Villains Template

Chapter 484: machine soul


Crowe scratched his neck subconsciously, where there was a peculiarly shaped wound, a kind of branding of words.

The person who left this mark on him is humiliating him, just like the tattoo left on his face when he was stabbed, and the meaning of the word is 'thief, thief', it is Wakanda, it is tile A Kanda punishment for Klaw's actions, for stealing precious vibranium from Wakanda by Klaw and his family.

In the personal film of "Black Panther", a vibrating gold as big as an axe is worthy of the current king Black Panther and his personal guards to track down. It is conceivable how important the vibrating gold is to the Wakanda people. It exists on the same level as the ashes of my father.

The vibrating gold that Claw stole was far bigger than an axe, weighing as much as 250 kilograms. In addition to being branded 'thief', Claude was almost executed by the Wakanda at that time. In order to escape, he made an explosion and killed him. A lot of Wakanda died.

It can be said that when Crowe appeared in front of the Wakanda, it was an endless situation.

"That cost me a lot, worth billions of dollars. Although you are here on behalf of Hammer Industries, I'm afraid you won't be able to come up with a price that satisfies me." Ulysses Crow spread out Hands said: "My family was just an adventurer at first, and then accidentally discovered Zhenjin, and monopolized the Zhenjin transaction for nearly a century. The last transaction was made with Stark, That was the first pot of gold for our family."

"Look, the reason I use this ship as a base is because it's not a fixed place, I can move at any time... and you, coming here alone, is the biggest mistake, it means you don't pay attention to it this transaction."

"Money?" Yue Si said with a smile: "When did you have the illusion that money is valuable. Compared with life, do you think the price of billions of dollars is expensive?"

Hearing this, Klau immediately took out a pistol from his waist and aimed at Yue Si, and his black-skinned men also took up weapons and aimed at Yue Si. As long as Klau gave an order, they would not hesitate to Pull the trigger and let the bullets shred this guy.

Yue Si did not speak, but a tall figure walked out from behind him. It was a figure more than two meters tall, and was covered by a red robe with a hood. The dark red robe was stained with oil, and his face He was wearing a breathing mask that covered his eyes, and his left hand outside the robe was wearing a black glove, and his right hand was a completely identical mechanical arm.

Not only that, there are various unexplained pipelines extending out of the robe on his body, and there are several mechanical tentacles behind him. In addition, he also has a mass incense burner that emits misty smoke hung on a golden chain. Several mechanically modified skulls floated around, connected to the tall eccentric by pipelines.

"What monster!" Klau was surprised at how the red-robed geek appeared at first, but when he saw the appearance of the red-robed geek, he was first shocked by the appearance of the other party.

Although most of the opponent's body was covered by the red robe, it revealed a terrifying aura, which made Klaw fall into horror for a short time, forgetting how to think and what to do now.

The mechanical priest in the red robe took out a cane from the inside of the robe with his left hand, and then used the end of the cane to gently hit the ground. The small movement knocked on the rusted, material-covered floor like a big bell. A sound like the bell, the obscure and incomprehensible unknown language with electronic texture echoed in everyone's ears along with the bell.

After scolding, Crowe shouted: "Shoot!"

Immediately afterwards, he pulled the trigger on Yue Si, but the well-maintained pistol jammed, and the bullet did not shoot normally. Coincidentally, the guns in other people's hands were the same. For various reasons, they could not function normally. Bullets are fired.

It wasn't just the firearms in their hands that caused the problem. The whole ship was stagnant, as if someone had suddenly cut off the power supply, all the machines had stopped running, all the lights had gone out, not even the emergency lights.

There were not many men who were led by Klau to greet Yue Si. A considerable part of the crew were working in the cabin. The sudden power failure caused them to panic. Very few even shouted. Some people found the flashlight. Going to overhaul the circuit engine, only to find that all the flashlights don't work.

"Praise the God of All Machines!"

Just now, the mechanical sacrifice communicated with the machine spirits in all the surrounding mechanical equipment, and the machine spirits of Klau and his weapons went into a dormant state, which directly showed that they could not shoot normally.

The machine soul is a kind of reverence shown by the Mechanicist for the reverence of the machine itself. In the world of Warhammer 40K, it is not a superstition in the strict sense. Reverence for the inner mechanisms and collections of laws that continue to function correctly.

It is an existence that cannot be expressed in words. It is similar to a project that purchased a large-scale production equipment from abroad. This kind of thing will not be complete when transported, but will be shipped to China in the form of parts. When it was installed, it was obviously assembled according to the instructions on the drawings, but there were always failures during operation, either there was a problem or there was a problem there, and then they spent a lot of money to invite the engineers of the original factory to come over and ask them to carry out maintenance.

After the foreign engineers arrived, they disassembled the assembled machine into parts and reassembled it again. Then the machine could run normally. There was no breakdown like before. When the other side was working, the experts in the factory were there for the whole process. Looking at it from the side, I found that the assembly process of the foreign engineer was exactly the same as the drawing description, and there was no difference with what they did. Even the number of turns of the screws was exactly the same, but the final result was completely different.

That is, it is equivalent to a certain amount, a small amount, an appropriate amount, etc. in a Chinese food recipe.

Thanks to the inclusiveness of the Marvel Universe, the concept of the machine soul is not restricted, and the mechanical sacrifice can do this kind of thing, although the deconstruction of firearms is a little simpler compared to tanks, mechas, spaceships and battleships, etc., But it also contains machine souls, can be communicated by mechanical sacrifices, and then forcibly sleep them, not to mention ships.

As an arms dealer, Crowe has some knowledge of firearms. When the pistol jams, he starts to check for problems there. Obviously, he does not understand what the mechanical sacrifice has done.

