Villains Template

Chapter 485: fighter servant

The mechanical sacrifice recited prayers, awakened the dormant machine soul, the stopped machines in the cabin resumed operation, and the extinguished lamps were turned on again, and this process was gradual, with the pace of Yue Si advancing gradually, although This was controlled by the mechanical priest walking behind him, but in the eyes of others, it was as if Yue Si brought light, gave life to the cold machines, and made them work again.

Because of the mechanized transformation of himself, most of his body was replaced with machinery. The stature of the mechanical sacrifice is much taller than ordinary people. Buildings built according to human standards are somewhat inconvenient for him, but This is a ship, prepared for freight, with a vast interior space, and the action of the mechanical sacrifice does not feel hindered.

Under the guidance of the red-faced Crowe, a group of people came to the cabin where sundries and wastes are stored on the ship, which is the so-called garbage room. Crowe opened a compartment that stored barrels of hazardous waste. After that, the hidden motor was activated. With the sound of mechanical operation, the compartment sank, and a cabin with a different style from the ship appeared.

There are test tubes the size of forearms stored in them. The test tubes are placed on the shelves. There are professional instruments to detect the state of the substances in these test tubes. The silver metal in the test tubes is vibrating gold.

Crowe took out a tube of vibrating gold and handed it to Yue Si respectfully.

Yue Si opened the test tube, held the piece of vibrating gold in his hand, sensed its physical properties, and said to the mechanical priest: "Tell someone to take them back for research, I need the fastest time to get the results."

"The ship and crew also need to be remodeled to bring people over."

The mechanical priest said a word in a language that Klaw could not understand, and then walked to the cabin where the vibranium was stored. The servo robotic arm and the mechanical tentacle behind him directly removed the cabin, and then held it like that, turned around and entered Yue Si. in the open portal.

Crowe watched in surprise at the disappearance of the mechanical sacrifice, and then he remembered that the same was true for the appearance of the mechanical sacrifice.

Yue Si took the vibrating metal, shaped it with vibration, into the shape of a tuning fork, and said to Crowe, "Let's go out for a walk and show me my ship?"

Crowe led the way and led Yue Si to his room in the cabin, which is also the office where he usually conducts phone calls with all parties to discuss arms deals. After turning on the broadcasting system, Crowe shouted to the crew who had returned to work. : "Hey, you guys, no, we, we've got a new boss, and we'll all work for him from now on."

"Do you know the price he offered us? 15 billion dollars, US dollars! The price of 15 billion dollars, let us work for him, now you, the things in your hands, the boats under your feet are all His!"

The black uncles in the cabin made bursts of cries. Although they didn't know, or could not understand, they had already been sold to Yue Si together with the boat under their feet and the goods around them, but they heard one hundred and fifty. With so many billion dollars, they felt a burst of excitement for no reason, as if the 15 billion had already been in their hands.

Then Crow felt a chill, the heat in the air seemed to be forcibly taken away by some existence, the temperature seemed to plummet below zero, the body trembled uncontrollably, in order to prevent a large amount of heat from being lost, the body started uncontrollably Goosebumps, the air exhaled between the nose and mouth is covered with white mist, and a layer of frost has formed on the window glass, and it continues to spread.

"What happened." Crow hugged his arms and curled up into a ball, reducing the area of ​​heat dissipation and keeping the body temperature from dropping so fast.

But that still couldn't stop the chill from coming. Klau only felt that the "cold" feeling was not brought by the outside world, but directly acted on the spirit, freezing his mind.

Yue Si scraped off a layer of hoarfrost on the window glass with his fingers, twisted it on the belly of his fingers, but did not let the body temperature melt it, and then said to Klau: "This kind of thing is called psychic hoarfrost, it is psychic energy. When using psionic energy, a cooling phenomenon caused by drawing heat from the surrounding space is an unavoidable side effect."

"Because psychic energy involves the soul and the like, this chill has a bit of spiritual attributes, and ordinary means cannot resist this chill, so you feel so cold-of course, it is also because the temperature difference is too large, you can It will be unbearably cold."

Several psionicists wearing imperial uniforms with mechanical creations inlaid on their heads appeared at an unknown time. Their eyes exuded psionic energy fluctuations.

These psionicists are also the few psionicists that Yue Si can take out now. Their talents are strong enough to communicate with those dimension demons or other dimension planes without systematic training. Draw energy from it to display spiritual energy. Although the earth is protected by the ancient wizard's protective formation, this kind of behavior is still very dangerous. A little carelessness is irreversible, so strictly control their behavior to prevent those dimensional demon gods. Do something with their bodies and souls to sabotage the Empire's expedition plans.

Under the psychic control of the psionicist, the black uncles put down the things in their hands, lined up in a neat queue, and stood motionless. The crew doors distributed in the rest of the place also gathered towards the interior of the cabin.

The slender machine servants walked out of the portal and sorted out the messy cargo accumulated in the cabin, leaving enough space for the red-robed mechanical priest to pass through.

The mechanical priest held a syringe on his servo arm and injected a jelly-like object into the crew. It was used on He Jinyin, a special creation made from the blood sample of the protagonist of the "Kung Fu" world, A Xing. Implanted with this genetically engineered creation, it will be like a cancer cell, using Axing's physique as a template to replace the host's stem cells to differentiate and multiply until the host is completely assimilated into "Axing", obtaining his kind of five-in-a-million. One of the physique of practicing martial arts prodigies.

This project was originally made by avatars, but due to his personal reasons, the speed at which he made this kind of creation to replace the boarding body is very slow, and the process must be accelerated by beating, and he also used the "Item Card · Folding Stool" "Such a tool.

After Yue Si took over, he improved this creation, which greatly accelerated the speed of this assimilation.

