VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1122: The big picture of Bai Ye's death?

The conversation started, and the rest of the people also gave their speeches:

"It's possible, but impossible!"

"The rules laid down by the Lord, even if we are, must still be obeyed and must not be broken."

"Even if they really don't know anything about Bai Ye, they are really not afraid of death, and given a terrible murderer, then Bai Ye can't use it!"

"Yes! If he uses it, he will be drawn into a mortal before Meng's death, and his aptitude will be damaged!"

"As for that Ling Xinyu, it's not enough to use these gods!"


Among the remarks of several gods, it seems not surprising that there are situations that can kill reality in the game.

This, of course, is because they have done it too!

Something that kills the soul, they know, this is also there.

For example, when Fu Qingqiu was caught by Su Bai for the first time, his mentality collapsed, and he thought about killing Su Bai completely.

Fortunately, her mentality was soft, and Su Bai played a wave.

In the end, he didn't want to kill him, and helped Su Bai to conceal it.

Otherwise, it is not clear whether Su Bai will die, but he can definitely see **** the spirit and soul in the game in advance.

These methods are either props, skills, or weapons.

The type is not limited.

But the number is extremely small, and it is extremely difficult to obtain!

The restrictions on use are huge!

Some use will take away the power of the gods, if the power is not enough, then it will be a big trouble!

Some will produce terrible curses and damage themselves!

Some have great use requirements.

Besides, things like this can't be used too many times.

After all, their effect is too bad, and the effect is balanced.

Knowing this, it is not particularly surprising that Taiyi Gong and Su Bai can kill the reality Meng Yi and Zheng Bailian.

The ancestors of the Li family also knew these things.

They also thought of this.

However, after just thinking about it, I immediately put it aside.

Of course, this is not important.

The important thing is that the several high-level gods of the Taiyi Palace are curious about where Su Bai's things come from and how they can be used.

After much deliberation, I can't think of a reason.

In fact, they are also caught in a misunderstanding.

Many people in the spirit world think that it is impossible to kill reality in the game, so many do not believe that Su Bai killed it.

And these gods, Su Bai, who didn't believe in the supreme, could use the kind of gods.

Naturally, Su Bai was picked out inexplicably because of this.

At least, the point of suspicion was not on Su Bai.

In the end, these gods gradually turned their attention to Fu Qingqiu and Fu Feishuang who had been friends with Su Bai.

There was a mist said: "Could it be that the two goddesses of the Fu family?"

"If they are not afraid of the Holy Lord's punishment and the anger of my family, it is possible..."

"But the price of not being afraid, they may not be able to bear it! So...it's not good."

"Tsk! Who the **** is it?!"

Presumably, the fire was rising.

In the end, a cold voice sounded: "Who is it, it's easy to find! Such a target is nothing more than protecting the white night!"

"Make some preparations and make arrangements! Tomorrow at the latest, I will see the big picture of Bai Ye's death!"

"At that time, the guy hiding behind will jump out!"


"Good way! Let's make arrangements!"


The arrangement begins!

Of course, the gods of the Taiyi House can't do anything, nor can they fund anything.

But if they say a few words to their subordinates, this can't stop them. Arrange a game, of course it's okay.

Su Bai hit Taiyi Gong in the face twice, and they couldn't help the fire a long time ago.

And now, it is still possible to obtain something that can kill the soul, and it is even more unstoppable!

Although this kind of thing has various weird consequences, it does not hinder the gods' desire for it.

If you have one, it must be a big killer!

If you can find a chance to kill your old opponent, that would be great, isn't it.


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