Qin Ge took the phone bug and said:”I am Qin Ge, what happened?”

A weak voice came from the other end of the phone bug and said:”Master Qin Ge, we were surrounded and suppressed by the navy near the Kingdom of Bridges. Blackbeard teamed up with the navy to sneak attack and kill Lord Shiji.”

Qin Ge was shocked when he heard this and said,”The Golden Lion is dead!”

Baerst said,”Yes, after Lord Shiji died, our ship was gone. They all fell on the sea, and we probably couldn’t escape. We had to scatter and escape. I managed to escape with great difficulty.”.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment.

Thunderclouds were rolling outside, and there was lightning inside him.

For a moment, he couldn’t imagine how a strong man like the Golden Lion could be killed.

If you think about it carefully, it is not impossible if it was a sneak attack by Blackbeard.

Anger surged in Qin Ge’s heart and he said:”Where’s Barrett, how is he?”

Baerst said:”When I escaped, I saw him being surrounded by Kizaru and Xiaolong, and Blackbeard was also there…….”

Being besieged by three top powerhouses, Barrett is also in danger.

“It’s the land of bridges, right? I’ll go there right away.”

Qin Ge didn’t waste time. After hanging up the phone, he said to Zilan:”I’m going to rescue Barrett. You stay here to guard the house.

Zilan said worriedly:”Do you want to go together?””

Qin Ge said:”You are not as fast as me. Don’t worry. It was fine when so many people surrounded me last time, let alone these few people.”

Zi Lan thought about it, and nodded in agreement.

Then Qin Ge turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the Kingdom of Bridges.

As he hurried on, he analyzed in his mind: With Kizaru around, it would be difficult for Barrett to escape. Now, plus Blackbeard and Xiaolong, two guys who can fly.

At this time, Blackbeard should have gradually mastered the ability of the Azure Dragon Fruit, and his physical fitness must have improved a lot, and the improvement in physical fitness means other abilities, including domineering. It will also improve.

Even if Blackbeard can kill the Golden Lion, his strength must be at the same level as that of a peak emperor, while Barrett’s strength is only considered weak against two generals. With a peak emperor, the odds are stacked against him.

Fortunately, Qin Ge moved the sky island to the Beihai area in order to facilitate the Golden Lion’s conquest.


On the empty island, a plain-looking beast warrior saw Zi Lan coming back alone. He immediately sneaked to a deserted place and took out a small phone bug.

A fixed number was dialed.

After a while, the call was connected, and the little phone bug turned into something like Saint Satan.

“Lord Satan Sheng, Zilan went out just now, and now she is back, and she is the only one who is back. I guess Qin Ge knew what was going on over there and rushed to Beihai to rescue him.々」 ”

“Yeah, I get it.”

Satan Saint just hung up the phone after saying that.

But this inconspicuous beast warrior secretly hid the little phone bug in the crack of the stone and pretended to practice as if nothing had happened.

When the Five Old Stars learned that Qin Ge left The news made them happy.

If they all went out to Qin Ge’s sky island to kill people, they could probably kill Zi Lan and destroy all Qin Ge’s islands.

But after some discussion, they rejected this idea.

Because Qin Ge can still deal with the concern. If Qin Ge’s base camp is destroyed and the person he loves is killed, Qin Ge will definitely retaliate crazily and throw the island at Marigio.

This is something Wulao Xing cannot do. But they didn’t want to give up this excellent opportunity to weaken Qin Ge.

Satan Sheng dialed a confidential phone number and said,”Let’s take action and convince Kaido. After hanging up the phone, he dialed a confidential phone number and said,”Take action to convince Auntie.””

I made two calls in a row.

“With Kaido and Big Mom’s personalities, they wouldn’t miss such a good opportunity.”

Izambalong said expectantly

“Both of them are typical pirates. What is a pirate? It means burning, killing, looting, committing all kinds of evil, using unscrupulous means, and being cunning and cunning. After all, Qin Ge was still too young and had never experienced betrayal and despair to believe these two guys. This time, I taught him an unforgettable lesson.”

Maz Sheng said

“If they can kill Zi Lan, they will fight Qin Ge until death. Even if Zilan had not been killed, the Emperor’s Alliance would have fallen apart.”

Wu Qiu Li Sheng said

“Sure enough, the biggest weakness of pirates is this.”

