VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1112: You you you! You! One day later, also die!

A dead silence!

This news is terrible!

Even the two immortals can't get in touch with each other. What does this mean? !

Could it be that Meng Yi, the immortal, has disappeared?

This idea is very outrageous!

However, the current situation makes their brains involuntarily extrapolate to this aspect.

In the end, it was Li Yangwei who spoke first, not only to comfort himself but also to comfort others: "Don't think too much! The palace lord of the Supreme Palace is not sure... yes..."

"I went to reality, and went to trouble Ling Xinyu!"

"It's impossible!" After he finished speaking, Mai Yin vetoed: "Even if it goes to reality, the two immortals want to contact him, it is impossible that they can't be contacted!"

Li Yangwei: "..."


This can still be contacted.

Li Yangwei frowned, his expression anxiously angry: "What else could be the reason why Meng Yi and Zheng Bailian were both lost?"

Mai Yin: "..."

Everyone: "..."

They were all silent, and couldn't give any reason.

Seeing them silent, Li Yangwei gradually felt uncomfortable and very depressed.

Just like an ordinary person, my heart began to feel bored.

There was a burst of panic, like a sudden death.


Take a long, deep breath and exhale to calm yourself down.

But no effect!

That kind of uncomfortable feeling is getting more and more serious!

Li Yangwei's breathing became more and more rapid, his face was pale, and his body was trembling.


"Are you OK?"

"Old Clan!"

Some people care about asking.

Both Mai Yin and Qian's positive eyes are a bit strange.

They can probably feel that Li Yangwei is afraid of something!

This makes them feel very speechless.

Obviously something ridiculous, but... faintly, they are all a little frightened!

I can't talk about others!

"Hehe...I'm fine..."

Faced with concern and strange eyes, Li Yangwei laughed at himself.

Looking at Qian Zhengzheng, Mai Yin Maipi and others, with complex expressions: "You said, we provoke a supreme little guy. Is it so difficult that we really provoke someone who we must not provoke?"

Money is positive: "..."

Mai Yin: "..."

McPi: "..."

Three high-level people in the chat room: "..."

It was a good answer.

They can say directly, what is the white night?

If you provoke it, you will provoke it, and you will kill it if you kill it!

A genius who has not grown up can not be a genius!

but now……

No one can say this!

Since Su Bai began to retaliate, they have been passive and at a disadvantage!

Although, the rules of the Lord among them have caused great constraints on them.

However, they are the four major forces uniting together!

There is no way for the united four to pose any threat to Bai Ye. This is really horrible and outrageous!

Moreover, now the most powerful one, Taiyi Palace, has been taken home...

Even the strongest palace lord of the time has died...

What a shit!

"It seems that you also agree."

Seeing their silence, Li Yangwei smiled bitterly and shook his head: "We, really provoke a monster!"

"If he hadn't been wanted for him earlier, the family would not have been involved."

"Hey!" Qian Zhengzheng also sighed unhappy, his expression gloomy and unhappy: "I knew it, I won't get in here."

"Now, it's really hard to ride a tiger!"

"Our four major forces have lost a lot of face, and if you want to save it, you have to defeat Bai Ye to save it!"

"As soon as the bow is opened, there is no turning back arrow..."


His words made Mai Yin frowned, but he did not dare to say anything.

Although Qian Qiang did not care about Qian Lixian, he was also her father-in-law anyway.


McPi took the conversation and agreed with the same: "This matter really shouldn't be mixed in. The loss is too great!"

They all fall into short-lived fragility.

They all smiled bitterly and said regrets.

And at this moment...


Suddenly two figures passed through the barrier that they had put together!

A white dress is fluttering.

A man wearing a blood-red battle armor, his body exuding a shocking blood arrogantly!

He also carried a blood-red strange knife in his hand!

After the person I saw, everyone in this cave trembled.

One, to recognize Su Bai.

Second, because of the strange knife in Su Bai's hand!

The breath of the strange knife is terrible!

Under the breath, they seemed to see an illusion.

There is an endless sea of ​​blood!

I also saw Su Bai who was standing on the sky in the sea of ​​blood, like a slaying god!

The terrifying murderous aura on him made everyone shiver!


As soon as there was a cold sound, Su Bai's figure disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Li Yangwei.

The long knife in his hand is also cut off!


It hacked directly into Li Yangwei's forehead.

Before Li Yangwei had time to scream, his eyes straightened up!

Almost instantly, mysterious lines and symbols appeared on the forehead.

Those eyes full of shock and fear, dimmed instantly!

"Bah Bah Bah..."

An electric arc suddenly began to explode in the surrounding space!

Soon it condensed into a thick thunder and lightning, blasting on Li Yangwei's body.

He was smashed and dissipated!

A body of power, purified in the thunder, finally condensed into a group of clear and clean aura.


It's also detached!

And until now, all the people in the cave have recovered.


In the cave sky, Ling Xinyu suddenly exuded a majestic aura!

Compressed like the substance!

Except for Su Bai, everyone else was completely overwhelmed!

"Thump thump thump..."

"Puff and puff..."

Some photographed directly on the ground.

Yes, they knelt directly on the ground!

Then, they couldn't move!

His eyes widened, he looked at Su Bai in horror, and couldn't do much.


The strange knife dissipated.

Su Bai returned to normal.

There was another feeling of weakness, superimposed on the previous weakness, a little worse.

But it's equivalent to not having a meal the previous day, so it's not a big problem.

Looking at the immortal spirit element, there is currently less than 15% energy.

This is actually a lot!

If Su Bai can absorb it now, this little energy can definitely bring him directly to the good fortune level!

But unfortunately, a lot has been absorbed today.

It has been saturated, and then absorbed, just like ordinary people eating too much, eating and vomiting, it will damage oneself.

Wait a minute to see if it can be used, Su Bai doesn't want to waste it.

The current thing is naturally...

Su Bai returned to his senses, grabbed the drops exploded from killing Li Yangwei, and collected Ling Yuan.

Then he turned around and looked at a bunch of people on the ground or kneeling or lying on their stomachs.

Glancing indifferently, Su Bai didn't want to talk nonsense.

Reach out and point to three people.

Mai Yin, Mai Pi, and Qian are positive.

"You! You! You! And, Li Shenxu who is not here!"

Su Bai smiled at the corner of his mouth, but it was very cold: "After one day, wash my neck and wait for me!"

After speaking, he jumped up.

Habitually he held Ling Xinyu's Weiliangyu and said, "Let's go."


Ling Xinyu didn't pay attention either, nodded, and pulled Su Bai away.

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