Kaido picked up the phone bug left by Kavis, carried the mace, and walked out of the palace angrily. He said to his subordinates:”Tell Jhin and the others that I have something to go out for.”

After saying that, he turned into a blue dragon and flew away..

Almost at the same time, Auntie also hacked to death the spy who came to deliver the message, then set up a thunder cloud and left Wan Guo.

Auntie called Kaido while rushing on the road:”Kaido, are you going to Qin Ge’s Sky Island now?”

Kaido said:”I knew you would not miss this opportunity.”.

The aunt grinned and said:”Caesar was originally invested by us, and Qin Ge took the entire Punk Hassad as his own. Using the technology we invested in to create rare beast fruits, selling them to us was so expensive, I didn’t want to bear it for a long time.”

Kaido also smiled and said:”Yes, at least we must get Caesar back. In addition, if the Golden Lion is really dead, his shares should be distributed to us.”

The aunt said:”Heroes have the same idea. Let’s cooperate again.”

Kaido said,”It’s no problem to cooperate…….”

The two of them discussed as they hurried on.

On the other side, Qin Ge arrived near the Kingdom of Bridges in just over twenty minutes.

Using the wide-range perception of the Heart Network, he quickly sensed the fluctuations in the battle.

Just like what was said on the phone, Blackbeard, Xiaolong and Kizaru are besieging Barrett and 607 people.

What surprised Qin Ge was that there were two overlord colors colliding fiercely.

This is not simply momentum, but substantial dominance!

Both Kizaru and Xiaolong don’t have Overlord color, Blackbeard does, and the other one is Barrett.

He actually mastered the overlord color entanglement!

“Those were my precious beast troops and Gaji’s group, but not all of them were killed. The Navy and Blackbeard must have wanted to subdue them, but fortunately, the losses were not particularly large.”

Qin Ge thought.

He could sense that the Navy and Blackbeard’s men had hijacked the Rare Beast Troops and the Vinsmoke family.

There were more than 8,000 people in the Rare Beast Troops, and tens of thousands of Vinsmoke, mainly Clone.

Qin Ge speeds up and flies over….

“Someone is coming, it’s Qin Ge!”

Blackbeard was fighting when he suddenly felt a familiar aura, and his scales suddenly trembled.

He didn’t expect Qin Ge to come so quickly.

Then, Huang Yuan and Xiaolong also sensed it, and their expressions changed..

And Barrett, who was covered in blood, smiled and said:”It seems that I don’t have to die today, but maybe one or two of you will die.

Blackbeard’s face was ugly and he said:”Mader, what does the Navy do for food? We have only left out so many people, and you haven’t even figured it out yet.””

He guessed that it should be the flying warriors who escaped and informed Qin Ge.

When those flying warriors fled in all directions, he killed most of them, and Fan Oka and others also contributed to kill some.

There may not be any left. When the number reaches ten, it should be handled by the surrounding navy.

“A hundred secrets and a sparseness.”

Kizaru said.

In fact, he knew the plan of the Five Old Stars, which was to release a few people and pass the news to Qin Ge.

If the news was really blocked, how would Blackbeard turn against Qin Ge, and how would he give Kaido and Big Mom the news? Create an opportunity.

In the end, the entire Emperor Alliance will turn against him.

“Is that kid so scary? Look at how scared you are, I……”

Before Xiaolong finished speaking, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and appeared less than a hundred meters behind them.

Lightning returned to human form, it was Qin Ge.

Qin Ge activated his ability as soon as he arrived, raised his hand and sent out dozens of thunder and lightning – 500 million volts, thunder turned into a sword!

The thunder and lightning turned into sword shapes and attacked Blackbeard, Kizaru and Xiaolong at the same time.

Blackbeard’s pupils shrank, and he had no time to activate his abilities, so he could only use Ba Tang to counterattack these thunder swords.

Kizaru swung his lightsaber to fight back.

Xiaolong only had time to defend with his domineering force.