Saint Peter said

“You can’t say it so early. If Kaido and Big Mom don’t fall for it, wouldn’t it be a great opportunity wasted?”

Satan Saint said

“This is unlikely. If it does happen, we can only take action ourselves. But we can’t kill Zilan, we just need to destroy Qin Ge’s research institute, lest he end up desperate and fight us.”

Izambalong said

“It makes sense, you still have to deal with Qin Ge slowly. Roger had found the great secret treasure back then, but what could have happened? He didn’t die of illness in the end.”

Satan Saint said

“At least it is certain that he is not Nika.”

Saint Peter said


Wano Country, Onigashima.

A samurai wearing a mask quietly avoided everyone and came to Kaido.

Lin Tin was drunk by Kai Duo and was sleeping in the palace.

When the masked warrior saw Kaido like this, he felt the urge to assassinate him.

But as soon as he showed a hint of murderous intent, Kaido’s eyes opened slightly and a dark red lightning burst out.

The masked warrior froze and did not dare to move, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

“who are you?”

Kaido asked drunkenly and slightly confused.

“You can call me Kavis, I came to see you on the orders of the Five Old Stars.”

Kavis said

“Wulaoxing, why are they looking for me?”

Kaido was slightly surprised, but not nervous. A pirate of his level would have to deal with high-level officials of the World Government.

“Good news for you, Shiki the Golden Lion is dead.”

Kavis said

“The golden lion is dead, how did he die?”

Kaido was shocked. He had sobered up a lot and stared at the other person with burning eyes.

“Previously, Golden Lion and Barrett led people to conquer Beihai. We sent two generals and secretly joined forces with Blackbeard. Blackbeard made a sneak attack and killed the golden lion in one fell swoop.”

Kavis said

“Blackbeard, that guy does have this ability.”

Kaido has long wanted to beat Blackbeard, but Blackbeard is so cunning that he doesn’t even confront him.

Thinking of Blackbeard’s three-fruit ability, even Kaido is very afraid of him.

“¨々 Just now Qin Ge went to the North Sea to rescue Barrett, and only Zilan was left on his empty island.”

Kavis continued

“Tell me this, don’t you want me to sneak attack Qin Ge’s hometown? Does Kaido look like this kind of person?”

Kaido said unhappily.

Kavis didn’t say anything, thinking: Isn’t this how the country of Wano was taken away by you?

Also during the war, when Whitebeard went to attack the Navy Headquarters, Kaido also wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack on Whitebeard. Home.

If Shanks hadn’t stopped him, Kaido might have succeeded.

It can be seen that Kaido is a very complicated person. On the one hand , he wants to be a majestic and dignified pirate.

The thief’s true nature will be exposed and he will not be able to restrain his greed.

This is the distinctive characteristic of a thief.

“Not only will I tell you about this, but also Charlotte Lingling.”

Kavis said

“You also told that old woman, damn it, she made it clear that she wanted to use me as a weapon. Kaido gritted his teeth and said.

If he was the only one who knew, he could still pretend.

But if Auntie also knew and he arrived late, all those good things would be taken away by Auntie.

Qin Ge’s research institute, Science and Technology City, Kaido has been coveting (Noli’s) for a long time

“I just deliver the message.”

Kavis said humbly, fearing that Kaido would take out his anger on him.

“Is it okay if you pretend to be a coward? If you dare to use me, you will have to bear the price of using me.”

Kaido suddenly stood up and lifted the mace.

Kavis was like a frightened cat, his whole body tensed up, and he activated the fruit ability without thinking.

His body quickly expanded and turned into a human-animal form, looking like a bear.

Kaido Duo just grinned, with lightning flashing all over his body, and rushed forward with his mace – Thunderous Bagua!

Kavis put his hands in front of him, and before he could react, he felt a sharp pain spread throughout his body, and his whole body was stunned. The palace flew out and flew out of the ghost island.

The guards outside were a little surprised when they saw it. They couldn’t figure out why things suddenly flew out of Kaido’s palace.

Could it be that Boss Kaido was drunk and crazy

? He flew a few kilometers away and finally landed in the forest of Wano Country. When the smoke cleared, he was seen to have returned to his human form, his body twisted in a weird way and he fell to the ground. He was throbbing and bleeding from all his orifices, and he said with difficulty:”Mission accomplished.” Then he rolled his eyes and lost his breath. Người mua: Evilclasshp

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