Of course, matter and energy are conserved, and the transformation process will be accompanied by the loss of matter and energy. After injecting this genetically engineered creation, another mechanical priest injected a large amount of nutrient solution into these crew members through intravenous injection. Their bodies became edema, just like buffalo injections in earlier years.

Then these nutrient solutions will be quickly consumed again. These black uncles are following Crowe in the arms business. Malnutrition is impossible. One by one is fat and strong, but after the transformation is completed, one by one becomes lean. , but this shriveled body contains a powerful force, whether it is explosive power, endurance, and anti-strike ability, it is a superhuman category.

Rapid physical changes are very painful, and coupled with simple and rude transformation techniques, even anesthesia cannot be suppressed, so they must be controlled by psionicists from the spiritual level, otherwise the transformation has a high chance of failure.

The strengthening of genes and physiques is the first step, and then the Mechanic Gods began to carry out mechanical transformations on these crew members. After a part of the brain was removed, an electronic brain was implanted, with a large number of combat skills and various tactics.

The most important thing is that doing so is equivalent to erasing their personalities. Since then, they are no longer human, but have drones that are similar to human appearances. When they go into battle, they will not be like creatures, and they will not subconsciously think about it. Even if you are injured, you will not be dragged down by pain, a full ten war machine.

In the process, their skulls were replaced by metal artifacts, reducing their chances of being killed by headshots.

One eye has been replaced with a mechanical prosthetic eye. This prosthetic eye integrates the functions of various optical detectors, and can even see the trajectory of the bullet in flight. With the electronic brain, it can completely simulate the ejection of the bullet from the rear of the chamber. traces of.

Then the fragile throat and blood vessels were replaced by artificial metal conduits, the fragile bones were replaced by alloys, and the metal armor was directly embedded in the vital and most vulnerable parts of the body, greatly improving their defense capabilities. .

Finally, on the surface of the body, they also obtained a set of exoskeletons of the same style as "Elysium".

Of course, this kind of fighter servants used as consumables will not use very good things. They are all scrapped and nearly scrapped parts that are replaced by the Mechanicus in the daily maintenance. There is almost no other place to go except to be melted and recycled. , based on the principle of waste utilization, was used on these people.

The military and materials of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet are basically used to deal with the warship battles and ground encounters with alien forces that are going on now and will happen in the future. It is a waste to use it on the earth, just like that kind of simple mechanical exoskeleton. , is actually a weapon platform. The weapons transported in the Crow cargo ship will be armed on the fighter servants transformed by Uncle Black based on the principle of no waste.

Digging vibrating gold from Wakanda will definitely not be a peaceful means. War and force are inevitable.

However, just like the tonality of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, Wakanda also uses high technology with a very low efficiency. In other words, it is an insult to IQ. Not to mention the use of the tactics of World War I and World War II, in addition to the advanced weapons, the material is still vibrating metal, and even the war in the cold weapon era is better than them, almost the level of primitive tribal war.

The Warring States period of the foot pot chicken is usually called the fight in the villages. In fact, it is not a joke, because the scale and professionalism of the fight between the two villages is unimaginable. .

In a recorded armed fight between two villages, the villagers of the two villages dispatched a total of more than 5,000 people. They were prepared before the battle, seized the commanding heights of the hills and buildings, and arranged cross-fire to place earth cannons. , the villagers are clearly divided into reconnaissance, logistics, reserve and other arms, as well as a simple field hospital to treat the wounded.

During the exchange of fire, the villagers also know how to use the terrain cover to play the three-three system of infantry combat teams.

Therefore, whether it is duel in "Black Panther" or "Avengers", it is a battle in the tribal period, and it is not to belittle them, because the scenes shot are at that level.

To put it more vividly, it is that Wakanda invented a world-class electronic motherboard, and then they polished the motherboard into an arrow and tied it to a wooden pole, and shot it as an arrow to hurt people.

"What have you done to them!" Although he was not directly controlled, Claude was more or less affected by psionic energy. After watching the whole process, the crew members under his command were transformed from living humans into appearances step by step. After the ugly and ferocious fighter servant, Klau's nerves collapsed.

As an arms dealer, it is common for him to go all the way to the battlefield. He has witnessed many kinds of deaths, but except for the first time he saw a human with a particularly tragic death, the only thing that can bring him such a shocking sight is only the This is today.

The sound of the bone drill when inserting various artificial objects into the human body seems to be drilling through his soul.

"I have bought them from you with five billion dollars. I can decide what to do with them." Yue Si said calmly: "But don't worry, you are dealing with me, You won't end up with them, don't worry about that."

Not only the, but also the cargo ship under their feet, the mechanical slaves took a special sound wave device to remove the rust on the ship, and then sprayed a special paint to strengthen the metal The strength of the structure itself, this paint from the world of Warhammer 40K is enough to harden a normal, thin aluminum body to the point of a bulletproof car.

The keel of the ship was strengthened by alloy, and the engine and steam turbine were removed and replaced with the power system removed from the Kerry spacecraft. According to the overall structural layout of the ship, the mechanical priest installed a number of anti-gravity devices of different powers on the hull. , so that the ship is evenly stressed when it lifts off, so that it will not be broken by its own gravity and acceleration.

The armored vehicles and tanks in the cabin were dismantled, and the armor was inlaid on the ship like patches, or transformed into devices that Crowe could not understand. The dismantled artillery, tank guns and the like were used for The armament of the ship itself.

After just a few days of renovation, the ship and crew that originally belonged to Crowe have completely changed their appearance, and their understanding cannot be linked to the previous ship, full of an alternative style.

But don't underestimate the power of this ship, it is very terrifying when it releases artillery fire.

And after the ship was rebuilt, there was only one place to go, and that was Wakanda.

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