VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1121: Killed by Bai Ye!?

In the eyes of everyone:

Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian died suddenly and strangely.

There is news that he was beheaded by Bai Ye.

Then, news of missing contact was quickly spread.

Not long after, news of death came out again!

These accidents and doubts are too weird!

It's terrifying if you let go of some thoughts!

"You said, shouldn't it, white night caused their death, right?"

"From the outgoing news, it seems very likely..."

"But, it's impossible..."

"The lord of the Taiyi Palace was also rumored to be killed by Bai Ye and then disappeared. And Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian are now dead, will the lord of the Taiyi Palace..."

"...Stop talking! This is too scary!"

"Could it be that the angry brain died?"

"No matter what you say, I just don't believe that Bai Ye can kill people from the game!"

"To be honest, I actually believe these speculations!"

"Fart! I absolutely don't believe it, just think about it! This kind of news must be a secret, at least it won't be reported immediately, it's definitely spread on purpose! So, I'm afraid that it is to make the world think about it!"

"Hey, let me go! Your speculation is also very reasonable!"

"The Li Family and the Taiyi Palace are doing this, don't they create a reputation for Bai Ye?"

"Ha! I can't say that. If Bai Ye can really kill people in the game, he has a reputation, but for others, it is too scary, I am afraid that they will be attacked by groups!"

"Yes! That's it! This is the purpose of the Li Family and Taiyi Gong!"

"But in the end, the most original question is, who killed them?

"I don't know..."


Although, Su Bai can really kill people in the game.

But this is too outrageous and terrifying.

Not many people believe it.

In the boiling, many people have figured out the reasons for these news.

It is said that the Li family and Taiyigong did it deliberately.

Then, back to the time before Li Yangwei and Zheng Bailian died, back to when they were discovered.

Their bodies were all found quickly.

After Su Bai killed them, after the news of the loss of contact came back, someone immediately looked for it in reality.

Li Yangwei is in his own mansion.

Zheng Bailian, in a secret place, is not difficult to find.

After finding it, Li's family flew around, gradually filled with a sad atmosphere.

Li Yangwei's son, Li Shenxu, was even more desperate and at a loss.

He has been buzzing in his mind now.

Can't accept it.

At the same time, there are also some thoughts in retrospect.

Was it because of me that my father died?

Did Bai Ye kill his father again?

This news is too big!

It was quickly reached, and was known by the most important ancestors of the Li family's generation who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Even when he was born, he came to Li Yangwei's mansion!

I saw Li Yangwei who was lying on the bed without any breath!

There are a few people in total, all of them mysteriously shrouded in colorful light.

After seeing the ancestors coming, Li Yangwei's relatives knelt down, crying and asking the ancestors to call the shots for Li Yangwei. Omit.

The ancestors of the Li family dealt with it casually, and at the same time explored the cause of Li Yangwei's death.

As a result, nothing can be seen!

Only a few conclusions:

The body is normal, still at its peak, and can even go further.

However, there is no spiritual fluctuation.

It's like brain death.

Except for these two conclusions, the others, their ancestors, can't see anything!

"how so?"

"Is it possible that Bai Ye Xiaoer really caused it? He really killed him in the game?"

The ancestors of the Li family frowned deeply and couldn't help thinking about Su Bai.

Li Yangwei is just a slightly better tribe.

The reason why this incident can alarm him, of course, is that someone connected Su Bai in series.

Said that Su Bai killed Li Yangwei in the game.

This is different!

So they were attracted to come over and find out.

What they see now makes them too confused.

It's not without ideas.

But after touching a possibility, they rejected it in their hearts.


Almost at the same time, here in the Taiyi Palace, some people were shocked:

"how so?!!"

The Taiyi Palace is powerful.

Although they were born in the human race, they also have their own surnames, but they have nothing to do with the human race.

They have their own power and stars, and they are not known by outsiders.

At this time, in the star, in a secret small world.

There are a lot of people here!

All of them were kneeling on one knee with their heads drooping in a respectful posture.

And before them, those who were bowed down were a few patches of mist that kept changing.

And before the mist, was a fat middle-aged woman sitting cross-legged.

This woman is naturally Zheng Bailian.

Although he was still sitting cross-legged, his vitality was completely gone, and no one would be able to recover.

And the phrase ‘how could this be? This is what the high-level staff of Taiyi Gong said.

Far higher than the high-level Meng Yi!

They were also alarmed and came down by themselves.

In the Taiyi Palace, first was Meng Yi and then Zheng Bailian, all of them lost contact.

This is weird!

Coupled with the fierce noise in the spiritual world, these circumstances will naturally not escape the eyes of the upper echelons of the Taiyi Palace.

After learning about Zheng Bailian's death, several high-level officials came down to check.

Then, as the ancestors of the Li family saw, they only had those few conclusions.

The body is okay, the spirit and soul are absent, it is suspected of brain death.


After a long silence, one of the Supreme First Palace leaders said, "Have you found the position of Meng Yi?"

Next to him, the same high-level mist replied: "Found it."


As he said, the mist flicked out a picture, it was a map.

Higher than Meng Yi, of course it is a god!

With the power of God, I want to find someone, of course it’s okay.


The Taiyi Palace high-level Taoist who spoke first.

Then, his figure disappeared directly.

The others also disappeared one after another and followed.

Not long.

Meng Yi was also hidden in a small world.

For digital gods, tearing open the closed world is certainly not a problem.




After entering, even the gods could not hold back the shock!

Because Meng Yi is also dead!

His death condition is exactly the same as Zheng Bailian!

What does this mean?

This means that Bai Ye really killed them in the game!

"This is impossible!"

Thinking of this, a **** immediately angered impossibly.

Although the others didn't say anything, the mist of their bodies was constantly trembling, indicating the shocked emotions in their hearts.

After a long while, someone continued: "Then Bai Ye is clearly the supreme one, how can there be such a method?"

After the voice fell, there was also a dull sound: "Could it be given by the two goddesses he had befriended?"

"The two Fu's daughters are really powerful and talented. It is not impossible to have such a god!"

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