VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1111: Zheng Bailian, die!

After waiting for a while, it completely appeared on the body and between the eyebrows!

However, this time, Su Bai's own power was not consumed!

Su Bai has been holding the group of immortal spirit yuan in his hands.

Now, Ling Yuan was constantly being drawn with power, injected into Su Bai's body and the weird long sword.

Every second, about 5% of energy is directly extracted!

It's also horror!

If Su Bai's body absorbs this 5%, he can absorb it for about a quarter of an hour!

In short, with the energy supplement of this spirit element, Su Bai really didn't consume it with this strange knife.

But hurry up.

This group of immortal spirits has only about 60% of energy.

Only enough to last about 12 seconds!


Looking at Su Bai now, Ling Xinyu was shocked!

See it again!

Feel this inexplicable sense of horror again!

Just like those immortal feelings, Ling Xinyu would also feel a terrifying aura on Su Bai's body.

Hard to understand, hard to understand!

But it just exists!

It seems to be a kind of fear that comes from the soul and from the instinct of the body.

"Go! Take me closer to him!"

As soon as Su Bai entered the state, he immediately ordered Ling Xinyu.

Time is pressing, and Su Bai doesn't want to waste a second.


With a subconscious response, Ling Xinyu took Su Bai's wrist and took a step forward.

There was a glorious icy light under the feet, and the two flew out of 10,000 meters in an instant!

At this time, Zheng Bailian didn't feel the breath of Ling Xinyu at all.

Her rank is far from Ling Xinyu!

Until Su Bai cut it down...


Slash on Zheng Bailian's back!

Just like the wound she caused to Su Bai before, cut diagonally from the left shoulder to the right hip!

With this huge wound, bones can be seen!

However, as before, no harm came out.


Although there is no damage value, Zheng Bailian screamed!

The voice is very stern and painful!

If it were normal, she would actually not die now.

It's just going to be hit hard.

but now……

On the strange knives, brilliant and scarlet lines appeared again.

It instantly appeared on Zheng Bailian's body, and finally condensed in her eyebrows.


Her miserable howling stopped immediately, her eyes full of panic.

With a hard turn of his eyelids, he saw Su Bai.


His eyes stunned and his mouth trembled: "No...no...but...can..."

After hardly speaking a few words, his eyes began to dim.

However, after a breath, it was completely gloomy.

Don’t close, don’t look at you.

I can still vaguely see the fear, shock, disbelief, regret and other emotions in her eyes.

Presumably, Zheng Bailian had exactly experienced the feeling of death just now.

So, regret to provoke Su Bai.


Ling Xinyu was aside, looking at the expression on Zheng Bailian's face, he always felt a little inexplicable chill.

This person, why is it like he really died?


Having said that, is he taking revenge for poisoning himself?


He should come!

Takes so much advantage of me!

Ling Xinyu's thoughts suddenly interrupted.


At this moment, another special thunder fell from the sky.

Just as before.

Zheng Bailian was wiped out by the thunder and turned into a pure spirit.


And the strange knife in Su Bai's hand also dissipated, and the state on his body also touched.

There is some weakness in the body, but it is still within the tolerable range.

If it weren't for the immortal spirit element, let alone the second BUG now, it is estimated that they would have fallen into mortals.

At this point, the immortal spirit still has about 40% energy, enough to kill another person!

Grab the transcendence spirit yuan, and also put away the things that Zheng Bailian had dropped.

Then, Su Bai looked at Ling Xin's words in a daze: "Sect Master Ling, let's find the next one."


Ling Xinyu returned to his senses and asked, "Who is next?"

Su Bai's eyes flickered, and he slowly said, "Li Family, Li Yangwei!"

Li Yangwei is the first to post a wanted on himself!

So, the last BUG in your hand, let's take you to the operation!


Li Yangwei did not return to the family at this time.

It is also hiding in the unsurpassed realm.

At that time, didn't they go to the Taiyin Saint Sect together and let Ling Xinyu hand over White Night?

Then, he was killed by Ling Xinyu.

After the resurrection, a lot of players were besieged at the resurrection point.

He broke through with some people.

With so many people around, I can hide because the spiritual realm is big enough!

It is too difficult to return to the family land!

Even if you use something that is teleported, it is not necessarily safe.

After all, the spirit world has everything, and things that can hinder transmission are not non-existent.

Therefore, Li Yangwei just took people to hide in a secret cave.

Beside them, there are Mai family and Qian family.

Mai Yin, Mai Pi, and Qian are positive.

The three families went to Taiyin Shengzong together, fled together, and of course they were all here in the end.

Part of the energy is concerned about the chat room, part of the energy is concerned about the surroundings, afraid of being encircled.

Although there are thousands of good fortune-level clansmen around them.

But this is not enough.

And now, although no enemies are coming, they are a little flustered.

At this time, it has been discovered that Zheng Bailian can't be contacted either!

"how so?"

"First of all, the lord of the Supreme Palace cannot be contacted. Now, even Zheng Bailian can't be contacted! What happened?!"

"Something happened! It must have happened!"

"Is it possible, who in reality... killed them?!"

"To kill immortality and detachment in reality?! It is absolutely impossible to cover up the movement! If it is, it must have exploded!"

"What the **** is that?!"


In this cave, there was a quarrel.

The three families are panicked!

It's too weird that two important people in a row can't get in touch.

Let everyone's heart be weird, their heartbeat speeds up, and a heavy anxiety echoes in their hearts.

Can't hold it down!

That is, he was very old, knowledgeable, and monetarily active, but now it is difficult to calm down.

In his heart, there was also a very bad premonition rising.

Can't tell, even he can't figure it out, but he is very disturbed!

Moreover, the news that came shortly afterwards made them even more disturbed!

"There's news!"

Li Yangwei suddenly looked up, his expression very ugly and authentic: "There is a word from the family that the two immortals of Taiyi Palace have already been contacted!"

Qian's enthusiasm lifted up.

But after seeing Li Yangwei's mother-like face, his heart sank.

Others also looked ugly.

Li Yangwei said solemnly: "The two immortals said that they... also can't contact their palace lord!"

"They are still being resurrected and cannot be searched."

"However, a large number of disciples were arranged to search, and I couldn't see anything with the Lord of the Supreme Palace!"

"The lord of the Supreme Palace, it seems to have disappeared! As if erased in the dream universe!"




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