, you can see if you are playing rhythm.

Su Bai felt that the Spirit World Forum was being guided.

Guide yourself towards the reality that you can kill in the game.


Looking at the forum, Su Bai groaned.

It's not particularly worried.

After making the decision to completely kill those people, Su Bai had already anticipated this scene.

As for whether it would cause a siege, Su Bai had also thought about it.

If someone really incites it, it is probably impossible to escape.

But Su Bai was not afraid.

Especially after I grow up again, open the door to rest, and become spiritualized in Xia Cha, I'm not afraid anymore.

No matter how bad, escape is still very simple.

After thinking about it, Su Bai didn't bother to care about the rhythm in the forum.

Wait, he wants to see how those companies will respond.

This time, Su Bai is going to be tough to the end!

To show the strongest, most terrifying, and most ruthless means!

It's scary, it's scary!

Otherwise, someone will come to disturb you all day long.

As for now, I'll take a good rest, and I can't do anything anyway.

Soon, it was night.

The girls stopped, blushing back to their rooms.


Su Bai sat up quickly from the chair.

Well, it's time to do business.

Two people are boring.

Su Bai went to the Xiacha room and pulled her out.

Walking into Mu Yi Nuan's room, two shy beauties followed behind him.

Finally, walked into Mu Suxin's room.


The next day.

Su Bai withdrew his hand from Mu Suxin's forgiving embrace and looked at his wrist.

Well, there are squeezed natural red marks on the hands.


Cough, not right!

Make a mistake, come again!

Su Bai saw the BUG on his wrist 4 times within an hour!

So, it's time to set off now.

The time to trace and kill is completely enough for the fourth BUG savings.

Thinking about this, Su Bai started to gently put the Xia Cha lying on his body pretending to sleep.

After that, Mu Yi Nuan, who was still pretending to sleep, would hold her waist and clamp her legs.

"I have something to go out, you guys have a good rest in the inn, pay attention to safety."

"There are many defensive, offensive and defensive items in the things I left behind, you guys make good use of them."

"If you have any major issues that cannot be solved, please contact me in time!"

After speaking, the three girls didn't react, but their faces were rapidly turning red.

Su Bai smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Lean over and kiss them on the face, then get up and get dressed and leave.

As soon as I went out and walked into the hall, I saw Mu Mu who was absorbing and improving the four dimensions.

Su Bai's heart jumped, but still calmly said: "Mu Mu early."

Mu Mu opened her eyes and smiled happily: "Brother is forehead...Brother, are you going out again?"

Seeing that Su Bai was wearing a piece of equipment, and his aura changed faintly.

Mu Mu felt a little bit unhappy, she liked to be by Su Bai's side.

Su Bai smiled and said, "I'll be back soon, Mu Muguai."


Mu Mu squatted her mouth, but still said in a good manner, "Then brother, be careful!"


Su Bai nodded, and then left.

Mu Mu looked at Su Bai's back, and then at the direction Su Bai was coming from.

Like a sigh, there was a complex look in his eyes, confused, weird, and jealous.

She stayed for a while before she continued to absorb it.


After Su Bai left the inn, he contacted Ling Xinyu.

He already has Ling Xinyu's contact information.

It's not impossible for him to find someone by himself.

But efficiency, accuracy...

It really doesn't work.

Therefore, we can only trouble this immortal master!

It's amazing to say it!

Su Bai can let an immortal help him find someone...


It's connected.

Su Bai saw the holographic image in front of him, and Ling Xinyu appeared with a veil.

Ling Xinyu said first: "Should I help you find Li Shenxu, Mai Yin, Mai Pi, and Qian Positive?"

She still remembered what Su Bai said yesterday.


Su Bai said with a dry cough, "Yes, although I am embarrassed, I am still tired."

"Nothing to trouble."

Ling Xinyu's eyes seemed to bend slightly, and he pinched a ring: "Such a big reward, shouldn't you find someone for you?"

This was given to her directly by Su Bai, without asking for anything in return.

In fact, Ling Xinyu starts from his heart, and is not in return.

She just wanted to help Su Bai, and then pushed the reason to what Su Bai gave.

Su Bai grinned and didn't care about it, just smiled and said: "Haha, thanks, let's meet."


The two determined their location and met soon.

Then, the tracing began.

This time Ling Xinyu also prepared a few more things.

Many of these were found in the storage space of Na Meng's legacy, and they have strong tracking capabilities!

Even if you only know your face, you can track it down!

Not to mention that Ling Xinyu had actively met with Mai Yin, Mai Pi, and Qian, so it would be easier.

Like online games: Create a BUG every ten hours, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Online games: Create a BUG every ten hours. The literature update is the fastest.

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