A subordinate standing behind Crowe suddenly pulled out a peculiarly-shaped pistol and placed it on Crowe's head, and then the figure of the subordinate was twisted and turned into a man wearing a black tights and a skull mask. figure.

At an unknown time, the original subordinates have been solved. They come from the Assassin Court and are good at using camouflage technology to break into the enemy's lair. Finally, the Karidus assassin who chose the opportunity to attack has transformed into his appearance, lurking beside Klau, monitoring on his behavior.

"It's a deal, isn't it?" Crowe raised his hands, gave a French standard military salute, and said, "You need vibranium, I need money, you give money, I'll give you vibrato."

"Claude, I think you misunderstood what I meant." Yue Si waved his hand and told the Karidus assassin to leave, don't put too much pressure on Klau: "I don't want your life, nor do I want to buy it. The insignificant vibranium in your hand, but let you lead the way to Wakanda, the amount of vibranium I need, just by the point in your hand, can't be satisfied at all."

"Then this price needs to be mentioned. Vibration metal has a high price and no market. One gram can be sold for a sky-high price. The starting price is 20,000 US dollars. The total price of Zhenjin in my hand can be sold for 5 billion US dollars." Said: "Although I don't know how you learned that the origin of Zhenjin is Wakanda, they have always disguised themselves as a third world country, but they control the precious resource of Zhenjin. A highly technologically advanced country."

"Only I know the real road to this country. If I take you there, it is equivalent to handing over a treasure to others, and Wakanda is very dangerous. Their unique Zhenjin technology is more advanced than the American emperor..."

"Having said so much, what exactly do you want to express?" Yue Si said while looking at the chattering Crow.

Perhaps it is to let the actor have more lines, worthy of his reputation as the first motion capture actor, the character Ulysses Crowe is designed to be a little talkative, and all kinds of nonsense emerge in an endless stream, which also caused Ultron to be in a rage. He chopped off one of his arms, even though he was pointed at by an assassin with a laser gun before, although his calf was shaking a little, he was still chattering here.

"I mean, I need to add money, I want 10 billion, US dollars." Crow said: "The price of 5 billion is to buy the vibranium in my hands, and the other 5 billion is to buy Wakanda. Road money!"

Seeing the expressionless face on Yue Si's face, Crow then added: "Wakanda's vibranium stock is very large, enough for them to build a kingdom, you won't lose this deal, with this money, I can Go to a country at will, change your name and surname to become another person, and then live a life of superiority, and never intervene in Zhenjin or any arms business."

"Okay! Money is just a number to me. The price is much cheaper than Zhenjin." Yue Si said with a smile, then took out a satellite phone and called the clone. past.

"Hello, you made the call right at the right time, and you won't be able to find me in five minutes later." The clone said in a strange tone, it sounded like he was in a good mood.

"What happy things happened to you again?" Yue Si asked.

The clone continued to say with a loud voice: "Oh, isn't it about the Hulk Hulk? Not long ago, General Ross discovered the whereabouts of Hulk, and took his troops to kill him, and then returned with a feather, and inquired about our machinery. The record of exoskeleton armor, can't wait to see it, I guess he must place a few more orders, and it is estimated that it will also allow me to contact the project of super soldier serum, you say I am not happy."

"I should be happy, then with the mechanical exoskeleton armor, hatred may not be born." Yue Si said.

The clone said: "You don't have to worry about this, I have a plan for this... By the way, did you call for something? I shouldn't be able to help you?"

"No, you can help, I need money, a lot of money." Yue Si said.

"As much as I want, I have quite a lot of money at my disposal here." The clone said.

"15 billion dollars, to..." Yue Si removed the satellite phone from his ear and asked Crowe, "What's your bank account number."

The stunned Crow still reported his bank account number honestly, and then Yue Si repeated it on the phone. The clone who wrote down the number immediately used the "Special Card · Crime Syndicate" to get in. It entered the Internet world in the form of a 'grid', and then took advantage of the loopholes in the modern financial order to transfer a sum of 15 billion US dollars and transferred it into Claw's bank account in batches.

Soon, Crow's mobile phone received text messages one after another, which contained ten-digit transfer information of varying sizes. Although he did not calculate the exact number, after a rough estimate, there was really one. That's 15 billion dollars.

"I gave you all the 10 billion you asked for, and the other 5 billion is to buy your ship, the goods on board, and the money from your men." Yue Si stepped on the bottom of the boat with his feet. Board: "Now, this ship is mine."

"Hey, it's not the eighteenth century, the slave trade has been abolished in the nineteenth century." Crowe's subordinates are generally black uncles, and Yue Si spent money to buy his It's hard not to think of the slave trade, especially since "ZZ Correct" is very popular in Hollywood and is mirrored by the world. He inevitably doesn't have this idea: "They and the ship together are not worth five billion dollars. many."

"I said that money is just a number to me." Yue Si put away the satellite phone and said to Klau, "I want to see, the most expensive thing on this ship belongs to my Zhenjin."

"I'm willing to serve you, my captain." Crow performed an aristocratic etiquette to Yue Si, which is the set of "the **** aristocratic etiquette" in the famous scene in the movie "Stardust".

It can be seen that Crow is in a very good mood... Of course this is nonsense. For 99% of the people in this world, not to mention 15 billion US dollars, even 1.5 million US dollars would be worth it. To be able to smirk for a whole day, $1.5 billion can make most people faint with joy, and it is not impossible for him to go crazy, but Crowe got $15 billion in one go, you can imagine him Mood.

Not to mention US dollars, even 1.5 million RMB is a lot of money. If a certain street writer suddenly gets such a sum of money, he will probably be Conor McGregor when he goes out. way to go.

Of course, 1.5 million is just money for a house with fine decoration.

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