Stab! Stab!

A series of harsh explosions sounded.

None of the three people could completely defend themselves against the thunder sword’s attack. They were all penetrated by the thunder sword and blood spurted out.

Huang Yuan and Xiaolong were directly hit hard.

Xiaolong originally doubted Qin Ge’s strength, but now he was so scared that his eyes were trembling:”Kizaru, are you okay?”

Kizaru covered his chest and said:”This kid’s strength has improved again. We are no match. Escape immediately!”

The established goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay and fight.

After saying this, Kizaru turned into a golden light and wanted to leave.

Of course, Xiaolong would not stay and fight for his life. He flapped his wings violently and escaped from the other direction.

“Leave them all to me!”

Qin Ge waved his hand again and sent out dozens of thunder swords, attacking the three of them respectively.

Huang Yuan thought that his speed was unparalleled, but unexpectedly, he was overtaken by the thunder sword when he had already transformed into an element.

Moreover, Qin Ge was caught in this attack The thunder sword was infused with domineering force, and Kizaru was abruptly interrupted from the light state. Blood emerged from his body, and he returned to his human form with a groan.

Not to mention Xiaolong, who was pierced by more than a dozen thunder swords and screamed in agony. Falling down.

Blackbeard was prepared this time and tried his best to counterattack with the shock fruit, scattering the thunder swords.

However, after dispelling Qin Ge’s attack, Blackbeard was not happy, but his eyes became more solemn because of the thunder just now. The sword actually penetrated layers of shock waves and injured his fist, but it was offset in the end. The injury was not very serious, which was enough to shock Blackbeard.

“This is the first time I’ve seen an attack that can forcefully break through the Shock Fruit. My dragon scales are useless.”

Blackbeard also had the idea of escape.

He thought that after a year of training, he and Qin Ge would be almost the same.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ge’s double fruit also improved so fast.

Blackbeard was very upset and thought: I should have known better. Get the Thunder Fruit for him. This fruit is stronger than the Blue Dragon Fruit.

Although the Blue Dragon Fruit brings many abilities and strong physical strength, it is obviously not as specialized as the Thunder Fruit.

Blackbeard also wanted the Thunder Fruit, but unfortunately he couldn’t defeat Qin Ge..

At that time, he considered that he had eaten the strongest natural dark fruit and was short of the strongest phantom beast species, and the meat of Momonosuke was so delicious, so he did not persist in thinking. Instead of sitting still and waiting for death, he shouted loudly:”Liberation!”

With this loud shout, he used his Shock Fruit ability, which shocked Qin Ge. His ears seemed to be shattered.

At the same time, a black hole appeared on Blackbeard’s body, releasing a large amount of building debris towards Qin Ge. Ge erupted.

This was the debris that Blackbeard had absorbed before, and it was now released through the black hole. It was very powerful.

Qin Ge immediately activated his domineering force to protect his ears, and used an electromagnetic force field to deflect all the erupted ruins. Come on.

Seeing that he was unscathed, Blackbeard’s face darkened and he thought: What kind of ability is this? His defense is so strong.

Just when he was frightened, he suddenly felt a domineering force coming from behind and it was too late to dodge. He used his domineering force to protect his back.


Barrett punched Blackbeard from behind, and the dark red lightning shook up the sea of clouds in the sky.

Blackbeard’s face was like a pig’s liver. Shouted:”Xiliu, come and help me.”

In the distance, the faces of Shiliu and others who were watching the battle on the boat changed, and they were hesitant to help.

Even Kizaru and Xiaolong were killed, and they would die if they went up.

Bang bang bang…

It was Fan Oka who made the first move, shooting continuously at Qin Ge, hitting seeds one after another.

After these seeds got close to Qin Ge, they grew crazily and turned into trees trying to wrap around Qin Ge.

However, in front of the electromagnetic force field, even the Sensen Fruit’s ability was deflected and shattered by powerful lightning.

No harm to Qin Ge at all.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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