VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1110: Keep hunting!

Su Bai is going to trouble Zheng Bailian.

At this time, Zheng Bailian was still in the chat room.



In the chat room, it was silent.

Several families are still there.

The video played in the middle has now become a scene of images.

In the image, it is the Taiyi Palace, which has become a ruin at this time.

Of such a big event, after the spirit world became lively, of course they knew immediately.

Since I knew it, I have been silent.

Everyone frowned.

There was a mixture of horror and incredible emotions on his face.

After a long silence, Qian actively rubbed his eyebrows and said solemnly, "Don't be quiet, everyone, let's talk about it..."

He opened the conversation, and someone answered.

Li Yangwei frowned and said: "Ling Xinyu's strength has temporarily returned to normal, and he has shot! Will she also shot us?"


Mai Yin's mother, Mai Pi sighed: "Don't worry about anything in the low-level areas, Ling Xinyu will not offend the rules set by the Lord!"

"But...our station in the immortal realm, I'm afraid it's..."




After a few words, the chat room fell into silence again.

How to do?

Now, everyone is thinking of three words in their minds.

How to solve the next possible thunder strike?

"I think, don't worry too much!"

Qian actively thought about it a little, and said: "We are in the realm of immortality, and it is not that immortality does not exist. She Ling Xinyu wants to destroy so much immortality, it is impossible!"

"As for why the Taiyi Palace was destroyed this time, it must be Ling Xinyu's consumption of something extremely precious!"

"There won't be many such things!"

"Furthermore, it really doesn't work, we can also ventilate! If Ling Xinyu launches an attack on his residence, the other immortals can come to help."

In the meantime, Qian actively didn't mention Su Bai a word.

He knew that in the spirit world forum, Su Bai had killed immortality.

But, I don't believe it at all!

Qian actively saw immortality personally, knowing how terrifying the immortality can be!

It is impossible for a supreme little guy to be beheaded!

It is powerful to attack immortality without being crushed by the breath of immortality!

If money is not mentioned actively, someone will naturally raise it.

Li Yangwei had fought against Su Bai and saw a certain powerful state of Su Bai.

I always thought that Su Bai was too weird.

Therefore, after listening to what Qian actively said, he frowned and said: "Old Qian, didn't the spiritual world forum say that the destruction of the Supreme Palace was caused by Bai Ye's killing of the Palace Lord of the Supreme Palace?"


Qian snorted positively.

Some of the others in the field were amused.

But there are also some calm complexions.

After a laugh, Qian said positively: "The supreme kills immortality, do you believe in this too?"

Li Yangwei's expression was erratic and difficult to be sure. He sighed slightly and said, "Bai Ye is too weird. Since this matter has been rumored to be so established, I'm afraid it's not really true!"


Qian actively shook his head helplessly and looked at Zheng Bailian, who had been silent: "Hall Master Zheng, can you contact the Palace Master of the Palace? If you can, please ask about the situation at that time."

Zheng Bailian: "..."

She was silent and shook her head slowly.

Zheng Bailian didn't speak before, she was trying to contact Meng Yi long ago!

However, no matter what method is used to send information, it will all fall to the bottom of the sea.

No response at all!



Seeing Zheng Bailian shaking his head, everyone looked strange.

Why can't I get in touch?

Qian actively frowned and said, "Should you not? As long as your palace lord is still in the spirit world, even if he is in the resurrection, he can still be contacted!"

The others nodded in agreement.

In the spiritual world, it is difficult to not be able to contact people.

Unless it is in a very special area.

But Meng Yi is naturally impossible!

"I just can't get in touch!"

Zheng Bailian looked gloomy and shook her head: "No matter what method I use, there is no reply at all!"


"How is this going?"

"What happened in the Immortal Realm?"

"No reason..."

After he confirmed it again, there was an uproar in this chat room.

"Quiet and quiet!"

Li Yangwei knocked on the table, and when he was quieter, he asked Zheng Bailian: "I heard that there are three immortal people in the Taiyi Palace's general resident. You can ask them what happened at that time?"

Speaking of this, Zheng Bailian smiled bitterly and said: "The other two are immortal, I am not qualified enough to contact them..."

"In fact, if it weren't for such a major event, I wouldn't even have contact with the palace lord."

In other words, there is no friend position.

This is very troublesome!

I couldn't contact the first witness if I wanted to know what happened at the time.

In this way, the money is positive: "Let's do it, I want to find a way to contact the immortal in the family to see if he is in the immortal realm, and see if he has seen what happened."

"You can also try."

This matter has to be clarified.

Otherwise, if you don't understand it, you don't know how to deal with Ling Xinyu.

Even if the imperial palace exploded, it is currently impossible to kowtow directly to admit defeat.

They thought, the big brothers in the family would not allow it either!

So they began to connect.

Of course, everyone did not leave the chat room so that they could communicate quickly after getting information.

But... after a few minutes passed, a big change happened suddenly!


The quiet Zheng Bailian suddenly let out a scream, and then she burst into pieces!

None of the people who were busy reacted immediately.

After returning to his senses, Zheng Bailian could no longer be seen.



"what's the situation?!"

"She was attacked!!"

"This... she seemed to explode directly, who killed her in a flash?!"



outside world.

No upper bounds.

Zheng Bailian was hiding in one place.

However, she was found!

Ling Xinyu is not without a way to find someone, and it is not difficult to find her.

Besides, Zheng Bailian appeared here before, ran to please the angel, and was beaten violently.

Many players have seen her and beaten her.

After narrowing the scope, it is easier.

Ling Xinyu came with Su Bai and successfully found Zheng Bailian.

After seeing the person, Ling Xinyu stopped a distance.

She asked Su Bai: "If you find someone, what should you do?"

"Do you need me to take action?"

"This person has been against me before, and I won't have any problems with it."

"No, I can come!" Su Bai shook his head.

Then, without saying anything, the BUG was used!

The scarlet blood group appeared again behind him.

Peeping his hand in, he caught the handle of the knife.

Withdrawing, the scarlet weird long knife appeared in Du and Su Bai's hands.


The long knife trembles!

This is a call.

A black and red armor appeared on Su Bai's body, and a mysterious pattern appeared on the center of his forehead.

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