VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1124: Please narrate in the white night!

Li Shenxu, Mai Yin, Mai Pi and Qian are positive.

A total of four goals!

At this time, they have returned to all races.

Although the outside world is chasing them frantically, if you want the Hui, you can't do it.

Now, the three families are in desperation.

In addition to worrying about Su Bai's own revenge, he also has to deal with the bounty hunter who attacks frantically.

Although they can go offline, the casualties will be greatly reduced!

Because, even if you find a position in reality, not everyone has the ability to strike out attacks in the dream universe to affect reality.

You can even kill people in the game, so it's not a big deal to break power into reality.

This can indeed be done!

But it is also difficult, usually with the help of advanced props and treasures.

Sanjia and Taiyigong have indeed done so.

Ordered most of the tribe and disciples offline.

However, they can't just give up on the businesses, products, and spirits of their forces!

Not everyone can go offline!

Some people cannot go offline.

If they are all offline and don't even guard their own things, doesn't that mean acknowledgment?

Can't afford to lose this person!

Therefore, the three are still in dire straits.

These Su Bai had expected.

At this time, he and Ling Xinyu were flying to the area where the Mai's house was.

Ling Xinyu's tracking object was already vaguely felt.

After identifying the direction, Ling Xinyu explained that Mai Yin, Qian Zhengzhou, and Mai Pi should have all gone back.

By the way, also talk to Su Bai about these two families.

The Mai family is located very close to the Qian family's home planet.

The Mai family has been in decline, even if they marry the Qian family, they have not improved much.

Strictly speaking, it gradually means being eroded by the Qian family.

Su Bai is not interested in these.

He just cares about the proximity of the Mai family and the Qian family, so maybe he can solve three at once!

Whirring whirring……

Because they were going to someone else's home star, Ling Xinyu and Su Bai flew out of the giant city of the spirit world.

At this time, he was located in a transparent spaceship made of ice crystals, quickly crossing through the void.

Although it is transparent, it is also invisible, hiding Su Bai and her figure.

Otherwise, it's easy to get started.

The speed of the spacecraft is very fast!

It's not flying anymore, it's directly piercing through the space, passing through the space!

Su Bai was surprised for a while, feeling too fast.

So, he checked the quality of the spacecraft.

myth! ! !

It just happens to be the ultimate quality he can check!

No wonder the speed is so fast!

"Awesome! My mother-in-law actually has a mythical thing?!"

Su Bai was amazed.

This kind of stuff is very rare.

Generally speaking, it shouldn't be owned by the gods.

In this way, I feel more at ease, and my whereabouts will not be revealed.


The small world tree is too huge!

Even if there is a mythical ice crystal spacecraft, this flight took several hours!

While flying, Su Bai became curious in his heart.

This is also called the small world tree?

The real big world tree, can't it carry the Three Realms and Six Paths, Heaven and Hell, and Reincarnation? !

Or simply carry the trillions of universes?

Su Bai opened a brain hole for a while, and Su Bai felt a little touched.

Like when he was a child, he often imagined whether there would be a sky outside the sky, and a universe outside the universe.

"Ha ha……"

With a chuckle in his heart, Su Bai cut off these messy thoughts.

This is still ridiculous.

Although this idea cannot be denied absolutely, it is useless to think about it now.


At this moment, Ling Xinyu, who had been looking at a compass, was quite exhilarating.

Su Bai glanced at the compass.

Now, the compass is constantly flashing.

Holographic images of three villains appeared on it!

Mai Yin, Mai Pi, and Qian Zheng three people!

It's clear and clear, and there is a fine location guide, unlike the previous general induction.

This means that these three people are within 100 light years!

And in this range, there are the home stars of the Mai family and the Qian family.

Su Bai said clearly: "They really have returned to their home planet!"


Ling Xinyu nodded, and then accelerated the speed of the ice crystal spacecraft under his feet. At the same time, he also said: "How, do it in their home planet, are you sure?"


Su Bai smiled evilly: "Even if they are not online, I can do it now and I am sure!"

From the storage props of Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian, there are things that can travel through the universe of dreams to reality.

There are also a large number of disposable items!

For example, Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian both have a lot of the "Ten Thousand Fallen Thunder Thunder" that Li Shenxu used to bomb Su Bai before!

Su Bai always didn't like to rely on these foreign objects, and didn't like to use them to hit and hurt.

But if you are really surrounded and blocked by others, you won’t be polite.

Throw it all out!

"That's good."

Ling Xinyu was relieved, and explained by the way: "After all, my current strength is in a normal state, unless immortality strikes you, otherwise I can't mess around."

Su Bai said indifferently: "It's okay, you send me in, and I will do the rest by myself."


Ling Xinyu nodded and said, "Prepare, I want to speed up, it won't be long before I can arrive."


When Su Bai rushed to Mai and Qian's homes, the arrangements for Su Bai also came.

In the spirit world, the four forces are basically sufficient to guide them.

At the same time, they also posted information about the killings of their industries and tribesmen.

Not for sympathy.

This is deliberately revealing the failure, indicating the decline of the four.

In this way, it is more reasonable if you want to make a decision.

This ‘certain decision’ refers to:

The four companies joined forces and posted a post in the Spirit World Forum.

Enemies should be settled but not knotted!

Please give me a comment!

The four families set up a feast in the spirit world city in an open manner, please come over to Su Bai!

Discuss the solution together.

To show sincerity, make it clear:

Li Shenxu, Mai Yin, Mai Pi, Qian Zhengzhou and many others who are too deeply entangled with Su Bai will also be present!

Return to Barabala, say something like this big fight, affecting the harmony of the sky, endless troubles, affecting the normal order of the spiritual world, and so on.

If you really want to say it, this really affects the normal order of the spiritual world.

As for the impact on Tianhe and endless troubles, it is a matter of opinion for different people.

It is said that some of the more excessive behaviors will have consequences in the future.

There are trillions of creatures in the spiritual world.

There are always some weird creatures, and the road to promotion is rather weird.

Certain races also need to hurt others in order to benefit themselves and grow.

The most obvious consequence of this is that it is extremely difficult during the thunder tribulation, and it is even more difficult to break the spirit into a god!

Like Su Bai, if you continue, something bad may really happen.

The four said this, but also a little bit of face.

Try to post from the position of the superior and for your good.

Otherwise, even if you are in the process of inviting you to enter the urn... it would be too embarrassing to take the initiative to post and to acknowledge business and harmony.

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