“The difference in strength is so big that they can’t even break through the defense.”

Fan Oka was a little helpless.

“Then the only option is to run.”

Although Xiliu was stronger than Fan Oka, seeing that Qin Ge was not harmed by Blackbeard’s attack, he also knew that he could not break his defense.

He immediately covered his body with domineering energy, teleported to Blackbeard’s side, and caught him Teleported again and escaped back to the ship.

This operation was somewhat similar to Namikaze Minato.

Since the teleportation fruit did not require coordinates, Shiryu was even faster than Namikaze Minato to a certain extent.

Then Shiryu took the whole thing. The ships teleported together and appeared three or four kilometers away.

Moreover, Xiliu teleported continuously, with only about a second interval. They ran so fast that many people did not see where they were going. Sensing them, he said to Barrett:”I’ll leave this to you, I’ll go after Black Beard.

Barrett nodded and said,”No problem.””

Xiaolong and Huang Yuan were severely injured twice by Qin Ge.

Xiaolong fell directly into the sea and was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. He was rescued by a vice admiral.

Huang Yuan benefited from the ability to elementalize and could fly on his own, but he could not Not much fighting power.

Although Barrett was also seriously injured, his strong physique and understanding of Ba Tang were not a problem at all. Qin Ge turned into a bolt of lightning and chased Blackbeard

‘s ship.

The injury was not serious, and he kept urging:”Faster, faster!”

“Xiliu, don’t conserve your energy. Whether everyone can survive today depends on you.”

“Damn it, this kid is progressing faster than me.”

Blackbeard stood on the boat, looking behind him, his eyes full of fear and unwillingness.

“Boss, ask Xi Liu to cooperate with you in sneak attack on him, as long as you catch him.”

Budges said

“Your eyesight is not good and you can’t see how fast he is. Even if you teleport, you can’t catch him when he is on guard.”

Blackbeard said.

The bad eyesight is just a metaphor. It means that the strength gap is too big and Qin Ge’s speed cannot be seen clearly.

“Then create opportunities to sneak attack him.”

Budges said

“There is no such opportunity now, we have to wait, maybe there will be in the future.”

Blackbeard said.

At this time, Qin Ge has entered a fighting state, and Blackbeard does not think that he can create any good opportunities.

In fact, he just sprayed a bunch of ruins to attack Qin Ge, and he had the idea of interfering with Qin Ge and creating opportunities.

The Dark Fruit was It is called the most ferocious natural type, and its ability is very strong.

The ruins and debris are ejected like a black hole, and they are so powerful that they are almost broken into pieces.

But he did not expect that Qin Ge has powerful defenses in all directions. The ruins and debris could not come within one meter of him.

Later, Fan Oka attacked Qin Ge from behind, but the result was the same.

“Qin Ge’s whole body was flashing with thunder and lightning just now. Could that kind of defensive power also be the ability of the Thunder Fruit?”

Blackbeard thought.

Like the Five Old Stars, he only knows that the Thunder Fruit has powerful speed and attack, but he doesn’t know how to use this ability for defense.

Could it be that the Thunder Fruit is integrated with offense and defense, that would be more difficult.

Suddenly, Blackbeard’s expression changed drastically:”No, Qin Ge is catching up.

Xi Liu stiffened when he heard this and said,”So fast!””

He has used all his strength to teleport continuously, and can teleport four or five kilometers each time.

The other crew members are also surprised.

Badgers finally understands why Blackbeard said that Qin Ge can’t be caught even if he teleports..

This speed was too terrifying.

After a while, they saw a flash of lightning quickly catching up.

As Xiliu kept teleporting, the lightning in their eyes flickered, and they finally caught up.

“Damn it, I let you chase me!”

Blackbeard was so evil that he activated the Dark Fruit ability, stretched out his hand towards Qin Ge and sent out a huge suction force.

You can see that the lightning was sucked by him.

But the distance was too far, Qin Ge quickly got rid of the suction force and improved. He continued to chase.

Since Xiliu had been teleporting, he needed to keep his whole body in elemental form to catch up.

In addition, Blackbeard was watching on the ship, and his dark fruit was also harmful to Qin Ge. A small deterrent.

Qin Ge could only chase the opponent and wait for Xi Liu’s energy to run out.

After a while, seeing the lightning flying above, Blackbeard said with an ugly face:”It seems that this kid will not give up. Xiliu’s teleportation is inherently more expensive than elementalization, and his strength is not as good as Qin Ge’s. In the end, we must slow down first.”

Fan Oka said:”Instead of waiting for Shiliu to run out of energy, it is better to fight now.

Blackbeard thought for a while, shook his head and said,”It’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Even Kizaru and Xiaolong were crippled by his two moves.” Although Kizaru has been injured by the golden lion before, he is still much more powerful than you. Once there is a war with Qin Ge, he will definitely kill you instantly.”

·· ····Asking for flowers····· ······

The King of Evil activates the Transparent Fruit ability to make the ship invisible.

But it was useless, Qin Ge’s sense of sight was too strong and he could sense them.

The transparent fruit has a certain effect on seeing and hearing color, but it must be in a still state. Once it moves or fights, it will be sensed immediately.

Seeing that Qin Ge had been following him, the evil king said solemnly:”If you can’t run away, what should you do?”

Blackbeard said:”Xiliu, can you always teleport to the navy headquarters?”

He wanted to divert the trouble to the east.

Shiliu said while activating his ability:”No, the navy headquarters is too far away. I can’t use teleportation for that long at my current frequency.”

0…. 0

Blackbeard thought for a while and said:”This is relatively close to Hydra Island. Let’s lure Qin Ge there. I don’t know if Rayleigh is still there, maybe we can fish in troubled waters.”

He has always wanted to seize the sweetness of the empress. Sweet Fruit, because Rayleigh was there, he didn’t do anything.

However, a few months ago, Luffy left the army and Rayleigh temporarily disappeared.

Shiliu nodded and said:”As for Hydra Island, we should be able to hold on.”

The crew members’ eyes lit up, and a glimmer of hope surged up.

On the other side, Kaido and Big Mom rushed to Qin Ge’s sky island as fast as possible under the guidance of the phone bug.

When Qin Ge is away, the island can only move with the wind, and the moving speed is very slow.

Zilan is swimming by the lake.

At the age of sixteen, she has grown into a slim and beautiful girl.

Wearing a bikini, with long purple hair flying, her pure face and graceful figure look like a female star in an advertisement.

Sensing Kaido and Big Mom’s energy, she immediately returned to the shore, picked up a skirt and wrapped it around her waist.

Looking up, he saw a blue dragon flying towards him very fast, hovering in the air twice and then shouting:”Brother Qin Ge, I’m here to drink with you!”

He didn’t completely believe what the masked man said, so he shouted first and looked at Qin Ge. Is Ge really gone?

“drink wine?”

Zi Lan frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

After thinking about it carefully, she realized what she was doing, and thought to herself: The sky island has been floating around at will, and outsiders don’t know its location. How could Kaido find the door here?

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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